Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

The instant replays should have commentary.

In cricket, lots of the informative analytical commentary happens during a replay.

This is where the wrong foot/ wrong timing / wrong line / wrong length / too much or too little risk etc. can be analysed

So as @MattW thanked this it's officially a confirmed feature. New information!!
not sure if its ok to ask here, is the new game has proper broadcast camera or can say new camera angles?
with great presentation of Sixes
I would also add Over conscious commentary especially since we are looking for lines that can be repeated over

For ex: If a batsman has creamed the first two balls for 4 and then the bowler bowls a couple of good deliveries getting play and miss or defended,

"that's a good comeback by xyz"

Or if he had bowled a tight over for the first 4 or 5 balls

"can he finish it well"

Especially death over awareness in limited overs cricket

An over without boundary in the death should be appreciated even a 5-7 run over
"thats smart bowling "

And if its a chase it should be able to comment based on the runs required and balls available, talk in terms of fours and sixes.

"If they can get a couple of boundaries every over "

or if they have wkts in hand

"they have the firepower to do it " or "got wkts in hand time to start hitting"

and Star Playe recognition, if its a hopeless situation and a star layer is still there like ABD or dhoni

"as long as XYZ is there the match is not over" etc

and when the star player gets out something like

"Thats the end "

Also say a star player is dropped early in the game that should be acknowledged, especially in tournaments you can use stuff like

"He has dropped the cup there "

Also talk a bit about nerves and pressure in cases of

1. Big matches like any knock out situation in tournys
2.For debutant ( But hopefully only on their debut alone :D)
3.Bowling the final over with X runs required, also acknowledge if its a star player.
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Matt; please, please, please add animations and cut scenes when you win a tournament. There was nothing more anti-climatic than winning an intense final and then just seeing the standard old animation of the team lifting the trophy. Add new commentary lines, players running onto the field, batsmen/fielding team celebrating in the middle, more varied trophy celebrations, maybe even post match interviews but that could be pushing it.
maybe even post match interviews

I'd like Press Conferences to be included where my created-player has to answer straight-faced questions about the "Biggton Gamecocks" victory whilst parading the cacophony of Biggs-clones who performed well that day sitting next to the loosing green-haired @MattW side.

though the concern would be if you reviewed based on erroneous commentator view.

I don't really see that as an issue since it should be a bit of a gamble anyway and if the game gives you the correct feedback (vibration/noises) then you pretty much know when you're out and when you're not. LBW is the hardest one but again, you know most of the time when you're out in the game, adding the commentators stuffing it up gives the commentary more nuance and proper personality... not just scripted-nobodies waxing lyrical about the parking situation outside the stadium.
I'd like Press Conferences to be included where my created-player has to answer straight-faced questions about the "Biggton Gamecocks" victory whilst parading the cacophony of Biggs-clones who performed well that day sitting next to the loosing green-haired @MattW side.
Well my idea for press conferences was always to utilise the existing game audio better - for some reason people in the office have said no to that plan...
inclusion of (Calendar) in Career mode wil be great & wil have much more realistic feeling !!
Is a calendar the same as a "(Calendar)"? Just wondering if the brackets add more realistic feeling.

If they are the same thing, then that's a feature I can confirm...
@MattW i have seen the CPL16 and RLL3 career mode menu. It was better than DBC14. But i hope it will be better. You must already have got a glimpse of it. I don't know if u can confirm or not. Still asking.
Will there be news headlines regarding the career player or coach? Some in game or post match conference pictures and pictures with the MOM trophy would be very enjoyable. Like it has been done in PES.
Kamrul reminded me of manager mode in our next game.

Will we have it ?

And also will career mode be continued in the next version ?
Is a calendar the same as a "(Calendar)"? Just wondering if the brackets add more realistic feeling.

If they are the same thing, then that's a feature I can confirm...
yaa it is same & by the way thanks for the reply !!
Kamrul reminded me of manager mode in our next game.

Will we have it ?

And also will career mode be continued in the next version ?
i guess there will be coach or manager mode in cricket next as rll3 and lacrosse 16 had it.
And also will career mode be continued in the next version ?
In terms of continuing DBC14 careers? No, that won't be possible - the structures are just too different.

I'm sure there'll be enough of an incentive for people to want to start new careers on the new game.

Will there be news headlines regarding the career player
Once I finish writing them...

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