Education Thread

Who are better? Male or female teachers?

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Study Leave is a brilliant thing. Got a Latin Language paper this afternoon which is more or less unrevisable for, so I've used this morning to have a lie-in and to chillax.
My first two exams are next week, Monday and Friday, no time off. Then I have my final day of exams on the 2nd, the day back after half term. Not many days of exams, but 3 exams on each of those days except the 2nd when I have four. Still, I have 3 months odd off for summer, suck that.
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After yesterday, Science core is over:D, not too bad but ran out of time on the last question, worth 5 marks, one just for good communication skills.

Got RS tomorrow, then none until next Monday.
Study Leave is a brilliant thing. Got a Latin Language paper this afternoon which is more or less unrevisable for, so I've used this morning to have a lie-in and to chillax.

I don't get study leave. :( I got my revised timetable today, I get most of the Fridays off between now and 20th June. That's it.
How do you find out? Thought the teachers don't mark them? Mine looked at my coursework and send it looked like a B/A which is good enough.

I'm still cheesing about my English coursework going from an E to an A :happy
Teachers mark them then only a selection go off for moderation. Mine told me I got an A. Also adding into that, that she is the single most hard to please woman anyone has ever met and that our head of Sixth Form told us we'd probably all get a better mark from the exam board than we'd get from her marking makes me pretty confident XD.
I've got two more weeks till summer vacation, but in that period, I have four exams and four five-page essays due.
The parents teacher meeting today was really messed up for me.
Gosh I feel so young only being in Year 10 (4th form).

I must say that as annoying as Shakespeare may be, there are worse texts you can end up with. I'm impressed with To Kill a Mockingbird, it's the first of my texts that I have genuinely enjoyed.
Gosh I feel so young only being in Year 10 (4th form).

I must say that as annoying as Shakespeare may be, there are worse texts you can end up with. I'm impressed with To Kill a Mockingbird, it's the first of my texts that I have genuinely enjoyed.

Are you only in Year 10??? For some reason i thought you had finished High school. All i can say is have remaining two and a half years:)

But seriously, I said I would never miss high school. But after half a year at uni, i really really do!!
So the 92 in your user name is your birth year? I never had you down for being 15.
My Religious Education exam didn't go too well. Sitting for two hours without moving or talking to anyone on a warm and tiring day doing a lot of writing about something I am not very interested in wasn't ideal for me.
Join the club. My Geography exam was a nightmare. Everyone found it dificult which is making me feel better but it was all stuff which we hadn't been taught, or only taught for a couple of lessons, which was really annoying. I'll be struggling to get a B in it :(

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