Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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As, I think it is shravi will know, in the IB you have to write a 4000 word extended essay, and of course my second choice title was cricket and that was the one my advisor advised
me to pick, so my reasearch question is something along the lines of has T20 Cricket had a positive effect on English Domestic Cricket system with a specific look at 3 counties, (Durham, Surrey and Glamorgan). A true economics essay :p
Did anyone else do the GCSE science exams in November? Got my results back a couple of weeks ago:

Phys 38/40 A*
Bio 40/40 A*
Chem 40/40 A*

Quite pleased with that :).
Apparently, IB is a lot harder than a regular program :|

I'll settle for Melbourne Uni :p
Yeh, the IB isn't fun, I'm friends with a lot of people in the final grade, grade 12, and at times they are getting around 4 hours sleep a night! I'm not looking forward to it.
As, I think it is shravi will know, in the IB you have to write a 4000 word extended essay, and of course my second choice title was cricket and that was the one my advisor advised
me to pick, so my reasearch question is something along the lines of has T20 Cricket had a positive effect on English Domestic Cricket system with a specific look at 3 counties, (Durham, Surrey and Glamorgan). A true economics essay :p

Just a suggestion, but if you want to do Sussex, as someone who works there, I can help you out in quite deep detail if you want.
I have my ACT (SAT-like) exam on Saturday morning. 8AM start :(.

3 more shots at the test before i'm done for good, hopefully I can seal a great score this weekend...
I've got another speech coming up, it's on Tuesday. It's on 5 topics, I chose "There is no better way to spend your time than bush walking."

I chose it, because I thought it'd be easiest. I've got that I'd rather use technology, meet friends etc, then how ████ bushwalking is, but I really don't know how to continue on from that.

Not that what I've got sounds any good either.

I’d like to ask you a question. Would you rather spend your day at the beach, or walking through a bush.

Would you rather meet your friends, use the computer, play games, text people, or walk through a boring bush?

Sure, bush walking has its advantages. Being covered in leeches, attacked by insects, and walking by looking at the sticks, bushes, twigs and trees. Not to mention you could easily get lost. Sounds like a top way to spend your time to me.

Need urgent help, gotta present it first thing Tuesday morning (currently 10pm on Saturday night).
You need to present both the pros and cons of the statement, go in to the details of both sides. Use your own opinions on the debate and open it up to the audience as well, as it is a very open and subjective statement.
I think he is supposed to choose either a for or against basis, similar to a debate.

I've helped him out a little bit and his speech is looking pretty good right now...
Yep, the great man was on in my time of need.

I'm here today to talk to you about the subject of bushwalking. First of all, I'd like to ask you a question. If you had the option of going to the beach, spending times with friends, playing a sport or going bushwalking, which would you choose? Whatever your answer may be, I highly doubt that it would be bushwalking.

Why would people feel the need to go bushwalking? It may be exciting for the first couple of minutes - but an hour in, with a heavy pack and your feet turning to lead, it may not seem such a good idea - particularly after the initial thrill of the scenery wears off. Then, you go home tired, dirty, sore and frustrated.

Then, for the rest of the night, and days after, you’ll be scratching the mosquito bites and removing leeches and ticks from your body. And for what? To see a few trees and bushes? Exercise? The reality is, you could burn off far more energy and increase your fitness levels much faster by playing a sport.

Not to mention, the risks of being seriously injured or killed. Face the facts, the Australian bush is extremely dangerous. We have the most dangerous range of snakes in the world, not to mention loads of species of spiders that can put you in a hospital bed or grave. In January, a 17 year old girl died while bushwalking in Western Australia.

Basically the first 3 paragraphs were Blakes, but I've did some minor editing. Got a bit more to do, then I should get that around 3 mins.
A2 exams soon! Though the modular system has left me about as far away from under pressure as it is possible to be (with a slight exception in Physics...)

Next year I'm gapping and then in Sept/Oct 2011 looking at either Durham (AAA) or Manchester (AAB) unis for Geography...:D
I have AS and A2 of physics and pure maths to give.
Maths seem easy enough with the exception of FP2 :(
A2 Physics seems easier than AS physics but then I do not know *shrugs*
Anything is possible in exams :crying
A-level physics is pretty easy. Maths isn't too bad. It's once you do A2 Futher Maths it gets hard :)

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