Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

Well okay: you say you dont want to start something up again but just did. Secondly you are getting things seriously mixed up. But I aint no moderator so what do I know....
Oh right… yea I kinda did there.

The game trailer seemed fine to me whoever made it I’ve seen much worse didn’t understand where all the negative comments came from.
It didn’t look outdated or anything just what you would expect for a rugby game.
Lots of animated cut-scene stuff, that's pretty standard for games trailers...

The UI makes it very difficult to make trailers with actual gameplay - It's almost always just in-engine scenes. Marketing won't usually let actual gameplay appear as it makes it really confusing when cutting stuff together. I actually think that this one has more actual gameplay than most TBH...

... which is what makes it look so bad.
which is what makes it look so bad

Eh. I'm not much into Rugby Games, I can't really ascertain that from a video either way. Certainly doesn't scream "exciting" though.

didn’t understand

Story of your posting thus far in this forum. At least that's consistent.
Oh my word you guys are a flipping stuck record...
When they only actually show a couple seconds of actual gameplay. They're hiding something. Either that or it's just that everything apart from the gameplay is AMAZING.

That last line is pretty accurate for games made by WW.
I mean, I only scored three runs and the game awarded me the win just for being great, I appreciated that

Perhaps it was the Planet Cricket admin bonus that @MattW sneaked into the game, its about time if it was!
@MattW can't even sneak his way online to play, let alone award bonuses to anyone. You won* that fair** and square***

**I declared and it rained
***I'm more of a hexagon guy
It kinda boggles my mind that so much talk about the next game has been regarding the commentary. As someone who plays with the commentary turned off and just the ambient game sounds turned up I would much prefer to see them focus on the gameplay aspects. A fully fledged career mode with deep player progression, dynamic team lists, player and team management aspects and a greater sense of atmosphere and achievement upon reaching game and career milestones would be more beneficial to the playing experience in my opinion than commentary which, lets face it is an incredibly hard thing to get right.
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