Downright Donkeys 2007/2008 Team Discussion Thread

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iloveireland, you have just been officially crowned the planetcricket Douche Bag. Read the rules as listed a couple of pages back and discover why. Donkeys, we may now end this spamfest, as one of our own has ended the competition. It was just a test to see how long until someone posted the inevitable 'spam'. Back to our regular high quality posting now.
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You had better because from now on, I will be forced to scan this threads for serious spam.
Next competition, let's count to 1000 in words, and the person who types 'one thousand' is the loser:


Due to the selection issues we have had lately with certain people trying to get their personally picked teams in, I've figured we may as well have a set team that gets rotated depending on posting.

Now, using, I've found out the 10 highest posters on this thread. I am obviously number one. Not spam, just quality. I would say those 10 should go straight into the team, but sadly, two of them are Hooper and Feeling Blue? meaning we can't exactly play them.

Leaving us with:

Leicester Fox
Gilly Fan

Now as I have noticed Drewska around the parts a little bit lately, and as he is technically our captain, he can snag a spot too. Skateboarder and pal posted in our last match thread, so they get spots too. That rounds out the 11. If anyone is disappointed with it, complain and you could get rotated in.

So the team now is:

Leicester Fox
Gilly Fan

4 pure bowlers, 1 bowling all-rounder, 2 all-rounders, 1 batting all-rounder, 3 pure batsmen. But this 11 has posted the most so I'm happy to go with it anyway. Not sure what the rules are about changing styles, but if any of the bottom 4 players (or even everyone below 3) would like to change to a pure batsman that would help the team a lot. It'd also secure your spot in the team because we're hardly going to drop a posting batsman.

And six sounds funny when New Zealanders say it.
What happened yesterday then? :p

Seven is gonna be the total of wins in a row we will get later on in the seson.
I've posted the team I just wrote up. Reason you got dropped would've been that hxcrocker, Timofy, and Plympilgrim were all picked as pure batsmen as well, while I don't think they should have as I haven't seen them posting very often.

I played a game once where a six counted as Eight. Sadly, I didn't hit any as I was a very small kid back then and didn't quite have the delightful hitting power I do today.
I am one of the 10 highest posters in this thread.
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