Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Just thought I would be a bit sad and post some of my History Revision. This was Page 2 of 4 I did today in 2 hours from memory.


Sorry for the poor handwriting
Far superior to my best handwriting.

But *apparently* I am dyslexic, so it doesn't really matter.
Causes of the Second World War in Chronological order.

4) Hitler did what?

Still, more revision than I've done.
I never type cause it hurts your wrist mad after 2 pages, cause you put alot of pressure on your hand, cause you think how to make each sentence look/sound extra cool.

SO i type and print my work. Thats why I never got to work on dreadful my spleling and sh it.
I can imagine you walking into the exam hall with your laptop.

'Oh, no, I don't really feel like writing stuff out today.'
Just realised I never said what grade I got for my Maths exam in January. I got a D, which I am extremely pleased with considering a number of factors. A) It's ridiculously hard. B) I was massively behind the whole time (And currently am again on the second section :p). C) I was predicted an E by teacher. The same teacher that actually said to me, in front of the whole class, after the exam: "Jack?! I'm surprised your still here." The bitch!
Just realised I never said what grade I got for my Maths exam in January. I got a D, which I am extremely pleased with considering a number of factors. A) It's ridiculously hard. B) I was massively behind the whole time (And currently am again on the second section :p). C) I was predicted an E by teacher. The same teacher that actually said to me, in front of the whole class, after the exam: "Jack?! I'm surprised your still here." The bitch!
Not bad Jack considering it is A-Level Maths.
Got my P1a and B1a results today so my Science results so far this year are:

C1a - 43/50 - A
B1a - 45/50 - A*
P1a - 42/50 - A


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