Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

I think commentary is top of mind because we're in a "phase one" of involvement in the forum here with auditions to be a voice in the game being a small part of what you've described.

Again; We can talk about multiple things at once here! Because commentary is on people's mind doesn't negate any other feature-improvements that have all been discussed for over a year now.

We're great at multi-tasking and I'm sure Big Ant are too.

There's literally nothing anyone can suggest now, or tomorrow, or a week from now that isn't something that's already been discussed ad-nauseum.

I would say we're at the point where we're all in virtually unanimous agreement of improvements we'd like to see a as community in DBC17 and going forward we'll learn about what BigAnt are doing to make that wish-list a reality.

The first one, looks to be things like community involvement in the commentary aspects.

So far so good.

Next up helicopter shots and cheerleaders and you can stick a price tag on the box and we're done!
I want a profile pic with my player playing a helicopter shot. Being a die-hard Dhoni fan, It will be a deal breaker for me if the shot is not in the game..
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Any chance for involvement of auctions in tournaments like IPL? And also any chance that due to error in bowling there could be full tosses?
Any chance for involvement of auctions in tournaments like IPL? And also any chance that due to error in bowling there could be full tosses?

This, for me, is one of the most important game-modes. It would add huge longevity and variation - Got my fingers crossed for this.
@Chief @Paras Jasal can you clarify how you would see the auctions working from the perspective of the game and the player's involvement?

I've seen the request a number of times but never understood how it is supposed to work. Am i a player waiting to be bid on? (in which case, what's my involvement and what's the longevity?)

This is a genuine question. It's been requested enough that I'm obviously missing something.
@Chief @Paras Jasal can you clarify how you would see the auctions working from the perspective of the game and the player's involvement?

I've seen the request a number of times but never understood how it is supposed to work. Am i a player waiting to be bid on? (in which case, what's my involvement and what's the longevity?)

This is a genuine question. It's been requested enough that I'm obviously missing something.
Manager Mode
@Chief @Paras Jasal can you clarify how you would see the auctions working from the perspective of the game and the player's involvement?

I've seen the request a number of times but never understood how it is supposed to work. Am i a player waiting to be bid on? (in which case, what's my involvement and what's the longevity?)

This is a genuine question. It's been requested enough that I'm obviously missing something.

The way I saw it it's a separate game-mode to control a whole TEAM rather than just one player. But then in your player career you would also get picked up by a team to play in that in between your country/county commitments.
The way I saw it it's a separate game-mode to control a whole TEAM rather than just one player. But then in your player career you would also get picked up by a team to play in that in between your country/county commitments.

so you'd be the team owner/manager comepting against AI/other players to make the auction and put together your team?

that i get and can see would be fun. it's the people who have asked for auction in career i don't get.
@Chief @Paras Jasal can you clarify how you would see the auctions working from the perspective of the game and the player's involvement?

I've seen the request a number of times but never understood how it is supposed to work. Am i a player waiting to be bid on? (in which case, what's my involvement and what's the longevity?)

This is a genuine question. It's been requested enough that I'm obviously missing something.
If you ask my idea about auctions in career mode, this is how it can work-
For Player Career- We would have a choice if we want to participate in auctions and if yes,it would be like we are a player waiting to be bid on and we would obviously be sold according to our performances and we may even remain unsold hence no IPL career and if we get sold we would get a message stating "You have been sold to XYZ team for ABC amount of dollars. If such animations are possible, it should be an animation where the shirt is handed over by team manager to our player in a conference type. It can affect our game in 3 ways i can think of. The first being that we would not have a choice as to what team want to play for in IPL, this in my opinion adds a bit of reality.
The second effect would be that the money we earn can be spent on some equipment, which can give a short boost etc.
The third effect which would be kinda be difficult to implement is, that if we are sold to a champion team for more money, it can boost our confidence ( and also our fame) which would effect our performance?
And lastly, this will add a big amount of realism to the game.
and as an off topic, Just like these animations, in my opinion animations such as award ceremonies could also be added :P[DOUBLEPOST=1459599049][/DOUBLEPOST]and as for a manager career as @Chief suggested it would be pretty awesome to form a team of yourselves through auctions
Here you go.... leaves will be taken.

You know you can have your hopes high for realistic gameplay in a rugby game when they show footage of a prop booting it downfield in the first 20 seconds of the official trailer.
We have many specialists working on many things all in parallel, if an audio engineer spends time working on audio it is not at the expense of any non-audio elements of the game.
I don't get the auction/IPL thing at all but... Feels like the kinda thing (Team Management) that could be taken care of easily in a companion app...

You "Manage" IPL TEAM X in the companion app and that ties into the dynamic line-ups when you play single-career mode in-game. You wouldn't necessecary sign your own player, for example.
I don't get the auction/IPL thing at all but... Feels like the kinda thing (Team Management) that could be taken care of easily in a companion app...

You "Manage" IPL TEAM X in the companion app and that ties into the dynamic line-ups when you play single-career mode in-game. You wouldn't necessecary sign your own player, for example.
I think you might have played cricket coach where we manage a team.If you have played it you might know how sometimes we want to bid for player but our finances are tight or other team are matching your every bid and finally when you manage to get a good squad how comforting it feels that you have managed to buy a team with limited purse who can win the tourney.
Yeah, I don't do the "SIM Cricket" type manager games at all, I know what people are looking for but it feels like a totally different game mode or entire game to me. That being said, could be something perfect for a companion app and could be quite cool integrated into the career mode of the main game?

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