I am at a loss as to what to do for A Level. I am in year 11 and do 11 GCSEs and have done a compulsory RS Short Course, achieving an A*.
Eng Lit.
Eng Lang.
Add. Maths
I am pretty confident of As (and A*s) in all subjects and possibly a B in IT or an English subject, but coursework would take me through that.
We get the choice of any of these subjects (Add. Maths --> Further Maths), Geology, Politics, Business Studies or Economics for AS and A level. However, I really really don't know what AS Levels to choose nor what career path to go into.
Basically, I would not mind going into Cricket Coaching as I feel I am knowledgable in cricket and can impart my wisdom to help others, I would no doubt enjoy that. Would I need to do Biology for that though? I am extremely kack-handed (excuse my SE London terminology) and may screw up many-a-practical in A Level Biology!
As you have seen by my articles, I would also love a career in journalism but it seems that former cricketers are "in" and plain ol' journalists are "out". I hope this newspaper trend would not extend to sites like Cricinfo which would be a secondary choice anyway. My personal preference though would be to work in a team where I can meet friends and stick with them.
The whole year had a career test and my top job came up as solicitor and second was teacher. I would also love to teach but our teachers (at an extremely expensive private school) always complain about how little they earn. Sounds like a good thing to do for two-three years to feel into independent work but definately not a permanent choice.
I love making speeches but need a little while to prepare them. By all accounts, they are hilarious and once I got a round of applause just for one joke in the middle school lecture competition. "Babies experience more REM sleep than older people...infact, if you were to ask a baby if he had large periods of REM sleep he would say..."Yes, yes I do".
Any advice?