Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
About this item
Product Details
Release date:
13 Feb. 2015
Ages 3 and Over
B00SDCLVIW Sales Rank:

Got these by going to & searching for don bradman cricket 14 ps4. Scroll down there itll be with no pic
It's a rank not individual sales
It's a rank of all selling items in the video game category. not individual sales. like if you look at cod for xbox one it's 5... it's clearly sold more than 5. :)
Now 4512!!!!! & thats at £56.06
The number you're looking at is the sales rank which is the list of bestselling titles. It's updated hourly, and the lower the number the better. Amazon don't release sales figures directly.
It's a rank of all selling items in the video game category. not individual sales. like if you look at cod for xbox one it's 5... it's clearly sold more than 5. :)
LOL My bad then. Thought it was selling fast ill shut up now!!
About this item
Product Details
Release date:
13 Feb. 2015
Ages 3 and Over
B00SDCLVIW Sales Rank:

Got these by going to & searching for don bradman cricket 14 ps4. Scroll down there itll be with no pic
You've just ruined @Chief 's Tuesday night.
I tweeted my local GAME store asking them if they will be stocking it when it is released in the UK and their response was "I think the only way we can say for sure that we'll get one in is if you pre-order it otherwise we may not receive any"

I am slightly disappointed by this. Is there going to be so few copies that stores will only receive them if someone pre-orders it?
I tweeted my local GAME store asking them if they will be stocking it when it is released in the UK and their response was "I think the only way we can say for sure that we'll get one in is if you pre-order it otherwise we may not receive any"

I am slightly disappointed by this. Is there going to be so few copies that stores will only receive them if someone pre-orders it?
That happened for ps3 release. I know the manger from the Leeds Game store & i keep asking him to let me know pre-order code. Ill post on here when i get it.
To be honest not sure if I will pick up PS4 version next month, would love to know if there is anything new in the game that MattW does not know.
The price on Amazon may not drop too much. If they are the sole seller in the UK upon release then they can charge what they want. But the devs of this game have a say in this. Some may call it supply and demand. I call it legalised extortion. At this price point the game is going to get crucified by the reviewers and so it should.
Blockbusting game The Order is out on ps4 the week after. Max price is £44. Millions have been spent on this game on both development and promotion. Its going to be a truly next gen game. DBC is simply and upscaled port with little attention given to enhancement. If a company wanted to sabotage the release of a game and guarantee a bad press, then they couldn't have done any better than they have with DBC. They have had plenty of time to prepare for next gen consoles. lets not forget when the game was originally released on ps3 etc it was unfinished and the bugs rendered it virtually unplayable. Yes these were fixed only after a significant amount of bad press(justified)
I really loved dbc14 on the 360(eventually) It was one of the games of the year for me. I will eventually buy it on ps4 but not until the price has dropped. I will be buying the order instead.
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