Downright Donkeys 2007/2008 Team Discussion Thread

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Stop it guys. Now I am going to delete all stupid and useless posts. You guys can use the Chat room for this stuff.
If any posts are deleted we're going on strike and never posting again, not even any of our lineups or anything.
KX, please don't spam in our thread. We don't appreciate it. This thread is for quality discussion only.

They're gonna clean up your looks
With all the lies in the books
To make a citizen out of you...
Stop it guys. Now I am going to delete all stupid and useless posts. You guys can use the Chat room for this stuff.
Don't be silly, the chat room doesn't make our thread look long, does it? This is 13 pages long, fantastic work Donkeys! (although about 10 people in the squad probably haven't posted yet)
Hey, it says that I posted spam here. Anyone care to fill me in on what it was? It must've been someone else hacking into my account as my posts are concentrated quality.
I warned you KX. I'm never posting in cricsim again until you reinstate my post and apologise.
Am I still in the squad? Haven't checked any threads here so was just wandering if so then I have some more great ideas for merchandise
Am I still in the squad? Haven't checked any threads here so was just wandering if so then I have some more great ideas for merchandise
You probably are. If not, give us your ideas anyway, we'll use them just the same, just you won't get any credit for them.
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