Don Bradman Cricket 17 First Impressions Thread

Damn Royce, I think you need to calm the hell down. BA are going to solve any major problem as soon as they can. I understand that some are having crashes and bugs but your best chance is to report them properly so BA can solve it asap. What is the point of asking for a refund or just ranting cause you paid? You want a cricket game and BA is the only one doing it and with so much effort. I'm sorry you thought it was going to be a perfect game from Day 1. Guess what, Day 1 is still 3 days away and BA was decent enough let you play the game before it even released.

But more than everything, you need to understand DBC is a product that involves the feedback of fans more than any other game. You need to stop treating it like some cash grab game. The only way DBC is going to get better and better is when the fans cooperate. Ross or BA doesn't lose anything by shutting off DBC's future iterations and moving onto bigger games like tennis. We, the fans, will be the one at loss.

You have the right to speak. Use it with wisely.

So many things!

- I am not asking anyone for a refund on this forum
- Day 1 was the day they released, doesn't matter if they brought it forward or pushed it back 4 years, day 1 is when the public can buy it from shops... I am not lucky/fortunate/anything that they released it early, because its not up to a reasonable standard of quality...
- I have never accused DBC 17 of being a "cash grab" game
- This is not an early access release... I am entitled to expect it to be "perfect" on day 1 (minor bugs excepted, which is not what I am experiencing), because I paid full price for it...
- This whole idea that we should all be so lucky as to have a developer like BA is bunk, it doesn't matter how the game MIGHT be after 6 months, because that is not what I paid for!!
Damn Royce, I think you need to calm the hell down. BA are going to solve any major problem as soon as they can. I understand that some are having crashes and bugs but your best chance is to report them properly so BA can solve it asap. What is the point of asking for a refund or just ranting cause you paid? You want a cricket game and BA is the only one doing it and with so much effort. I'm sorry you thought it was going to be a perfect game from Day 1. Guess what, Day 1 is still 3 days away and BA was decent enough let you play the game before it even released.

But more than everything, you need to understand DBC is a product that involves the feedback of fans more than any other game. You need to stop treating it like some cash grab game. The only way DBC is going to get better and better is when the fans cooperate. Ross or BA doesn't lose anything by shutting off DBC's future iterations and moving onto bigger games like tennis. We, the fans, will be the one at loss.

You have the right to speak. Use it with wisely.

@BA and the guys got the support, etc with DB14. Its 3 years later and we've paid top dollar for a game thats got lots of obvious flaws....flaws ANYONE that played the game as a customer not a developer would have picked up. BA still released it. With games, you're judged on your output not your input...BA delivered us a game thats still about 20% incomplete...its that 20% which changes a game from good to great. We can't continuously support developers for delivering substandard products...the whole gaming industry is rife with this sort of crap now 'just release it incomplete and we'll patch in the fixes'. How many games do you see nowadays that come out 95% perfect like back in the day? Don't believe me, ask yourself for a moment why most games have a Day 1 patch. What exactly is a Day 1 patch if the game was complete, fully tested and QA'ed BEFORE it was sent for delivery? Unfortunately its our fault as customers for we lap it up, dish out top dollar for incomplete stuff and constantly overlook the gamebreaking issues and worse, shout down other frustrated customers who have also paid top dollar.

No, BA dropped the ball here and rushed out a game that was incomplete and not fully tested. @Ross, if you really do love cricket and this product, I highly suggest you play the game fully as a player, not as a CEO. Experience what your customers will experience. Then maybe you can understand all the frustration being expressed on the forums.
It is what it is you can refund, crib or wait to patch out and help them with it. The second option helps no one.

I dont think ethical morality discussions help anyone.

They have been pretty ambitious this time going for logo creator and stadium creator and having them work with consoles. It would have been easy for them to just refine gameplay add career and sell of as 17 polished on release.

Just give it a couple months with proper patching nad feedback, then you will have an awesome product that will have 1000+ hr gameplay value.

the wait is horrible and ideally shudnt have happened , but its happened and given the final product how good it can be once patched i guess its worth it.
we should be given the option to pay in phases. Day 1 pay 50% of price, after all the major flaws are fixed we pay the rest? cause thats what they are basically doing,... why should we wait a few weeks for the major flaws to be fixed when we pay full $$$ on day 1? Why can't they just test it properly to make sure its playable and then release.
why pay 50%?, you are saying it has "Major Flaw's" just get a refund have the 100% cash in your hand hop in back when things are fixed.

