Don Bradman Cricket PS4/Xbox One version discussion

Are you going to get the game for PS4/Xbox One?

  • Yes - on PS4

    Votes: 97 55.1%
  • Yes - on Xbox One

    Votes: 24 13.6%
  • Yes - on both

    Votes: 4 2.3%
  • No

    Votes: 51 29.0%

  • Total voters
The reason why i am saying this because, everybody is praising for its playability only, not the graphics. And you are the only person saying other way round.

No he's not, there is plenty that is good about the game but almost as much that is not good. Generally they are things that can (hopefully) and will be fixed and yeah the field settings are generally unrealistic and the constant changing goes completely against what cricket is about.
to be fair, the problem with edges has been an issue since release. think i can remember one edge that I've got while playing as my career left arm unorthodox bowler; while you'd expect a few more to balls spinning away from left handers. Although short leg not catching anything is also a problem in that case

also there are lots of people complimenting the next gen graphics - perhaps you should read the forum before you post anything!

I myself very much happy with the graphics. I never said i am unhappy with it. But there are people who are whining about more needed. And that is their opinion which i can not agree or even disagree. More is always better. But current graphics are good for me. BUt People can debate on that.
Regarding the game-play. Yes, it has bugs. Everybody knows it. But is it unplayable ? Really? If it is unplayable game, then it is not enjoyable. I think that is fair and square.
Some bugs sure. But unplayable suggests it has loads of them and you can not play and enjoy the game. I do not think it's the case here. That was my only objection. if @IceAgeComing think this game falls in that category, then fine. We agree to disagree.
For me it's playable (with bugs included) and i can enjoy it.

Seriously if you have not played the game before posting rubbish read the bugs and wishlist thread.We expect high standards from bigant and dbc ,The bowling and batting mechanics are wonderful but these issues really corrupt the palying experience .I play on legend btw.The series has great potential going forward with the gameplay mechanics but these bugs have to be sorted asap.

As i stated earlier, i know there are bugs, despite those it is enjoyable for me at-least. If it is not playable / enjoyable for you..i guess that is fine too. I hope big-ant will patch it to perfection.
if @IceAgeComing think this game falls in that category, then fine. We agree to disagree.

did i say that? its a good game that has problems, some of which are serious and stop the thing from being a truly great game in my eyes.

Calm down, and stop posting this sort of thing towards everyone who has something to say that you perceive as being critical. Remarkably enough, you are allowed to post in here if you don't like sections of the game because that's the best way to make the thing better.
did i say that? its a good game that has problems, some of which are serious and stop the thing from being a truly great game in my eyes.

Calm down, and stop posting this sort of thing towards everyone who has something to say that you perceive as being critical. Remarkably enough, you are allowed to post in here if you don't like sections of the game because that's the best way to make the thing better.

First, my reply to every post till date is calm. Unlike you i never discouraged anybody to not to post / say allowed to post etc (I am assuming your remark was intended towards me, if not, please ignore this sentence with my apology) . It is not my right to ask. If you read my post again, i accepted all the opinions and hoped BigAnt will do their job to please you by patching it. I do not understand why are you getting angry at me. I am trying to search again through my post where i have written any negative/ angry language towards anybody. I am unable to find it. I just posted my objection regarding one word which was 'unplayable'. But that is again my individual opinion. You, as well as other people may agree with you and i am ok with that. But i suppose, everybody is allowed to post here their opinions. And i am sure i have written my post in calm and non-provocative language. If Moderator / Administrator thinks that i have crossed a line anywhere, please let me know so that i will apologise and edit my post wherever necessary.
a word that you continue to attribute to me even though I totally disagree with it. You seem to have this assumption that if you have any problems with the game you must find it "unplayable" which it clearly isn't even though the game has some issues that could do with being fixed.

Please don't put words in my mouth!!!!!
My two cents and a bit of fluff sticking to a lost winegum.....

