School Cricketer
England got dogged hard in the 4th match by the 3rd umpire, they probably would've won the game had common sense prevailed.
Would you believe it. Unbelievable.
Ryder is ruledout of cricket for 3 months after smashing a window with his hand.
I'm not sure Wright should open. Does he for Sussex? If not then he should definitely not be doing so. He doesn't have the skill yet to do so and has done reasonably against New Zealand down the order so why change it. Pick an opener to open. No more of this square pegs in round holes nonsense.
Lolz at Ryder; seems NZ have found their own Freddie ;P
The one positive thing to come out of NZ so far is Paul Collingwood and Owais Shah.
Them 2 look so confident when ever England are in need of a partnership, its a shame most of the other team can't do that!: