Downright Donkeys 2007/2008 Team Discussion Thread

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The only problem with the chat room is that it's dead. Don't worry about spamming in here KX, it's just team discussion, they can talk about whatever they want. Only worry if it's completely irrelevant (such as gibberish), rude, or advertising.
The only problem with the chat room is that it's dead. Don't worry about spamming in here KX, it's just team discussion, they can talk about whatever they want. Only worry if it's completely irrelevant (such as gibberish), rude, or advertising.
It is completely useless stuff. They post 4 line songs:eek:
It is completely useless stuff. They post 4 line songs:eek:
Well, if you wanted useful stuff, you should have said so earlier.

1. Buy yourself a small solar panel. For about $100 you should be able to get one rated at 12 volts or better (look for 16 volts) at an RV or marine supplies store.

2. Buy yourself a battery. Get any size deep cycle 12 volt lead/acid or gel battery. You need the deep cycle battery for continuous use. The kind in your car is a cranking battery--just for starting an engine. Look for bargains, it should cost about $50-60.

3. Get a battery box to put it in for $10. (This is good for covering up the exposed terminals in case there are children about If you going to install the system in a pump shed, cabin, or boat, skip this.)

3. Buy a 12 volt DC meter. Radio Shack has them for about $25.

4. Buy a DC input. I like the triple inlet model which you can find at a car parts store in the cigarette lighter parts section for about $10. This is enough to power DC appliances, and there are many commercially available, like fans, one-pint water boilers, lights, hair dryers, baby bottle warmers, and vacuum cleaners. Many cassette players, answering machines, and other electrical appliances are DC already and with the right cable will run straight off the box.

5. But if you want to run AC appliances, you will have to invest in an inverter. This will convert the stored DC power in the battery into AC power for most of your household appliances. I bought a 115 volt 140 watt inverter made by Power-to-Go at Pep Boys for $50. More powerful inverters are available by mail. Count up the number of watts you'll be using (e.g., a small color television(=60 watts) with a VCR(=22 watts), you'll need 82 watts).

6. Use a drill to attach the meter and DC input to the top of the box.

7. Use insulated wire to attach the meter to the wingnut terminals on the battery. Connect the negative (-) pole first. Only handle one wire at a time. Connect the DC inlet to the battery in the same way. Connect the solar panel to the battery in the same way.

8. Close the lid (I use a bungee cord to keep it tight). Put the solar panel in the sun. It takes 5-8 hours to charge a dead battery; 1-3 hours to top off a weak one. It will run radios, fans, and small wattage lights all night, or give you about 5 hours of continuous use at 115 volt AC, or about an hour boiling water. This system may be added on to with larger panels, inverters, and batteries.
Options: A pop-up circuit breaker may be added between the positive treminal and the volt meter. Some of you will want an ampmeter as well. The panels I recommend have built-in bypass diodes, but I recommend charge controllers for people who have panels without diodes. Another option is a voltage regulator, which is not necessary for a system this small, but a larger system would require one.

And if you're interested in diagrams KX, you can find them at
Don't pretend you don't need a solar power generator. With the climate change problem going on around the world, we need to act. Ideas like this on how to make a solar power generator are most useful.

You said we were posting useless stuff. This is useful, and you're still complaining. You're extremely hard to please ;)
I ain't complaining. I just can't bother reading it.

Take one for the community KX.

The potato chip

A potato chip or crisp is a thin slice of potato, deep fried or baked until crisp. Potato chips serve as an appetizer, side dish, or snack. Commercial varieties are packaged for sale, usually in bags. The simplest chips of this kind are just cooked and salted, but manufacturers can add a wide variety of seasonings (mostly made using herbs, spices, cheese, artificial additives or MSG). Chips are an important part of the snack food market in English-speaking countries and many other Western nations.

