Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I'd think its safe to say that he is out of school and working lol.
Or he is like a certain staff member on here that I am friends with... and does nothing ;)
You know who you are.
danny2502 said:
yeah funny

i'm not gonna spend the erst of my life paying of Uni debt and chances are i'll end up giving somebody there Big Mac And Fries and Mcdonalds i'm happy with doing brickwork at colleage and least i'll end up with a 20 grand p/a job


Put it this way, I know what I would rather do. University or be a brick layer? hmmmm. Yes you get some money but University will provide you with much more and help you get a better job in the future. I here you say, not neccessarily, and your right it isnt for sure you will get a better job. But you have a better chance of it then being a brick builder for a few years.
@ Zexy: PE is Physical Education. Basically 80 minuts of soccer. More like an hour, what with changing and going to the ground and all.
We also have two subjects: Islamic Studies and Moral Science over here. Muslims take the former, and non-muslims the latter. Up to 8th we used to do these tiny silly chapters for a useless exam. But now in ninth, there is no real "Moral Science" period. So it is just us non-muslims in an empty class with a teacher who has a free period. Don't do much. My friends and I play a few games from Who's Line ;)

And registration is attendance for who has attended school that day. Also used for fires and stuff like that. If you arelate, you got to the library where the files are held after the classes are done to be checked in as late. Leave early, same thing to be marked as left early.
JamesyJames3 said:

Put it this way, I know what I would rather do. University or be a brick layer? hmmmm. Yes you get some money but University will provide you with much more and help you get a better job in the future. I here you say, not neccessarily, and your right it isnt for sure you will get a better job. But you have a better chance of it then being a brick builder for a few years.

I always liked the story last year about the molecular biologist in Birmingham who had about 10 degrees and decided to take up plumbing instead. He's now working a lot less hours for a lot more money! :D
Im a UT Technician (Ultrasonic Tech) used to work for Sonartech, but than started my own company called Micon, I moved to Namibia to better my field, because Namibia does not have so many UT companies, a month later, that was this friday, I receive a call from Germany based company called Mittalsteel owned by Frank Mittal who is indian borned that they have a job offer for me, im stil in two minds over the decision
Well my timetable for this term is great!

Period 1: Basketball
Period 2: Fitness
Period 3: Recess (YAY! More running :p)
Period 4: Math
Period 5: Science
Period 6: French
Period 7: Lunch
Period 8: Geography or History ( Right Now: Geography)
Period 9: English
Period 10: Home!
Shevchenko said:
Im a UT Technician (Ultrasonic Tech) used to work for Sonartech, but than started my own company called Micon, I moved to Namibia to better my field, because Namibia does not have so many UT companies, a month later, that was this friday, I receive a call from Germany based company called Mittalsteel owned by Frank Mittal who is indian borned that they have a job offer for me, im stil in two minds over the decision

You got family in namibia?
Im in the 7th grade. My school rocks. I have all A's ( the highest you can get) or 100% in all my subjects. I have tons of friends too. I think im the youngest here, im only 12. lol

Pak_cricketer said:
Well my timetable for this term is great!

Period 1: Basketball
Period 2: Fitness
Period 3: Recess (YAY! More running :p)
Period 4: Math
Period 5: Science
Period 6: French
Period 7: Lunch
Period 8: Geography or History ( Right Now: Geography)
Period 9: English
Period 10: Home!

how long is each period?? I only have 6 and they're all an hour long.
Obtaining A's doesn't mean you achieved 100% or atleast that is the case in AUstralia. Obtaining A's you must be the top 5 or 10 in the grade and only the best students get.
Lol in NZ you can't achieve 100% The best you can get is an Excellence. Exam ranking system in NZ - Excellence, Merit, Achieve and Not Achieved. They have some scholarship thing for the smart students can't remember how they rank that one.
A's in everything? Thats a joke, even If you get 100% in every test you'll never get 100% on your report card..Usually in Assignments and Particapation brings you down.
Over here 80+ is an A. Really dumbed down I feel, since the only ones I score 80s in is Arabic. But then, I haven't been examed on the new subjects I selected this year...
Also according to this system, you need only above 60% to avoid being sent to the core system and to continue with the advanced system.
Got my report today! I did very well in my exams, and my term marks were good in most subjects. I atleast managed to prove that I could do IT by having a term mark in maths of 77% and an exam mark of 87%. I am really looking forward to the new system next year, and since I could choose subjects next year made it even more exciting.

My choices were
Life Orientation
(all of the above are compulsory)

Physical Science (normal 'Science lol)
Life Science (Biology)
Information Technology

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