Don Bradman Cricket 17 General Discussion

Please tell me there is a patch coming to show some worthwhile stats
The way you're putting your point across is beyond a joke. Please tell me .... you know the rest.
Hi all

Im sure this has been asked,but I want to track my own stats for international games (tours etc) anyone know if there a good teams to download where stats are nerfed.
and will stats update cause I had to udpate (manually) my test stats and when I started new test it still reverts back to the old downloaded career stats.

many thanks
I am a PC user and am eagerly waiting for the release. I have had some really long journeys lately (plane and train) so put my time to use drafting a way I can make my own story mode. I initially toyed with the idea of making some ridiculously complex massive test world cup but I would have to play over 200 games which is unrealistic. The other problem is that I am an avid Australian fan so any world cup or anything will be biased to the point of Australia winning every time. After looking at different options, I came together with the idea of making a cricket captain esque career mode as the Australian national team. This would be no small commitment, as I have already spent 10 or so hours on it, which is why I am putting it forward to see who would be interested in it.

The basic outline would see me sim the shield rounds with my own set of rules. It would be complex and hard to maintain but I have figured out a basic method. The career mode itself would be in the format of the Cricket Australia app, in that my posts will just be heaps of selection outlines, player watches and match reports. If you are still interested, there are just a few questions I have to ask:
-I am only planning on playing tests to keep things simple. Is that format better than odi or 20/20? Or should I try and do all?
-As a player who pretty much only batted in dbc14, will me simming the opposition's innings take away from the feel? Not saying I won't love bowling, I am just building from the last version
-Would gameplay videos be appreciated? Recording isn't ideal but if people would like to watch the match I can definitely do it
-How long should the series go for? Obviously the longer it goes the harder it gets to maintain with regens. Alternatively, I could just scrap regens
-Should I simulate other series to create a test ranking? What I am thinking of is using an app such as cricket captain 2016 to sim through all series but mine. This way all the data and dynamic teams will be there and all I have to do is edit the rankings
-Not relevant to the series but hoe fun is it to bat through entire test matches? I know in dbc14 I almost only played career mode, but this time I am waiting for all the fixes before I start which is why I am doing this. However, when I did play tests i did get bored of playing defensive and just went for it. Is dbc17 better in the aspect of making you build an innings?

I am personally really excited for this series but I want some support before I start so I know I am not just wasting my time. After all, I don't need to post it here but I want to give back to all the people that have made their own stories or helped make the game the masterpiece it is

I am a PC user and am eagerly waiting for the release. I have had some really long journeys lately (plane and train) so put my time to use drafting a way I can make my own story mode. I initially toyed with the idea of making some ridiculously complex massive test world cup but I would have to play over 200 games which is unrealistic. The other problem is that I am an avid Australian fan so any world cup or anything will be biased to the point of Australia winning every time. After looking at different options, I came together with the idea of making a cricket captain esque career mode as the Australian national team. This would be no small commitment, as I have already spent 10 or so hours on it, which is why I am putting it forward to see who would be interested in it.

The basic outline would see me sim the shield rounds with my own set of rules. It would be complex and hard to maintain but I have figured out a basic method. The career mode itself would be in the format of the Cricket Australia app, in that my posts will just be heaps of selection outlines, player watches and match reports. If you are still interested, there are just a few questions I have to ask:
-I am only planning on playing tests to keep things simple. Is that format better than odi or 20/20? Or should I try and do all?
-As a player who pretty much only batted in dbc14, will me simming the opposition's innings take away from the feel? Not saying I won't love bowling, I am just building from the last version
-Would gameplay videos be appreciated? Recording isn't ideal but if people would like to watch the match I can definitely do it
-How long should the series go for? Obviously the longer it goes the harder it gets to maintain with regens. Alternatively, I could just scrap regens
-Should I simulate other series to create a test ranking? What I am thinking of is using an app such as cricket captain 2016 to sim through all series but mine. This way all the data and dynamic teams will be there and all I have to do is edit the rankings
-Not relevant to the series but hoe fun is it to bat through entire test matches? I know in dbc14 I almost only played career mode, but this time I am waiting for all the fixes before I start which is why I am doing this. However, when I did play tests i did get bored of playing defensive and just went for it. Is dbc17 better in the aspect of making you build an innings?

