Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

I assume you haven't just bought a console recently, but I'll go out on a limb and point out in modern gaming 100% of titles that hit ship dates have day 1 patches to meet street dates, ergo; not completed. Reservedly 50% of those titles all have pretty major issues that are mostly patched out within the first 3 - 6 months.

You've nailed it there lol :), this is literally the second game I've paid full price for for my PS4 (First was UFC 2 when it first came out, it was great!! EA I know...), rest assured I wont be doing it again anytime soon... What a stupid way for the industry to operate!! Why would anyone pay top dollar for games that as you suggest "have pretty major issues that are mostly patched out within the first 3 - 6 months", when you could wait that 6 months or more, buy it at half the price, and not have to deal with this sillyness!!

I never knew new games were like this!! Absolute insanity!!
Note: This is an experience based on playing the game on PS4 platform after applying the day 1 patch.

1 Step forward and 2 steps back for BA's cricket game

Cricket is a complex game and to get a team to have it near perfect the first time is almost impossible. This is where DBC 14 excelled, as in it was a cricket gaming revolution with very intuitive controls which felt very cricket like and made anyone who has played EA cricket games a big fan on day 1.DBC 17 is expected to surpass the legacy of the previous generation and you can see the effort BA have put in to get the community suggestions in the game. The biggest and the most loved part are the edges that people have spoken about while bowling to AI.

However, sadly after having played for more than 12-15 hours ( mostly on career mode) the general feeling is that DBC 17 has taken a step forward in terms of in depth career mode, graphics, some animations, better commentary, extremely enjoyable bowling mode with reward for having variation but two steps back in terms of broken batting with not more than 50% of the field being open to explore, the ball physics not conforming to real life ball tracking, poor shot animations especially the front foot square drive, AI shot selection ( despite poor ball physics and bounce they are happy to stay on the back foot and keep lobbing the ball in the air), many day 1 glitches, crashes, bugs and a very poor UX as been explained in detail by blockerdave.

If i Had to sum it up, DBC 14 is a batsman's game while DBC 17 is a bowler's game. The general public was expecting the batsman's game to be the same if not get better.
Cricket is a complex game and to get a team to have it near perfect the first time is almost impossible.

5 points to the first person who can convince me that getting the game "near perfect the first time is almost impossible"...

I will respond with logic such-as:

- Imagine they took another [insert time period here], and did lots and lots of testing, went back, fixed the bugs, then released...
- All they needed to do was Q&A test more
- How are you people not getting this!!!


Lol I cant believe I'm going to actually suggest this, but they could have early accessed it during its development!!! 2 birds, 1 stone...[DOUBLEPOST=1482128910][/DOUBLEPOST]
Prolly don't visit No Mans Sky forums or read any articles about that title then...

Lol I figured from the amount of advertising I was seeing all over the place that something must have been up! But I mean that's the epitome of whats wrong with the industry atm eh...
You've nailed it there lol :), this is literally the second game I've paid full price for for my PS4 (First was UFC 2 when it first came out, it was great!! EA I know...), rest assured I wont be doing it again anytime soon... What a stupid way for the industry to operate!! Why would anyone pay top dollar for games that as you suggest "have pretty major issues that are mostly patched out within the first 3 - 6 months", when you could wait that 6 months or more, buy it at half the price, and not have to deal with this sillyness!!

I never knew new games were like this!! Absolute insanity!!
I have bought and played every game there is on cricket: enjoyed some, dissapointed in others but buy them: I love cricket. I have always managed to find a reason to enjoy them for myself. We have seen a lot of bullshit from developers over the years and have been conned by them all: I personally do not feel that BA falls into that category.

I would like to suggest that you have made your point now. You seem a decent bloke and I would like to ask you to just see how things develop and enjoy the forum and not get too provoked however valid your points may be.
5 points to the first person who can convince me that getting the game "near perfect the first time is almost impossible".

I'll take two points. Cricket 07 was a shitpile and has taken over a decade to be a good game and its very existence today is due to none other than this forum, it's members and a dedicated insane few who continue to adore it.

Indeed, this forums very existence is proof that no cricket game, ever, has been perfect the first time and it's only thanks to many of us, supported by and working with Big Ant that we got close with DBC14.

I would like to suggest that you have made your point now.

^ This guy gets it™
- Are you f**king kidding me??????????????????????????????????????

No, I'm not.

