Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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I have to agree that 88% of the Male teacher's I've ever had, would make a randam joke, and everyone would laugh, then I'd put my hand up and make another joke which is more funnier, *male computer/IT teachers are pain*

where for Female teachers, the more younger they are the more straight to the point they are.

Talk about it, Our male IT teacher 'taught' us how to make a new folder for 4 weeks.
bah stupid English, I love reading but eugh, 2 sheets of comprehension - I think it was, spelling, then a poster and a book review in the one week, god I can't wait for teh holidays

About 5 weeks away mate. ;)
Well, that's what it is for Vic.
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Talk about it, Our male IT teacher 'taught' us how to make a new folder for 4 weeks.

lol, if i was you, i'd go up to him and shake his hand then congratulate him for being a teacher.
Well i know, but for some teachers you have to do that or else they get really pissed.
We're the best ;)
I have to agree to be honest. The thing about female teachers is that most of them are old and unattractive. Sure they might be good teachers, but who cares about that ;)

I actually have a bogan for a science teacher this year, she's not bad looking but she spends half the class trying to show off.

So regarding this IB, is it one year or two?

VCE is better probably... And Sean, if you don't want to do French you shouldn't (unless you've started VCE already) unless you're good at it. The thing about up-scaling is it's only useful if you're decent at the subject being up-scaled. If you pick your top 6 subjects you've got a better chance of getting a high ENTER than if you pick the hardest subjects because they get scaled up. Otherwise you could end up doing crap in a good year and end up with a poorer score than you would've gotten in another subject that you might enjoy.

I made the decision not to do French at the end of last year because I decided that I was only doing it for the VCE score and didn't really enjoy it.
English Literature this morning on Hamlet. Perfect question on Hamlet's inner conflict. Still, I only wrote 2 and a half pages but I never write much.
Aye, I hate Shakespeare. I hate when we're put into groups and I'm the only smart one and I just happen to be lucky enough to have these brainless Chinese/Japanese/Korean girls in my group. They speak English but when they ask me to explain things I just reply with a resolute, "To be honest, I don't think you'd get it. Just write what I tell you to."
My views on Shakespeare will always be based on a brilliant thing andrew_nixon told me about two years ago: "the curriculum simply don't realise that Shakespeare wrote what he did because it sounded good".

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