Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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End of the day, it is only exams. There is so much more you can achieve in life without exam grades. Of course they are useful, but in the workplace, it is experience in that career path, not exam grades which they look for.
2 more exams left up. Mathematics and Computer Science. I hope I would return :) and not :eek: on seeing the Question Paper. :p
End of the day, it is only exams. There is so much more you can achieve in life without exam grades. Of course they are useful, but in the workplace, it is experience in that career path, not exam grades which they look for.
Yea, I agree. I know I come off as a massive geek who studies bucket loads for great grades, but it is important to understand they'll only matter as far as getting into a college. And what college you get in will probably only matter uptil what your first job is. From there on, it doesn't matter. It's all you. Grades just make that first step easier.

As for the workload, don't worry, you'll manage. You are a human, we find ways of accomplishing things that seem impossible to begin with...
You need good exam scores to get into the best schools - which will allow you to make the most of your opportunities and life.
You need good exam scores to get into the best schools - which will allow you to make the most of your opportunities and life.
School grades will not allow you to make the most of opportunities, that is down to you. School grades give you a platform to work off, rest is on your own. I have a lot of family members who are successful despite struggling in school or getting through colleges, they worked hard, took opportunities that came to them, and became successful. School grades barely mattered.
But is is School Grades which are deciding peoples futures. If you don't get the grades, then Universities won't want you. I think it's something like 7 A* at GCSE to do Medecine here at Uni.
You need just 7 A*s to get into Medicine at Camebridge? Damn, I would have made it :p

Like I said, better grades give you a better platform, but it is no indication of how much success you will have in your future life. That depends on your skills, your work ethic, your dedication, and what you make of your opportunities in life. 15 years from now, when you are applying for a managerial position in a company or to head a research project or anything, the last thing they are likely to care about is what grades you got at O level or what college you came from. They'll be more concerned about your achievements in that field up till that point and what skills you possess. So don't worry.
You need just 7 A*s to get into Medicine at Camebridge? Damn, I would have made it :p

I don't think they care about GCSE grades. You need 3 A at A level (that's the easy bit) and impress at the interview (that's the hard bit). Someone I know got 5 A's at A level (maths a year early, further maths (nigh on 100% in both of them), Physics, Chemistry and Biology) and didn't get in. Being academic isn't enouygh.
There are quite a few PlanetCricket members who go Secondary School, Tafe or Uni, this is the thread for all school discussion.

I want to know how you study. I don't have an overly large workload, but I have let it build up, and now have a cooking assignment, ton of maths (which is 90% complete), an English poem and a poem response, a computer web site to be build from scratch (I have only just started TBH, and it sucks, thinking of starting again) with the English and Maths due this week. I will mainly be working on the Cooking assignments throughout the holidays, because it's due first day back, and the web site isn't set as a due date, but I need a fair amount done by Thursday.
In your case, get a list of everything you need to do. Write a number next to them in order of when they are due (1 for the first, etc.). Then use time at home and private study to get them done one by one. Don't worry about getting them perfect, get them to a suitable standard and when they are all done you might find time to tweak them and get them how you want.

Over the holidays, get any work done as early as possible so you can enjoy the time off. Even better than that is that you will have a clean slate, so any work you get when you go back you can do on the night you get it and keep a clean slate.
4 more days and my 10th exam gets over! :happy And that will be end of school too! Then I'll be odd to Junior College. End of school is just so good. :happy

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