Damn Royce, I think you need to calm the hell down. BA are going to solve any major problem as soon as they can. I understand that some are having crashes and bugs but your best chance is to report them properly so BA can solve it asap. What is the point of asking for a refund or just ranting cause you paid? You want a cricket game and BA is the only one doing it and with so much effort. I'm sorry you thought it was going to be a perfect game from Day 1. Guess what, Day 1 is still 3 days away and BA was decent enough let you play the game before it even released.

But more than everything, you need to understand DBC is a product that involves the feedback of fans more than any other game. You need to stop treating it like some cash grab game. The only way DBC is going to get better and better is when the fans cooperate. Ross or BA doesn't lose anything by shutting off DBC's future iterations and moving onto bigger games like tennis. We, the fans, will be the one at loss.

You have the right to speak. Use it with wisely.
5 points to the first person who can convince me that getting the game "near perfect the first time is almost impossible"...
The only way for you to get convinced which i will remotely not try doing is to try making a complex game yourself.

The points you suggested will iron out the bugs which i agree with you BA has not and they also seem more complacent this time.

The idea of making a cricket game, let alone any game which simulates real like physics to perfection is near impossible. Please read this again
Damn Royce, I think you need to calm the hell down. BA are going to solve any major problem as soon as they can. I understand that some are having crashes and bugs but your best chance is to report them properly so BA can solve it asap. What is the point of asking for a refund or just ranting cause you paid? You want a cricket game and BA is the only one doing it and with so much effort. I'm sorry you thought it was going to be a perfect game from Day 1. Guess what, Day 1 is still 3 days away and BA was decent enough let you play the game before it even released.

But more than everything, you need to understand DBC is a product that involves the feedback of fans more than any other game. You need to stop treating it like some cash grab game. The only way DBC is going to get better and better is when the fans cooperate. Ross or BA doesn't lose anything by shutting off DBC's future iterations and moving onto bigger games like tennis. We, the fans, will be the one at loss.

You have the right to speak. Use it with wisely.

You have literally referred to me more than twice as much as anyone else in this post... you've already proven my point for me...
Sorry but, have you @Biggs

Or you @SibiNaayagam

Or you @Dutch

Or you @grkrama

...even played dbc 17 yet?

If not, then please stop trying to silence people that have the game, and have genuine concerns/suggestions/constructive criticism. Your not helping in any way shape or form.
Why, oh god why, must everyone make blanket statements like "It's a complete game in need of a few things to be patched"... from the many posts on these forums, you must know by now that obviously, this is not the case, else no-one would be complaining!!! YOU may be experiencing a wonderful complete package, but other people are not, which means its not a complete game!!

On another note, of course you didn't realize people were talking about not being able to hit into certain areas of the field before you found people talking about it, BECAUSE BEFORE YOU FOUND OUT, YOU DIDN'T KNOW DID YOU!?!?!?!?!!!??..... what kind of idiocy is this??????

People complain about a lot of things. There are certainly some crashing issues, there are certainly some bugs and such to be fixed, but the game is playable and fun for a very decent portion of the playing portion. I myself have had some isolated crashing, but the game overall is both playable and enjoyable. I'm currently into my third Test match on the game and having a grand time.

What I said was I didn't realise people thought of it as a problem. I saw a post here today from someone who'd batted a limited number of overs and favoured one side. I myself haven't had such issues and my batting shows a good spread around much of the pitch. The only areas I have trouble hitting are leg glances and shots that aren't particularly easy in Test cricket. I can see why there have been a few complaints, but I don't wholly agree with of all them.
Indeed, this forums very existence is proof that no cricket game, ever, has been perfect the first time and it's only thanks to many of us, supported by and working with Big Ant that we got close with DBC14.

So your suggesting that if Big Ant pushed the release date by [insert time period here], did a bunch more testing and fixing, THEN released, we wouldn't have a better product on release day?
The only way for you to get convinced which i will remotely not try doing is to try making a complex game yourself.

The points you suggested will iron out the bugs which i agree with you BA has not and they also seem more complacent this time.

The idea of making a cricket game, let alone any game which simulates real like physics to perfection is near impossible. Please read this again

Please be aware, I have never said anything like "the game must simulate physics to perfection"...

I HAVE said things like: "you literally cannot hit the ball to 50% of the field" and "This game has many bugs" and "They could have pushed the release to ensure a quality product"...

Which, if you think about it, are actually quite different to what your suggesting I've said! :)

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