England in Australia

England weren't bowling bad it was just Stuart Clark was bad enough to miss edges and play and miss were as the pommies managed to play and hit the good balls but get a nick or somthing
Well it doesn't help when the Poms bowl onto Clark's pads. He is clearly a strong player off his pads, but every over you would see a ball on his pad leg glanced away.
Feelin Blue? said:
Pieterson is selfish, he doesn't care about the team anymore, in perth he took a single of the first ball to give monty the strike as if to say, well i got my 50 if you can survive these next 5 balls i can get another single next over.
Did it again today
That is just your point of view.
It's kind of sad (not!) how the English media said in 2005 that this is the best
team they've had in 2 decades, and now in 2006/07 it looks like it's the worst team
they have had in 86 years. Sure it's not exactly the same team, but it's not that far
off it either. And I doubt having Vaughn captaining would have helped all that much,
to many of the England players are playing poorly.

History repeats itself once more for the Poms;
England cricket teams fall as quickly as they rise!
I predicted a 5-0 whitewash just before the Brisbane test aswell, among a few wild predictions. I kinda had the feeling that this would be the worst defence of the Ashes and that it could mentally ruin the careers of some of the young english players.
I predicted 4-0, because I knew the only reason why they won last time was a hell of a lot of arse.
We out played you guys last time but you certainly out played us this time.
We have been beaten by a better team overall, bettter batsmen, better bowlers and better fielders.
Our players will have to look to improve for 2009.
evertonfan said:
Now before I start i'd like to issue a few disclaimers; I am in now way trying to question McGrath's skill as a bowler, nor am I saying he is past it, and nor am I saying that Australia are rubbish or any nonsense like that, it's a genuine question.

I'd just like to mention that I think McGrath is a little nervous ahead of the 2006/7 Ashes series. I know he likes to have the odd word before any series, but I can't remember him ever running his mouth off like this in the past. It's almost as if he realises that he underestimated England big time last year and is trying to make up for it by showing his usual bravado, but in a more over-the-top manner. He said that Australia would win 5-0 last summer and it backfired, so why on earth has he done it again? If a much better Australia side couldn't beat a much worse England side 5-0 the last time we toured, then what makes him think that they are going to whitewash us this time around? Regardless of whether Australia do go on to win this series or not, I think that McGrath is actually not as confident as he is making himself out to be; I believe that he is a little intimidated, and maybe even doubts his own ability after being on the sidelines for such a long time.

Ridicule me all you want, but I just wanted to get your thoughts on this.
cricketmad09 said:
I predicted 4-0, because I knew the only reason why they won last time was a hell of a lot of arse.

And what reason is a 'hell of a lot of arse'? We won in 2005 because our bowlers were relentless. If one came off, the next one would be bang on the spot too, much like Australia through most of this series. McGrath comes off, on comes Clark. Lee goes off, on comes Warne. That has been the key to this series, just as it was in 2005. Sure, defending huge totals helps, but if the bowlers can't keep the pressure on then it makes your big total next to useless.

I doubt we'll see a four man England pace attack function as well as it did in 2005 for a long time.
England were in our current position in 2005 and won 2-1.

We were in the same position England were in in 2005 and we're going to win. 5-0.

I think that's what his trying to say.
my turn to sing now barmy army

Where gonna win 5 nil
Where gonna win 5 nil

:D :happy :happy :happy :happy

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