1. The game is as good as everyone feels it is, according to their own needs and requirements
2. The game does need patching
3. Whether that should have happended already or should have been open to debate is up to discussion but pretty pointless imo
4. BA have stated time and time again that they will be patching as many of the issues we have discussed
5. They have their hands pretty full at the moment with multiple releases and distribution issues
6. We need to remain patient
7. The game is imo very, very playable still and gives m loads of pleasure even in the current state
Exactly, You never said the word unplayable. I was replying to @Cricket_god. My reply was limited to just the word unplayable. Simple logic suggests, unplayable means super-buggy, with glitches, hence boring. My first reply was very casual, funny assuming @Cricket_god meant unplayable as if, it's playable but with bugs, (which is a well known fact, nobodys denying that). But he re-iterated his notion confirming the same in his next post, also adding the fact that, he is playing with Legend difficulty and i am posting rubbish (his words, not mine). You took his side, regarding bugs etc, where even i am also saying you both are right. Since i took objection on the word 'unplayable' i suppose you both got angry.
I suppose this conversation is meaningless , instead one should post (me including) meaningful/ helpful suggestions / opinions regarding this game. Which i think people are already doing it in wishlist-bugfix.
Exactly, You never said the word unplayable. I was replying to @Cricket_god. My reply was limited to just the word unplayable. Simple logic suggests, unplayable means super-buggy, with glitches, hence boring. My first reply was very casual, funny assuming @Cricket_god meant unplayable as if, it's playable but with bugs, (which is a well known fact, nobodys denying that). But he re-iterated his notion confirming the same in his next post, also adding the fact that, he is playing with Legend difficulty and i am posting rubbish (his words, not mine). You took his side, regarding bugs etc, where even i am also saying you both are right. Since i took objection on the word 'unplayable' i suppose you both got angry.
I suppose this conversation is meaningless , instead one should post (me including) meaningful/ helpful suggestions / opinions regarding this game. Which i think people are already doing it in wishlist-bugfix.

As you say yourself, perhaps time to move on on this one? Cheers.
@Ross still no word as to why Germany still does not have access to this game, PSN store not on there, amazon germany only has the PS3 version.

You told me a week ago you were not ignoring me, yet still no word.

It was a mix up with ratings, the German store did not see a local rating and so it was not listed.

In any case, we really have no direct control over it, there is a publisher in the middle and Sony updates their store once a week. I'm not ignoring you, just can't do anything.
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Well that's great for Rugby15 but my frustration lies in the fact that the launch of this game has bee seemingly sabotaged on every platform it has come to. I already own the game on ps3 and pc each of which experienced problems (PC not as much as it was on steam). So im stuck here waiting a 3rd time for the game which was meant to be available last week with no news on when it will be on the store.

I agree the original release in the UK was a disaster, on every front except the digital store. The Steam release went as planned.

This time around, except for the US and German PS Stores all territories have had the retail or digital stock that was expected at or before the date that it was forecast for all platforms.

As with my answer on the German Store above, our hands are tied, we have to wait on the publisher and Sony.

I appreciate the support you've given us and I only use Rugby15 as one example of many. I want this game in as many markets as possible.
I'm one of the posters that said DBC was unplayable on 360 at launch, I'm happy to say now that on xbox one it is extremely playable and the only issues I've hit are very minor. In my opinion the graphics while not jaw dropping are nice and clean now and I'm quite happy with them. All in all the xbox one verson is great and I don't know how big ant could have done a better job while keeping the features the same across generations. All I want for the next iteration is just adding in more features and depth like plater retirements/sponsor deals/regen youth players etc. The game play for me is close to perfect now.
My id is drake_payne and I have been playing this game since its launch on ps3 and now on ps4....i play only online mode and i was (maybe still am) in top 5 online leaderboard in ps3 and now on top in ps4 online leaderboard so i know almost everything about online gameplay.....ps4 is slightly improved version of ps3 but here i am facing the same bugs and glitches that were present on ps3 before 2nd and 3rd patch....gameplay is smooth and everything is playable and enjoyable but there are some bugs which needs your attention to make this game almost perfect,i know its not possible to get rid of all the bugs and glitches so i request you to make only two improvement if not many....

1) Clean Bowled not given out. The frequency of this bug has increased in last 3-4 days. I have to take on an average of 15 wickets to make the opponent all out. yesterday i clean bowled my opponent 5 times on first 5 ball but none of them were given out. Just imagine how frustrating would that be. (Its not because of my internet speed or anything i use one of the best isp available in my country and i got ping around 25-28 ms)

2) Run out issues. People are taking easy single and doubles even though the ball is in the hands of fielder. Direct hit happens only 1 out of 10 times. Keeper's reaction time is very slow after collecting the ball.

Please consider these issues in your upcoming patch....
Is there an offline co-op mode in the newly released PS4 and XBOX one versions?

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