There is little consistency in the English speaking world for names of fried potato cuttings. North American English uses 'chips' for the above mentioned dish -- this term is also used in continental Europe -- and sometimes 'crisps' for the same made from batter, and 'French fries' for the hot crispy batons with a soft core. In the United Kingdom and Ireland, 'crisps' are the brittle slices eaten at room temperature and 'chips' refer to the hot dish (as in 'fish and chips'). In Australia, New Zealand and some parts of South Africa, both forms of potato product are simply known as 'chips', as are the larger "home-style" potato chips. Sometimes the distinction is made between 'hot chips' (French fried potatoes) and 'packet chips'.

Non-potato based chips also exist. Kumara (sweet potato) chips are eaten in New Zealand and Japan; parsnip crisps are available in the United Kingdom. India is famous for a large number of localized 'chips shops', selling not only potato chips but also other varieties such as plantain chips, yam chips and even carrot chips. In many countries potato chips have been criticized because of their high fat percentage (approx. 35%) and their acrylamide content.

For more fascinating information on a potato chip see this link:

Good day :onpc
At least your being thankful for our wonderful posting now.:clap
It's all very well to call it wonderful, but do you think our posting could possibly make a big enough impact on the world to turn it in to the place we want it to be? Can our posting stop wars? In the grand scheme of things, it is only one thread. But if it continues, I believe it has the power to create a ripple effect going all around the world (the effect would have the ability to exist on water or land, much like a crocodile)

Can this thread stop global warming? Can this thread create world peace? Can this thread come up with a solution to the age old problem of cold toilet seats, where even if they are warm, that makes you feel bad because it occurs to you that someone has just squeezed one out from the exact same spot that you are sitting in?

Only time will tell.

he Cossacks (Russian: Каза́ки, Kazaki; Ukrainian: Козаки́, Kozaky; also known as Polish: Kozacy, originally derived from Turik Qazaqlar) are a traditional community of militant people living in the southern steppe regions of Eastern Europe (primarily Ukraine and southern Russia). They are famous for their self-reliance and military skills, particularly horsemanship. "Cossack" may also refer to a member of a Cossack military unit.

Different Cossack groups are identified with different hosts, or regions. The Cossacks of the Zaporozhian, Don, Terek and Ural hosts, as well as areas of Siberia (such as the Baikal Cossacks) are the best known. Cossacks first became widely known in western Europe in the mid-17th century as a result of the great revolt of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and the Zaporozhians against the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth in what is now Ukraine, which shook the geopolitical foundations of eastern Europe.[1][2][3][4]

Their numbers grew during late medieval times, joined by numerous Russian and Ruthenian serfs fleeing from their owners. Eventually Cossacks became guardians of ethnic and state boundaries. In the 18th and 19th centuries Cossacks in Europe became known for the numerous wars with Russia and contributed to the stereotypical portrayal of Russia. Russian Cossacks served in the Russian regular army in various wars throughout the 18th and 19th centuries. During the Russian Civil War they fought for both the Red Army and White Army. The Don Cossack Host were one of the main military forces resisting the Bolsheviks. Cossack military regiments were, however, reformed prior to the World War II. Currently in Russia, Cossacks are seen as either ethnic descendants or by their active military service and often both. The latter category was listed as a separate group in the census and there are currently up to 150,000 Cossacks in military service in Russia and up to several million descendants aware of their Cossack heritage, which is now experiencing a revival, particularly in the south of Russia.
It's all very well to call it wonderful, but do you think our posting could possibly make a big enough impact on the world to turn it in to the place we want it to be? Can our posting stop wars? In the grand scheme of things, it is only one thread. But if it continues, I believe it has the power to create a ripple effect going all around the world (the effect would have the ability to exist on water or land, much like a crocodile)

Can this thread stop global warming? Can this thread create world peace? Can this thread come up with a solution to the age old problem of cold toilet seats, where even if they are warm, that makes you feel bad because it occurs to you that someone has just squeezed one out from the exact same spot that you are sitting in?

Only time will tell.

And with this, the Donkey Goverment is born.
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