I am sitting this one out so far. I got lucky and did not have enough psn or xbox funds to buy the game.
I was going to pick up a psn card and get the game right around release.

I really enjoyed what DBC14 became as time wore on. I lurked here and admired the content being created for 17. I was full expecting a better version of 14, more animations, more player reactions and immersion, more variety in bowling and batting, a fun fielding system, online co-op campaign maybe, etc.

But instead of impulse buying I choose to watch videos and read up on things here. Seeing the game omit many things that were bog standard in 14 is shocking. I cannot figure out why they didnt just build on all the DBC 14 assets they had. We should have lost almost nothing from the end patched product of DBC14.

It almost seems like you could take a snapshot of the patch timeline and figure out where BA started building 17 without including things that were being patched into 14. Only reason I can think for missing features.

Above all, the crash reports are what is keeping me out the most.

I am still watching keenly because I want this game to be good. Here is hoping the upcoming patch works wonders.
A good point well made, but we have still parted with top title money, and I think the lot of the frustrations have been the things that were so good from DBC14 not being present. It's almost like a different company made 17.

I won't be able to play the game until it has a PC release which means I can't comment on the game experience yet. But, even if I take your word for it, I believe there is a way of giving feedback on forums that everyone needs to stick to. Cause ranting does not help. It doesn't help the developer, the player or the other readers either. Yeah, you can rant all you want if that helps your mood but do it where it's acceptable...perhaps the FB comment section? Find yours. PlanetCricket prides itself for being a quality forum and by signing up you have the responsibility to maintain it.
PlanetCricket prides itself for being a quality forum and by signing up you have the responsibility to maintain it.

A-Tweakin'-Men. The discourse here is always of a higher standard. Lots of intelligent, fun folks. It's truly depressing to see many new people joining recently and not getting how things work around here. This isn't a facebook comments section.
So many things!

- I am not asking anyone for a refund on this forum
- Day 1 was the day they released, doesn't matter if they brought it forward or pushed it back 4 years, day 1 is when the public can buy it from shops... I am not lucky/fortunate/anything that they released it early, because its not up to a reasonable standard of quality...
- I have never accused DBC 17 of being a "cash grab" game
- This is not an early access release... I am entitled to expect it to be "perfect" on day 1 (minor bugs excepted, which is not what I am experiencing), because I paid full price for it...
- This whole idea that we should all be so lucky as to have a developer like BA is bunk, it doesn't matter how the game MIGHT be after 6 months, because that is not what I paid for!!

- This whole post wasn't just for you.
- No, Day 1 is the day it officially releases. I think BA should just avoid this situation again by locking the game down until the actual date.
- I never said 'you' did. Re: This whole post wasn't just for you.
- Yeah, you can expect it to be perfect but no game is so you are signing up for getting disappointed at any case. Be wise Royce, it's not 1990 anymore. I'll probably tell you why in my reply to the next quote.
- I wish it wasn't the case too but you need to open your senses and realise the reality.

@BA and the guys got the support, etc with DB14. Its 3 years later and we've paid top dollar for a game thats got lots of obvious flaws....flaws ANYONE that played the game as a customer not a developer would have picked up. BA still released it. With games, you're judged on your output not your input...BA delivered us a game thats still about 20% incomplete...its that 20% which changes a game from good to great. We can't continuously support developers for delivering substandard products...the whole gaming industry is rife with this sort of crap now 'just release it incomplete and we'll patch in the fixes'. How many games do you see nowadays that come out 95% perfect like back in the day? Don't believe me, ask yourself for a moment why most games have a Day 1 patch. What exactly is a Day 1 patch if the game was complete, fully tested and QA'ed BEFORE it was sent for delivery? Unfortunately its our fault as customers for we lap it up, dish out top dollar for incomplete stuff and constantly overlook the gamebreaking issues and worse, shout down other frustrated customers who have also paid top dollar.

See, there are quite a few games that just wanted to hit the release date and thought of patching it up later. But the real reason behind games not being as complete as the ones from 2 decades back it simply the kind of systems and complexity of the game engines. The more details you add, the more you chance of an error. I would love for games nowadays to be perfect on release too but if really isn't that easy, you need to accept it.

I'm not asking anyone to accept a half baked game. I'm just saying you need to be open to a working game that hits perfection with some user feedback, esp for a developer who doesn't have the budget of an AAA title and yet continues to be ambitious to match them.

