Also, for those who haven't got Sky, here are the times for the highlights on BBC:
First Test, Brisbane, 23-27 November
Thursday 2320-0000 GMT
Friday 2300-2340 GMT
Saturday 2300-2340 GMT
Sunday 2255-2335 GMT
Monday 2320-0000 GMT
Second Test, Adelaide, 1-5 December
Thursday 2300-2340 GMT
Friday 2300-2340 GMT
Saturday 2250-2330 GMT
Sunday 2320-0000 GMT
Monday 2320-0000 GMT
Third Test, Perth, 14-18 December
Thursday 2320-0000 GMT
Friday 2320-0000 GMT
Saturday 2300-2340 GMT
Sunday 2320-0000 GMT
Monday 2320-0000 GMT
Fourth Test, Melbourne, 26-30 December
Timings TBC
Fifth Test, Sydney, 2-6 January
Timings TBC
Also for those on freeview or whatever digital TV you have:
BBCi, available via the red button on digital TV from BBC1 or BBC2, will carry Ashes highlights from 2200 GMT each night.
40 minutes of uninterrupted cricket, I'm loving it.