Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

I won't be able to play the game until it has a PC release which means I can't comment on the game experience yet. But, even if I take your word for it, I believe there is a way of giving feedback on forums that everyone needs to stick to. Cause ranting does not help. It doesn't help the developer, the player or the other readers either. Yeah, you can rant all you want if that helps your mood but do it where it's acceptable...perhaps the FB comment section? Find yours. PlanetCricket prides itself for being a quality forum and by signing up you have the responsibility to maintain it.

And BA apparently prides themselves on being a reputable developer of quality video games... times change...

Royce, just like Dutch just said, you have reported your issues and BA has taken note of it and you are getting it fixed asap. What is your issue now?

This is an internet forum, used for the purposes of discussing things to do with DBC 17 and/or similar on the internet... pretty sure that's what I'm doing...

@RoyceIt's okay if you don't want to work along, but that doesn't mean you can come and force your way in a place where people do.

Pretty sure I can, have done so, and will continue to do so...
That's all extra money. And missing Xmas there might be less sales.

So actually you might end up with a game that never got released as it wouldn't be economical, and that would probably be it for cricket games for the foreseeable future.

I hear what your saying, but are you really suggesting that releasing the game in its current state is likely to increase sales over my previously suggested scenario???
I hear what your saying, but are you really suggesting that releasing the game in its current state is likely to increase sales over my previously suggested scenario???

No trim exactly. Just saying extra time doesn't necessarily mean better game, it may have meant no game because it could have become uneconomic to continue ploughing resources into it.
What we have here is NOT a second iteration of DBC, but a first iteration of something else altogether. There is almost nothing of DBC14 in this game, for good or bad.

Don't know how much survived in terms of code etc. but from the player's perspective they are two different games.

Second this.

I would have been extremely happy to buy this DBC14 again for full cost if same game was sold again with just extra additions of features like stadium creator, gameplay modifiers and tweaks, career mode modifications.
This is the biggest question for me. Why, having got DBC14 to such a good state did they throw out so much?

What we have here is NOT a second iteration of DBC, but a first iteration of something else altogether. There is almost nothing of DBC14 in this game, for good or bad.

Don't know how much survived in terms of code etc. but from the player's perspective they are two different games.

Normally if you build on something existing then people moan you're charging them full price for a patch.[DOUBLEPOST=1482152051][/DOUBLEPOST]
No trim exactly. Just saying extra time doesn't necessarily mean better game, it may have meant no game because it could have become uneconomic to continue ploughing resources into it.

I say again, Early Access is the way forwards. Money given willingly up-front to support the development financially, PLUS an army of free QA testers to support it qualitatively.
No trim exactly. Just saying extra time doesn't necessarily mean better game, it may have meant no game because it could have become uneconomic to continue ploughing resources into it.

True... looks like they might have to do that either way now tho :P I cant imagine all this bad press is doing them any good - there's people on a football forum talking about how much bad press there is on this one :P[DOUBLEPOST=1482152776][/DOUBLEPOST]
Second this.

Third that! :)

I would have been extremely happy to buy this DBC14 again for full cost if same game was sold again with just extra additions of features like stadium creator, gameplay modifiers and tweaks, career mode modifications.

Second this :) It's what I was hoping for the most!! Stadium creator seemed a bit gimmicky personally however...
Normally if you build on something existing then people moan you're charging them full price for a patch.[DOUBLEPOST=1482152051][/DOUBLEPOST]

I say again, Early Access is the way forwards. Money given willingly up-front to support the development financially, PLUS an army of free QA testers to support it qualitatively.

I would have loved this! I kind of assumed this was what releasing the academy was for... Was a bit worried when I first played the batting mini-game with the lack of shots and the general lack of quality to it at such a late stage of development, guess now those fears were justified...
The conversation on here is quite hilarious, I said to my wife that it often seems like a bunch of teenagers venting without really understanding the complexity of creating a game of this type. It then dawned on me that many of the people here probably are teenagers or maybe people in their early 20s, it's only a handful of us who are old farts! :)

The issue with the comments is a complete lack of balance and frankly they are incredibly rude when you consider the attitude of BA towards their customers. They engage you, they listen to you, they actually improve the game over time - there is not a single developer out there who does this to the same extent!!!

I haven't got the game yet and I'm sure there are issues with it, but there were issues with DBC14 and they were addressed. It was still easily the best cricket game ever made at first release!!!!! My gut feel without having played it is that you need to adjust the sliders and other options to get the game exactly where you want it to be so that you can be challenged and still enjoy it. As you improve you'll probably adjust the game so that it remains challenging and also enjoyable. You probably need to get to grips with all of the options and this takes time. I'm not saying there aren't actual issues with the gameplay, but knowing BA they will improve them, so just give them time.