They have been pretty ambitious this time going for logo creator and stadium creator and having them work with consoles. It would have been easy for them to just refine gameplay add career and sell of as 17 polished on release.

Just give it a couple months with proper patching nad feedback, then you will have an awesome product that will have 1000+ hr gameplay value.

the wait is horrible and ideally shudnt have happened , but its happened and given the final product how good it can be once patched i guess its worth it.

This is so true.

we should be given the option to pay in phases. Day 1 pay 50% of price, after all the major flaws are fixed we pay the rest? cause thats what they are basically doing,... why should we wait a few weeks for the major flaws to be fixed when we pay full $$$ on day 1? Why can't they just test it properly to make sure its playable and then release.

If BA thought their game was worth only 50% at release then they wouldn't have even released. Why do you guys assume that BA released an unfinished game on purpose? For all I know the game was perfectly fine during the hands-on sessions. So why the panic? Report your issues and expect to be helped. Don't rant and expect to be understood.
Damn Royce, I think you need to calm the hell down. BA are going to solve any major problem as soon as they can. I understand that some are having crashes and bugs but your best chance is to report them properly so BA can solve it asap. What is the point of asking for a refund or just ranting cause you paid? You want a cricket game and BA is the only one doing it and with so much effort. I'm sorry you thought it was going to be a perfect game from Day 1. Guess what, Day 1 is still 3 days away and BA was decent enough let you play the game before it even released.

But more than everything, you need to understand DBC is a product that involves the feedback of fans more than any other game. You need to stop treating it like some cash grab game. The only way DBC is going to get better and better is when the fans cooperate. Ross or BA doesn't lose anything by shutting off DBC's future iterations and moving onto bigger games like tennis. We, the fans, will be the one at loss.

You have the right to speak. Use it with wisely.

- This whole post wasn't just for you.
- I never said 'you' did. Re: This whole post wasn't just for you.

- Are you f**king kidding me??????????????????????????????????????
There's a lot of talk of an unfinished product. There are a few bugs (pretty normal), but the game overall is very good. I didn't even realise people were talking about not being able to aim at certain areas of the field until I came on here today. My last wagon wheel was quite well spread around most of the ground, the only shot I was really struggling with was a leg glance.

It's a complete game in need of a few things to be patched.
- No, Day 1 is the day it officially releases. I think BA should just avoid this situation again by locking the game down until the actual date.
- Yeah, you can expect it to be perfect but no game is so you are signing up for getting disappointed at any case. Be wise Royce, it's not 1990 anymore. I'll probably tell you why in my reply to the next quote.

See, there are quite a few games that just wanted to hit the release date and thought of patching it up later. But the real reason behind games not being as complete as the ones from 2 decades back it simply the kind of systems and complexity of the game engines. The more details you add, the more you chance of an error. I would love for games nowadays to be perfect on release too but if really isn't that easy, you need to accept it.

Effective Q&A team, problem solved...

I don't give a rats ass how complicated stuff is, that's why were paying other people to do it...

If we follow your logic, then games these days can never be completed, as they are so complicated... The devs just need to Q&A test better/not release so early!!
then games these days can never be completed

I assume you haven't just bought a console recently, but I'll go out on a limb and point out in modern gaming 100% of titles that hit ship dates have day 1 patches to meet street dates, ergo; not completed. Reservedly 50% of those titles all have pretty major issues that are mostly patched out within the first 3 - 6 months.
There's a lot of talk of an unfinished product. There are a few bugs (pretty normal), but the game overall is very good. I didn't even realise people were talking about not being able to aim at certain areas of the field until I came on here today. My last wagon wheel was quite well spread around most of the ground, the only shot I was really struggling with was a leg glance.

It's a complete game in need of a few things to be patched.

Why, oh god why, must everyone make blanket statements like "It's a complete game in need of a few things to be patched"... from the many posts on these forums, you must know by now that obviously, this is not the case, else no-one would be complaining!!! YOU may be experiencing a wonderful complete package, but other people are not, which means its not a complete game!!

On another note, of course you didn't realize people were talking about not being able to hit into certain areas of the field before you found people talking about it, BECAUSE BEFORE YOU FOUND OUT, YOU DIDN'T KNOW DID YOU!?!?!?!?!!!??..... what kind of idiocy is this??????

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