I am personally really excited for this series but I want some support before I start so I know I am not just wasting my time. After all, I don't need to post it here but I want to give back to all the people that have made their own stories or helped make the game the masterpiece it is

I am hoping to set up a similar type of scenario as you with videos and stories and stats, masses of stats! Mine will be based around a fantasy domestic league based in the Netherlands with me managing and playing one team. The problem with simming the ai batting innings is that they tend to put on unrealistically high scores generally although I havent tested this game enough...but I will say that bowling has become a real joy!
I am really interested in seeing how you give form to this and I would like to offer my support also in the form of making some nice music for your vids or a theme tune or something if you like: have a look at this thread if you are interested!

Dutch's Music for DBC Requests Thread Thingy.... - Don Bradman Cricket 17 Forum on PlanetCricket Forums
Thanks mate. The music would be great for my videos as from what I have heard the commentary seems below par. I am going to try and give the game a play before I finalise any decisions but having that kind of help will be awesome. I am personally terrible at editing videos/music.

To give a hint to what I am thinking, I have selected a central contract xii and then each state gets 18 contracts for the matador and shield. There will be a caxi squad as well filled with players who haven't made the cut. At the end of the season teams can put five players into a transfer pool and pick out two. The remaining players that weren't transferred will return to their sides. From there, teams can release and sign players at their will from inside their state as long as they end up with 18 players not including the central contract xi players.

The unrealistic ai scores may be a problem then, it sounds like the run rates definitely will be. I am hoping I will love bowling although my other problem is that I don't have a huge amount of time to be playing the actual game which is why I prioritised batting in dbc14.
Thanks mate. The music would be great for my videos as from what I have heard the commentary seems below par. I am going to try and give the game a play before I finalise any decisions but having that kind of help will be awesome. I am personally terrible at editing videos/music.

To give a hint to what I am thinking, I have selected a central contract xii and then each state gets 18 contracts for the matador and shield. There will be a caxi squad as well filled with players who haven't made the cut. At the end of the season teams can put five players into a transfer pool and pick out two. The remaining players that weren't transferred will return to their sides. From there, teams can release and sign players at their will from inside their state as long as they end up with 18 players not including the central contract xi players.

The unrealistic ai scores may be a problem then, it sounds like the run rates definitely will be. I am hoping I will love bowling although my other problem is that I don't have a huge amount of time to be playing the actual game which is why I prioritised batting in dbc14.
It could be that dbc 17 deals much better with simmed innings that db 14 : I havent had enough time on dbc 17 to work that out yet. I dont think the commentary is that bad actually.
Does anyone else have the issue of their camera not changing when going into settings? Even if i change and apply changes I'm reverted back to the batting far camera
Does anyone else have the issue of their camera not changing when going into settings? Even if i change and apply changes I'm reverted back to the batting far camera
make sure you changing the correct camera, the career camera is way down the list at the bottom somewhere...
today notice one more thing as the spinners are just throwing straight deleiveries it's not possible to bowl more right or left less variation only for spinners.
Seamers are fine.
today notice one more thing as the spinners are just throwing straight deleiveries it's not possible to bowl more right or left less variation only for spinners.
Seamers are fine.
Sorry are you talking about line of the delivery or the amount of spin?
Sorry are you talking about line of the delivery or the amount of spin?

I think he/she's referring to changing the line of the delivery for a spin bowler.
If you are talking about line its the right stick press in direction you want angle of release as you time the release of ball. I find you really have to over compensate to make it wide of off but works really well for me on Xbox
I'm not sure if this has been asked before but is anyone else having an issue with default lineups? It seems when I play a tournament, say for eg. the t20 world cup, other teams don't use their t20 lineups. I've set the defaults and fixed the lineups but am still seeing players like Cook, Younis and Pujara in t20s.

Thanks for the input

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