Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I want to do homework when I get it, but it is tough :p

I generally spend my free periods in school finishing homework, and do whatever I can at home. Home is mostly for studying. And wasting time on PC :p
I rarely do work at college during free time, that said, there isn't much of that.
Ok, done a bit of maths and about half of my English as well. Seeing the teacher tomorrow about that. Getting started on my computer in a second. Also in the next week I will have to start studying for my maths test (27th) and start my cooking assignment (30th of April).

Tomorrow is my easiest day. Start off with homegroups (rollcall - we have it every day and the teacher reads out the notices) then I do 75 minutes of English, then have assembly, then do 75 minutes of PE Theory, then do Cricket for sport, then go to cricket training until 6-6:30 odd, come home and try to cram in as much homework as possible.
Half my grade are such crybabies about the workload. Seriously, it's all psychological. You can make things a lot worse just by thinking it's bad. If you don't let it get to you, it won't seem like a lot. Forget all the time management crap; heavy workloads are all in your head.
Lucky sod.

Have you been doing about Poems in English, Magz? To be more precise, the excellent Dulce et Decorum est(sp? from memory) and that extract from Troy? We had to answer a simple question, saying what do the poems try to convey about war? We had 50 minutes to write an essay on it, which sounds easy doesn't it? Not alot to write about, surely? Well I managed to write 5 pages(a4) and only just finished. Some people only wrote 2 or 1 and a half. I swear I ever go on and on and on and on and on, or the rest of my class are thick.

Ah well. Only need to do speaking and listening assessment now and thats it all done.
Your class is thick. I estimate 60% of each class's population consists of those who don't care, at the least...
Lucky sod.

Have you been doing about Poems in English, Magz? To be more precise, the excellent Dulce et Decorum est(sp? from memory) and that extract from Troy? We had to answer a simple question, saying what do the poems try to convey about war? We had 50 minutes to write an essay on it, which sounds easy doesn't it? Not alot to write about, surely? Well I managed to write 5 pages(a4) and only just finished. Some people only wrote 2 or 1 and a half. I swear I ever go on and on and on and on and on, or the rest of my class are thick.

Ah well. Only need to do speaking and listening assessment now and thats it all done.

We're doing this speech on things we hate basically, is yours being marked to GCSE specs like ours?.
Your class is thick. I estimate 60% of each class's population consists of those who don't care, at the least...

60% at the least, yep. Then again, depends what subject.

We're doing this speech on things we hate basically, is yours being marked to GCSE specs like ours?.

Hmm we haven't done speaking and listening yet, not since we did a speech in January on things we feel strongly about. We have to do another speaking and listening activity soon, but I think this will be a debate, apparently. Yeah the markings for ours is GCSE. However were getting into new sets and we've been doing these assessments. We had to write a short story which was scored out of 40 and I got 31, 1 mark off a A at GCSE level. I think I got about 2/3 marks deducted for making it around 150-200 words too long. We then have to do this written assessment about these two poems which I described earlier, and that will be scored out of 50. Our last assessment will be out of 40 and that will be the speaking and listening activity.

We're getting marked to GCSE specs, too, in short. :p
In the hate speech we had to do room 101 and put 2 things in. I did scousers and wouldn't shut up. The liverpool fans in the room had never known anything like it :D Teacher had to tell me to move onto my next point after about 5 minutes but she supported united so it's alright :D
In the hate speech we had to do room 101 and put 2 things in. I did scousers and wouldn't shut up. The liverpool fans in the room had never known anything like it :D Teacher had to tell me to move onto my next point after about 5 minutes but she supported united so it's alright :D

The first thing I would put in room 101 would be using "Room 101" in the wrong context.
Half my grade are such crybabies about the workload. Seriously, it's all psychological. You can make things a lot worse just by thinking it's bad. If you don't let it get to you, it won't seem like a lot. Forget all the time management crap; heavy workloads are all in your head.

n00bs just think that it's either just incredibly, inhumanely hard or they just don't give a crap. Two extremes :p.

We had to do our Room 101 thing the other day. I just did homework, easiest thing to do :p. I got a few laughs for saying homeworks caused obesity lol.

Got our mocks in a week and a half. The only subjects I REALLY need to revise are German and French for the oral questions. The rest I think I'll scrape with minimum revision :p.

As usual I'll end by saying Man D rules.
The first thing I would put in room 101 would be using "Room 101" in the wrong context.

Don't blame me blame the teachers :D and don't worry I'd let you off being an Evertonian, your fans give my my information on Steven Gerrard and his wife's sex life :D
In the hate speech we had to do room 101 and put 2 things in. I did scousers and wouldn't shut up. The liverpool fans in the room had never known anything like it :D Teacher had to tell me to move onto my next point after about 5 minutes but she supported united so it's alright :D

Lol that's what we're doing.
I'm a twat.

Just decided I want to go to University, about a year and a few months late for this year, and about 3 months late to bother applying for September. Ah well, will just have to go Next September, not a huge problem, just get a job in Tesco or something to earn some money before I go. Found a couple of courses I like the sound of, one of them is a Cricket Coaching course at Newcastle and the other a Sport Psychology course at the University of Central Lancashire. I've got the grades to get into both, and I'm liking the sound of both, looking forward to going. Really should have decided on this earlier!

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