Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

Sorry but, have you @Biggs

Or you @SibiNaayagam

Or you @Dutch

...even played dbc 17 yet?

If not, then please stop trying to silence people that have the game, and have genuine concerns/suggestions/constructive criticism. Your not helping in any way shape or form.

Dude! Did you even read any of our posts? We aren't commenting about the concerns but it's the way it's been conveyed. It's funny that you would think we would silence someone for giving out constructive criticism. You have no idea on what we are trying to say do you?[DOUBLEPOST=1482130418][/DOUBLEPOST]
You have literally referred to me more than twice as much as anyone else in this post... you've already proven my point for me...

I'm sorry you got confused with my pronoun usage but Royce, only the first line was directly aimed at you. The rest were general statements.
So your suggesting that if Big Ant pushed the release date by [insert time period here], did a bunch more testing and fixing, THEN released, we wouldn't have a better product on release day?

No. I'm suggesting the hundreds of constructive members of this forum have debated, shown, created and been included on improving cricket games long past their release date for years. You've been a member of this forum since Thursday. You offered me 5 Points to
"convince me that getting the game "near perfect the first time is almost impossible"

More than a decade of cricket gaming has shown this to be true. The modern era of gaming development, deadlines and financing simply adds to the historical data.

I'm not greedy, I'll just take two of your points.
So your suggesting that if Big Ant pushed the release date by [insert time period here], did a bunch more testing and fixing, THEN released, we wouldn't have a better product on release day?

No. The simple answer is that wouldn't help much, if at all.

It's the football manager problem. If a company could go all out and have 100 internal testers for a month, playing 9-5 from Monday to Friday, they'd still only manage 16,000 hours of play, and that is a pretty ridiculous scenario on its own. Give 1,000 players a week with the game and they'd have already surpassed that. The problem of course is that we're talking an order of magnitude smaller for the testing and an order of magnitude more for the player base. A game has to release at some point. Issues and such will be reported, and they'll fix it. The problem with something as subtle as cricket is even with all the right intentions, there will always be a few things that people decide they don't like quire quickly.

The reaction I'm seeing now is actually quite similar to when DBC 14 released, and I'm glad I could have my sides tickled by someone suggesting that "EA cricket lovers loved DBC 14", considering they were some of the most vocal against it at the time.
Please be aware, I have never said anything like "the game must simulate physics to perfection"...

I HAVE said things like: "you literally cannot hit the ball to 50% of the field" and "This game has many bugs" and "They could have pushed the release to ensure a quality product"...

Which, if you think about it, are actually quite different to what your suggesting I've said! :)
I agree with you on this and have also mentioned this in my post. You replied to part of my post which suggested about making a perfect game impossible with respect to physics and hence the reply
The reaction I'm seeing now is actually quite similar to when DBC 14 released

It's almost literally the same. Half a dozen people experiencing some issues, majority of whom are new members to the forum. Same thing happened last time around, they all disappeared after the first patch, the rest of us stuck around to help guide the game into the awesome product it became, and still is, right now.

Problem is @Ross has been inactive since eternity

The in-joke that keeps on giving.
Sorry but, have you @Biggs

Or you @SibiNaayagam

Or you @Dutch

Or you @grkrama

...even played dbc 17 yet?

If not, then please stop trying to silence people that have the game, and have genuine concerns/suggestions/constructive criticism. Your not helping in any way shape or form.
So that you can silence the guys who havent played yet?

It is a public forum and everyone is entiled to their pov, as am I. I am trying to raise the bar a little, at the moment the bar is a nats testicle above "cesspit".

I am not trying to silence anyone: as if I even could.

At no point have I tried to deny the fact that there are major comcerns for some people: how we go about addressing those concerns is a matter on which I have an opinion and feel inclined to share....on a public forum.
Since I had bought DBC 14 at a later date, was there a month's gap between the console and the PC Version?
No. I'm suggesting the hundreds of constructive members of this forum have debated, shown, created and been included on improving cricket games long past their release date. You offered me 5 Points to

More than a decade of cricket gaming has shown this to be true. The modern era of gaming development, deadlines and financing simply adds to the historical data.

I'm not greedy, I'll just take two of your points.

