Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Got my results from the test on the poems I was speaking about a few days ago. The marks was out of 50 and we were getting marked at GCSE standard. The second highest in the class got in the low 40's and got an A, which was one of my best mates and that is sensational. I then recieved my paper back and I got an A*! I got 47/50 in the test and considering that is GCSE standard, I'm dead chuffed. I was one mark off an A with my imaginative writing, which I'm re-doing to get that A, and feel I got a B in our debate today. English is my strongest lesson by far.
I'm a twat.

Just decided I want to go to University, about a year and a few months late for this year, and about 3 months late to bother applying for September. Ah well, will just have to go Next September, not a huge problem, just get a job in Tesco or something to earn some money before I go. Found a couple of courses I like the sound of, one of them is a Cricket Coaching course at Newcastle and the other a Sport Psychology course at the University of Central Lancashire. I've got the grades to get into both, and I'm liking the sound of both, looking forward to going. Really should have decided on this earlier!

I effing well told you as well!!!!! :p Jesus Dan, suppose it is better late than never and the course at Newcastle does sound quite good. If you do get a job, you should come out with no (or very little) debt. How long are the courses for?
I know :p Should have listened to the wise words of Sir Tom! ;)

The course at Newcastle is a 2 year one I think, with the Sport Psychology course a 3 year course. Yeh, that's what I was thinking, shouldn't end with much debt at all, would be good to go in with some decent cash in my account!
Going to a UCAS fayre with a couple of friends next Thursday at Brighton Uni. You'd have asked me a year ago about going to Uni, I'd have laughed, hard.

In the middle of trying to get out a 1,000 flyers and other promotional methods for our charity event. Going to get some local road(s) done during the innings interval...
Sports Psychology. If wishes came true, I'd be doing that...along with playing for UAE U-19 :p

Got my results from the test on the poems I was speaking about a few days ago. The marks was out of 50 and we were getting marked at GCSE standard. The second highest in the class got in the low 40's and got an A, which was one of my best mates and that is sensational. I then recieved my paper back and I got an A*! I got 47/50 in the test and considering that is GCSE standard, I'm dead chuffed. I was one mark off an A with my imaginative writing, which I'm re-doing to get that A, and feel I got a B in our debate today. English is my strongest lesson by far.
I got A*s in IGCSE English and Literature. It's a piece of cake, especially since it is graded on a curve. You should be aiming for the highest grades worldwide/in your country. You have that potential.
Sports Psychology. If wishes came true, I'd be doing that...along with playing for UAE U-19 :p

I got A*s in IGCSE English and Literature. It's a piece of cake, especially since it is graded on a curve. You should be aiming for the highest grades worldwide/in your country. You have that potential.

Getting an A* now is terrific as I'm taking my English in just over a year so have plenty of time to improve that and perhaps get just under full marks, or perhaps getting the whole bunch. You never know.
Went to a UCAS convention last week, and got excited at the propsect of university! Not sure what I want to do yet, PROBABLY something Geography/Earth Sciences or Drama/Theatre related. Looking primarily at Cardiff, Swansea, Aberystwyth, Bristol and UCL (I think), but have others in the pipeline to take a look at as well! :)
Cardiff was one of my choices. They were my second favourite over Aberdeen. Really seemed friendly, well organised and helpful, you actually felt like they wanted you to go there. They just weren't very flexible with visiting the uni which is what eventually made me choose Aberdeen instead
Just chose Oxford Brookes as my firm and Leicester as my insurance.
Just found out that I can get into a couple of Uni's to do Sports Journalism, Leeds Trinity, Staffordshire and Worcester do a Journalism and Sport Studies course which I can get into as well :D. I think anyway, what's 240 points? 3 C's isn't it? 1 C = 80 points doesn't it? Unless I've read the little tarriff table thing wrong =/
Yeah CCC = 240 UCAS points. Personally I would go for the one at Newcastle. Very good uni, good night life and lots of cricket near by ;)
Don't think it's at Newcastle Uni though, it's at Newcastle College. I emailed them to get more information, but they didn't bother replying. I'm not entirely sure if it's a proper degree course, think Sport Psychology or Sport Journalism at Lancashire or Leeds Trinity would be a better option, play some Lancashire league cricket against Bumble if I go to Lancs as well :p
Oh thought I mentioned that in my first post in this thread :p, yeh, that's a Sport Psychology course at Lancs, need BBB to get Sport Journalism at Lancs. :( What's Leeds Trinity like?

Edit: Ohhh, Natalie Sawyer went to Leeds Trinity. It's a specialist Journalism Uni. If haven't heard of Natalie Sawyer, she's one of the fit ones from Sky Sports News...

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I dunno. I have a mate at Leeds, but it is the proper Leeds uni. What grades do you have, could you get in to Lancs? Maybe because you are slightly older and would have missed two years they might consider you.

Also Natalie Sawyer is :thumbs

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