England in New Zealand

OMFG a 4!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

50 for Cook, I congratulate you my good sir on doing the seemingly impossible, scoring runs. For England? What utter nonsense can this be? Someone wearing the shirt with pride, actually showing a bit of charcater, having to put some effort in? This surely must be a mistake by the scorers, he obviously must be a kiwi who's been lent to us to make up the numbers. I've had enough. I watched us muck about in Sri Lanka, I watched us go out and get pissed in Australia, I even watched us throw jelly beans at India. Well not anymore England. Suck my dong fangzhou. Your meant to be good at this crap, I stayed up all night, i could have been sleep, dreamt of wonderful things like united beating city, but oh o, I stayed up, why? Coz I actually give a toss about my country unlike you. Well apart from Cook. And the bowlers, there just crap.

this isn't village. this is worse. I am not joking anymore. I AM BETTER AT CRICKET THAN THESE JOKERS. This isn't me exagerating. This is ridiculous. The New Zealand blind team would beat us let alone the proper team. Oh my godi think my great gran could do better. And whilst shes great shes also dead.

LMFAO why the hell did coronation street play when Swann got out? WTF. Anyway same old england always crap.

6 for BROAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You've all laughed at me for years, he is the messiah. He is the only man in England with any pride. He is Stuart Broad. Bow down before my cricketing knowledge you biased idiots. This is what a real fan who stays up knows though, not just somone who watches at 3pm with a glass of pimms and takes in what Bob Willis says. Broad is god.
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Boparas a crap. I dont know what England sees in him that is better than Masceranas.
he was better than most of the other donkeys in the side today. Anyway please don't interrupt my rant :p

Broad is god. England are crap.
Broad you are a star. Move on Flintoff.
thank god thats over. Broad once again showed himself to be our best batsmen alongside Cook. Now to watch the bowling.not even D/L can save us. We were crap.
lol Bad luck Fox! I know how frustrating it can be to stay up to watch a team and all of a sudden they go and fold. NZ do that all the time ;)

We again bowled really well. Though were a bit expensive early. Fielding was fantastic, though England helped us a lot. 6 run-outs in 2 ODI's is pretty damned funny.

Bopara looks like a terrible player. He doesn't even look first class standard. Masca is about 100times better. England are foolish not using him.

I'd say we should do this run chase pretty easy. But our batting is still inexperianced and we've skrewed up chases like this before.
What pisses me off most is the fact some of our players are actually meant to be quite good at this cricket lark. Running between the wickets, that really is so basic. Its 6am, I spent virtually the whole night talking to hooper so I think I'm pretty calm at the minute :D.

the Barmyarmy are so lucky, none of them would be up now! I wish i didn't havea job and could just lie there in a warm NZ day getting slowly more pissed. Oh well at least are bowlers try, just a shame they're the complete opposite of the batsmen crap but try. Jaffer by sidebum. Come on boyos. Lets be having them.

Mustard drops a catch, it just gets better and better. If I was a bowler in this side I'd be taking a good look at my family tree because I wouldn't want to be playing for this team.

Breaking news: another moron to add to the list, James Anderson. Might have been McCullums good bating but you don't try and bounce him, not on this pitch. Time for Broad, the 1 cricketer in England who can honestly say h's giving his all for the team.

Shah drops one too now, this is beyond a joke. We've got to sort this out now and get rid of all the crap in this squad.

Even Broads getting smashed, him Jim and Sidearse aren't to blame though, its a great batting wicket and the only people to blame here are the batsmen.
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I feel your pain, what a load of rubbish, i just woke up hoping to watch the game after i taped it on sky plus. Dont think ill bother now.
Wow england are getting absolutely smashed again.

I normally cant watch games without australia in them but this is awesome stuff from NZ
England can't pick Tremlett. He's not a ODI bowler from what he proved in the ODi's against India this summer. He has no variation, such as a bouncer and proves he is way too predictable.

You cannot write a bowler off if they don't succeed against Ganguly and Tendulkar. They are two of the greatest ever ODI openers.

This is chaos, sixes galore on this converted Rugby pitch.
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McCullum I think is best WK batsmen out there.
I agree. At least once Gilly goes.

He's so dangerous.

Wow, that was some great hitting. 10 wicket win is always an absolute belting.

Man Ryder and McCullum were smashing it. Ryder looks good. I take back my concern about him. I just hope he can play more circumspect on tough pitches though. That's his next test.
This is chaos, sixes galore on this converted Rugby pitch.
Seddon Park might not be vast, but it's a purpose built cricket oval.

Incredible performance by England. I think they might have redefined losing today. An all-round, comprehensive failure to compete.
What pisses me off most is the fact some of our players are actually meant to be quite good at this cricket lark. Running between the wickets, that really is so basic. Its 6am, I spent virtually the whole night talking to hooper so I think I'm pretty calm at the minute :D.

the Barmyarmy are so lucky, none of them would be up now! I wish i didn't havea job and could just lie there in a warm NZ day getting slowly more pissed. Oh well at least are bowlers try, just a shame they're the complete opposite of the batsmen crap but try. Jaffer by sidebum. Come on boyos. Lets be having them.

Mustard drops a catch, it just gets better and better. If I was a bowler in this side I'd be taking a good look at my family tree because I wouldn't want to be playing for this team.

Breaking news: another moron to add to the list, James Anderson. Might have been McCullums good bating but you don't try and bounce him, not on this pitch. Time for Broad, the 1 cricketer in England who can honestly say h's giving his all for the team.

Shah drops one too now, this is beyond a joke. We've got to sort this out now and get rid of all the crap in this squad.

Even Broads getting smashed, him Jim and Sidearse aren't to blame though, its a great batting wicket and the only people to blame here are the batsmen.

Haha! Classic post!

Yeah, that was a long night for you it seemed. Everything that could go wrong did:p Seems like Cook is the only one capable of scoring runs in this team atm.

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