Also, remember that the people developing these games are actual people, who have put a huge amount of time, effort and love into developing the game. They want it to be a success, they want you all to enjoy it and they will work hard to improve it. These comments might be water off a ducks back for them, but imagine if your work was analysed and thrashed to the same extent. You'd all be taking yourself off to the bathroom for a good blub I reckon!!

Now get a grip, enjoy the game, give constructive and helpful feedback, in the apporpriate format if it's an actual bug, and stop behaving like spoilt babies!!!!
Normally if you build on something existing then people moan you're charging them full price for a patch.[DOUBLEPOST=1482152051][/DOUBLEPOST]

I say again, Early Access is the way forwards. Money given willingly up-front to support the development financially, PLUS an army of free QA testers to support it qualitatively.

I would've gladly bought DBC 14 all over again if the ball marker and gameplay modifiers had been added to it. And I'm sure I speak for the majority that had Big Ant simply added the following features to DBC 14 without changing anything else folks would've been more than satisfied...
- Ball Marker viewed before the ball is delivered
- Gameplay modifiers
- In depth career mode
- Stadium Creator (optional - as long as it doesn't add crashes)
Royce literally expected the product to be perfect. His words.

I'm not commenting on the game only the hyperbolic trash-bagging by uncredible sources. So far the majority of credible sources, Blocker being the most obvious, have raised valid issues in a format that creates discussion, dissemenation and good ol' fashioned fun.

Sorry but don't agree with your post at all. What exactly do you mean "uncredible sources"? Any person who has purchased the game and played is a "credible source". Amount of time someone has been a member at has nothing to do with credibility of the source as cricket gaming and "credibility" isn't the sole preserve of

Opinion of a person who has bought and played the game but joined recently holds as much weight as someone who has frequented this site for ages. Both are customers and end users of a product and both their criticism/opinions hold equal weight. I may not agree with @Royce's tone in some cases (though his updated thread is pretty good) but he has made valid points and same with some "new" members on the site.
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The conversation on here is quite hilarious, I said to my wife that it often seems like a bunch of teenagers venting without really understanding the complexity of creating a game of this type. It then dawned on me that many of the people here probably are teenagers or maybe people in their early 20s, it's only a handful of us who are old farts! :)

The issue with the comments is a complete lack of balance and frankly they are incredibly rude when you consider the attitude of BA towards their customers. They engage you, they listen to you, they actually improve the game over time - there is not a single developer out there who does this to the same extent!!!

I haven't got the game yet and I'm sure there are issues with it, but there were issues with DBC14 and they were addressed. It was still easily the best cricket game ever made at first release!!!!! My gut feel without having played it is that you need to adjust the sliders and other options to get the game exactly where you want it to be so that you can be challenged and still enjoy it. As you improve you'll probably adjust the game so that it remains challenging and also enjoyable. You probably need to get to grips with all of the options and this takes time. I'm not saying there aren't actual issues with the gameplay, but knowing BA they will improve them, so just give them time.

Also, remember that the people developing these games are actual people, who have put a huge amount of time, effort and love into developing the game. They want it to be a success, they want you all to enjoy it and they will work hard to improve it. These comments might be water off a ducks back for them, but imagine if your work was analysed and thrashed to the same extent. You'd all be taking yourself off to the bathroom for a good blub I reckon!!

Now get a grip, enjoy the game, give constructive and helpful feedback, in the apporpriate format if it's an actual bug, and stop behaving like spoilt babies!!!!

Your gut feel couldn't be more wrong though i agree with rest of your post. I, and plenty of others here, have supported Big Ant in the past and will continue to do so. I've no doubt Big Ant will work (and are working even as I type) to sort these issues moving forward.
I think the game is near bang on. Much better than db14 was initially at release. The only things that I don't like is the batting shot selection not yet being complete. I'm aware it is on the way mind!
The only other thing is I bowl spin in career and one thing is getting me a bit. No matter how much you adjust your line you will only ever bowl 4th stumpish area. I would prefer more allowance for error and play in line selection. Has anyone else found this?
Yes, I did find the same. Even with the "R" pointing towards way outside off, it bowls a fourth stump line. I wish this is tweaked sometime in the future.
Having said that, the bowling mechanics in the game are beautiful. The dismissals feel real, and you do have to work hard to setup a batsman.
To put things into perspective guys, EA took 2 months to release a major patch for Fifa 17. Just have patience and hopefully all our concerns will be addressed.

A Patch has already been submitted mate so may be Available sooner rather than later.

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