Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

When choosing the adboards in the stadium creator select START SPONSOR and choose logo. Then select END SPONSOR and select same logo. It should stay permanently on that one logo thereafter.
Yeah that's what we do but it shows the correct adboards in the stadium creator but in game they're different
On pc beta or console? @BRAB I did this on the beta before release and I'm pretty sure they don't change for me.
Im on console. Them changing is not the problem, they stay on the one sponsor but that sponsor is the wrong one. For example where Commonwealth bank shows up in the creator, Qantas shows up in game
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I had a few issues using the beta pre release, sometimes things would change, (nationalities mainly) and sometimes logos wouldn't show up when I rebooted the game the next time. Which would lead me to spend hours going through and changing everything again only to lose it on reboot again. I ended up redoing logos and sharing so many times that if other creators did the same it's no wonder there's so much logo data and it could be the reason duplicate logos get downloaded.
Do you have the game? Try to get someone to download one of your grounds and post pics. I can do it later but it's 0252 here so won't be til later.

If your purely working off the beta, and If you have all your stuff uploaded to the server just delete your db17 data from my docs>Load beta> download one team/stadium at a time> edit those> reshare.>exit beta >Then delete db17 from my docs again.>download another team/stadium etc etc.
This was the only way I could use the beta in the end pre game release.
How the heck do you you upload a video on this site? I've got a few on my mobile and 1 on youtube I'd like to share, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it! Please help me haha!
Thanks blocker! Hah I cant believe I spent ages friggin round, when it was right there in front of me! Smart phone-dumb driver lol

Anyways this is a vid of the beutiful backfoot drive animation, you'll see it gets even more beautiful when the backfoot goes around a bit more than the front foot, IMO thats how it should look in the first place! The standard animation is nice for a video game, but... batsman don't close themselves off like demonstrated in game. Just a nitpick! More to come :D

EDIT: You'll propably also noticed in this vid or have noticed through your own playtime, is that the face of the bat actually points towards the cover-extra cover region at the point of impact but the ball only ever travels between mid off and cover, I think this shot goes to illustrate that the ball could/should be hit anywhere from mid off to backward point (just a matter of tweaking where the face of the bat faces) , and also to third man if he was to play the ball later and even further under his eyes!

Edited AGAIN!: the helicopter shot, the dil scoop, the reverse sweep, etc will probably all come in and out of fashion, hyped up!... but no shot in cricket encapsulates the elegance and grace of a good batsman as seeing them play a classic backfoot drive, its the true "money shot". Seeing anyone of these guys on there tippy toes Tendulkar, ponting, kallis, langer, flemming, lara (in all its flurry goodness) playing a classic backfoot drive was just pure class in motion, my favourite exponent of this shot was damian!

So yeah seeing as BA has done such a good job of getting the backfoot drive animation right, it seems such a shame for it to be hidden amongst other "questionable animations" on the off side, in a place thats really not that easy to make much productive use of it... The current animation should have beeen utilised and tweaked in all of the "backfoot, offside" shots. Also a pity that it feels sligtly off to play it, it doesn't exactly encourage you to want to play it, maybe its the sound of ball off bat or how the batsmans hands get really high and weird looking if the balls not at the optimal height, dunno?
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This is an edge to backward point from the back foot drive animation, looks lovely! Only wish you could deliberately do it off the middle of the bat consistently!
This is an edge to backward point from the back foot drive animation, looks lovely! Only wish you could deliberately do it off the middle of the bat consistently!
That looks good..Yeah agree with you, just an angled bat to that region..
Does anyone know if it is possible to change the colour of equipment when starting a new career? For example batting gloves, I only have the option of either sticking with what the team uses or selecting what gloves I want to use. From there I can't seem to find the option to change the colour, only what logos I want to use for both the left and right glove.

Am I missing something or can you just not select the colour of your equipment?
Up on d-pad. Maybe go through training/tutorials.

maybe stay out of my business?

i went through menus and controls and tried looking around for it, never picked up the game before so i didn't know where it was located.

Thank you to the person with the answer.

Problem is not that i was not appealing, even without appealing these wickets are plumb and there is a lot of them, its just straight up not calling anything.
Please can anybody tel me i am getting laging problem when bowler is on run up is his a bug or anly i am geting this problem too much laging if anybody can solve this problem please
Please can anybody tel me i am getting laging problem when bowler is on run up is his a bug or anly i am geting this problem too much laging if anybody can solve this problem please

Are you using downloaded custom stadiums? I deleted all the custom stadiums and reverted to OOB stadiums and the issue got better. Otherwise I was getting lag/skipped frame issues just as the bowler ran in and I couldn't time my shots while batting. Made batting near impossible.
yes in custom stadiums also but in stadium like delhi park and lahore also i am getting this laging

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