@Royce I would even sight the Simcity series from EA as an example. I had bought the latest SimCity on release and it was a trainwreck. It wasn't buggy but the system they designed, however polished, couldn't satisfy the players. EA is one of the biggest producers in gaming industry but by ignoring what fans would want, they literally buried their own grave. And from there rose Cities: Skylines. I bought that day 1 too and was a bit buggy but it was everything a fan wanted. But yet, through fans feedback, mods and constant patching and DLCs, the game got better each day.

You see Royce, gaming industry is not a one way job. The makers and players must work together if there is going to be a masterpiece. It's okay if you don't want to work along, but that doesn't mean you can come and force your way in a place where people do.
Dude! Did you even read any of our posts? We aren't commenting about the concerns but it's the way it's been conveyed. It's funny that you would think we would silence someone for giving out constructive criticism.

Oh well... nooooo I said you guys are "trying"..... without even playing the game yet.

You have no idea on what we are trying to say do you?

... I do understand that it sounds very condescending, whats worse is that its directed at people that have played the game, and from my understanding you guys haven't.

Theres a very good quote from ross I cant find that would "maybe" give you guys a sense of perspective!
Sorry but, have you @Biggs

Or you @SibiNaayagam

Or you @Dutch

Or you @grkrama

...even played dbc 17 yet?

If not, then please stop trying to silence people that have the game, and have genuine concerns/suggestions/constructive criticism. Your not helping in any way shape or form.

I have the game and personally I wouldn't mind Royce shutting up.

This is all a waste of time really, reminds me of grade 8 with all of the crappy arguing going on. At the end of the day @Royce is going to feel like Big Ant took his money stuck a dozen fists up his arse and no one will change that. It doesn't matter how many times any says otherwise he will feel that way and rightly so, Big Ant have delivered a game with a dozen and one bugs as well as questionable additions and sub par UI etc.

But on the other hand a bunch of us are happy to wait it out because as of now the game is enjoyable (not saying good because that'll start some crap) and you can see a lot of people enjoying it over the web and on the forum and people have to respect the fact that others have no problem waiting because Big Ant have a proven track record of fixing errors and if you are against that and feel hard done by that's great but no one is going to give 2 craps and you can't make them think otherwise. So instead of uselessly arguing about whether or not a game is good or whether day 1 purchases should cost -11% lets focus on the 2 most important things. Let's identify what issues there are by playing and reporting it in the bug thread and most importantly can someone start doing the bloody Indian domestic players because holy crap there's enough of them to declare war on Kazakhstan*.

*That's right @Biggs, I'm still expecting those kits and logos...
Oh well... nooooo I said you guys are "trying"..... without even playing the game yet.

... I do understand that it sounds very condescending, whats worse is that its directed at people that have played the game, and from my understanding you guys haven't.

Theres a very good quote from ross I cant find that would "maybe" give you guys a sense of perspective!

Oh god. So how else should I tell you that we are just asking people here to channel their thoughts in a way that is helpful to the community and not at all commenting on the content of it?
I have the game and personally I wouldn't mind Royce shutting up.

This is all a waste of time really, reminds me of grade 8 with all of the crappy arguing going on. At the end of the day @Royce is going to feel like Big Ant took his money stuck a dozen fists up his arse and no one will change that. It doesn't matter how many times any says otherwise he will feel that way and rightly so, Big Ant have delivered a game with a dozen and one bugs as well as questionable additions and sub par UI etc.

But on the other hand a bunch of us are happy to wait it out because as of now the game is enjoyable (not saying good because that'll start some crap) and you can see a lot of people enjoying it over the web and on the forum and people have to respect the fact that others have no problem waiting because Big Ant have a proven track record of fixing errors and if you are against that and feel hard done by that's great but no one is going to give 2 craps and you can't make them think otherwise. So instead of uselessly arguing about whether or not a game is good or whether day 1 purchases should cost -11% lets focus on the 2 most important things. Let's identify what issues there are by playing and reporting it in the bug thread and most importantly can someone start doing the bloody Indian domestic players because holy crap there's enough of them to declare war on Kazakhstan*.

*That's right @Biggs, I'm still expecting those kits and logos...

Haha I agree with everything except the @Royce part, thats fair enough then.

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