Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I have CCC, although if I e-mailed my IT teacher early next year I could get him to enter me for a Jan exam in ICT, as I only need 4 more marks for a B, so I'd have B,C,C, not sure how many extra points that is, but Lancs need BBB, so I doubt I'll get in. Leeds looks pretty good though, it's a proper journalism Uni, really should have been doing this about 5 months ago :p
Just thought I'd say/brag -- A* on Macbeth Coursework for English Literature. That's two A*'s now on two Courseworks so thats 25% of the Eng Lit done to A* standard. 51/54. Well chuffed :)
Hey Britons over here.can I get free pdf versions of your ICT books?
Just thought I'd say/brag -- A* on Macbeth Coursework for English Literature. That's two A*'s now on two Courseworks so thats 25% of the Eng Lit done to A* standard. 51/54. Well chuffed :)

What was your essay on Macbeth on? In my set(which is the lowest of my year) I am the only person to have two A's in all my coursework. The rest being B's. Already have one A* in me GCSE's and that was for R.S EASSYYYYYYY!
AS levels, easter hols now and trying to work3+ hours a day, doing math, PE, politics and geo!

im so worried im just going to bum it. I go to a decent school but just cant see it working. I am planning on working in sport, really dont know.

any advice for A levels or just how much work you are doing!
I like to get one work out the way in a go. I hate doing bits on one piece, then do some on another, some on another, etc.
2 weeks off for Easter, then a couple of weeks in and study leave begins.

There is a little beer festival on during the beginning of study leave, 1.59 a pint for various guest ales. Superb. I have about 5 days or so to sample all 50 of the guest ales. I should start [training] revising for it now.

My worst day for exams is 3 hours of chemsitry in the morning, followed by 2 and a half hours of english in the afternoon.

It's my own fault though as if I worked harder last year I wouldn't be re-sitting the chemistry.

At least English needs little revision.
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Education is probably the most pointless thing i've done my whole life, apart from joining PC.

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