England in Australia

Unbelievable :(

It's almost as though Fletcher and Freddie are hoping that because it happened in 2005, it will happen now. As I seem to be saying all too often, I was the staunchest of supporters of Fletcher before this series, but the amount of baffling decisions that so far are not providing any benefits is staggering.

I can almost see his reasoning now.... "Well we collapsed in the last test without getting any wickets, so Giles really justified his place as a batsman. He has troubled Australia before as his bowling average of close to 60 shows, and considering he could chip in with 20 runs when we're 400 behind, I think we have to play him. Afterall Monty might help bowl them out, but if we do that who will chip in with 20 odd runs when we bat?"

"Oh and don't forget Giles has those incriminating pictures of me and that small child..." *

*last part may not or may not be true :p
Totally disgraceful. Anderson was worse than useless in Brisbane. I could kind of understand his loyalty to Giles over Panesar but Anderson?
I really feel Fletcher is ruining what could have been a great series with absolutely shocking team selection. Flintoff has to take the blame as well. He picks the team with Fletcher on tour.
I'm really disappointed about this; the Aussies will be laughing all the way to the boundary.
James Andersan has never impressed, he started off with a bang (hat-trick) but since then (like Sami), he's bee quite ineffective.

SM would have been a better choice. Lets see what Fletcher and England can achieve, now that they haven't changed their XI.
Just to add, not all the blame can go to Fletcher on this, Freddie has to take the cop as well because when he had Panesar in his team against Sri Lanka and to an extent in India he massively underbowled him. As I've been saying all along he is a poor captain, and it is rearing it's unfortunate side effects yet again. Strauss as skipper would almost certainly have wanted the man that helped him win the test series against Pakistan.

Edit - As barmy rudely decided to hint on whilst I was typing :p
flintoff has to take the blame i agree 100% if only it was strauss it would of been completely different after all he was the one who backed panesar. well we wont win the ashes, we might turn up to the world cup, obviously 'building for the future' by using older players and a gaining a defensive mentality if we win this fletcher may get off the hook but its a disgrace to english cricket. tut tut tut fletch im dissapointed in you :(
well this coin toss is vital I think Aust have only been beaten once batting 1st in the last 16 years! funn enough was in Adelaide against India in 2003

Englands only hope is to win the toss post a good 400 350 and have Aust have to play from behind just like they did last year

cant beleive Penasar misses out again
What a flippin' stinker. I can only hope that this is some sort of late April foold joke by the Beeb.

Nevertheless, I still want Giles to take 20-fer because he's got those precious three lions on his shirt.

You all have no idea how much I want to swear right now...
I really am gutted :( That's both tests that I have been massively looking foward to only to have a strange feeling that resembles having my insides ripped out 10-30 minutes before it starts when it is revealed that one of our best performers of the last year is being left out for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.

The only thing that could justify it would be Giles hitting 50's and taking 5 wickets in the match. No matter how many wickets he takes, or spin he gets, the basic fact of the matter is that Monty would always take more and get more. He may not be as certain to average 20-25 with the bat, but for gods sake Fletcher you don't have the same firing seam attack you had in the last Ashes, you do however have a far more dangerous spinner, do the maths!

Anyway time to head downstairs, and pray that for the first time in this entire series I actually get to eat that delicious looking humble pie.
why dont we just leave out a bowling attack and get the barmyarmy to play atleast they'd give 100% i dunno if its just me but i get the feeling some of the team take there place in the team for grantent i wont name names but its just frustrating when your captain and coach dont have a clue about what there doing and i have to stay up from 12am to bloody 8.30am to watch what im sure will be another loss dissapointed. but ill be 'loyal' to england i just wana know what giles does to be loved so much
sack fletcher, get Strauss to captain!
get panesar is, and go! you'd bloody hell get well closer at the Ashes then you are now.
puddleduck said:
I really am gutted :( That's both tests that I have been massively looking foward to only to have a strange feeling that resembles having my insides ripped out 10-30 minutes before it starts when it is revealed that one of our best performers of the last year is being left out for absolutely no good reason whatsoever.

Totally agree. I just feel really gutted about this now when I was really looking forward to it before.
At least we've won the toss.
LMAO England should just hand us back the Ashes if Fletcher is going to keep picking nuffies while leaving out Monty. Anderson is going to be easy pickings on this wicket which is going to put pressure on Harmy to bowl well.

Good to see McGrath passed his fitness test.
dont worry im sure monty might be trusted to bring some drinks on or has he not given fletcher enough you know what to be able to do that yet :(:(

Well, at least we are batting. I'm so demoralised that I think we could be skittled pretty quickly today. We can only hope that we get the sort of McGrath who bowled at OT last year.

Godamn it! I've wanted Fletcher out since June and my fellings regarding that have never been stronger. I can't help but feel that there are a few England players who know that Panesar is better and they themselves are actually disapointed with the lack of a spinner in the side.

irottev said:
No Monty Ahahahahaha

Oh come on! Really, is that all your going to post? Grow up. :rolleyes:

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