England Name Final Twenty/20 Squad

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Chairman of Selectors
Aug 19, 2005
Leeds, UK
Online Cricket Games Owned
Marcus Trescothick is one step closer to a return from the international wilderness after being named in England's 30-man preliminary squad for the inaugural Twenty20 World Championships that take place in South Africa in September...

Taken from Cricinfo; http://content-uk.cricinfo.com/twenty20wc/content/current/story/301534.html

I'm glad Luke Wright has been picked but could someone tell me the logic behind picking Chris Schofield yet leaving Nayan Doshi (Twenty20's highest wicket-taker) out?
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I agree. Whilst I'm pleased they have obviously tried to make a move towards making this a 20/20 specialist squad. They have made some very curious decisions. Whilst Schofield has done a good job this summer. It's only been this summer. Doshi is a more consistant and proven 20/20 performer. I'm not pleased with the inclusions of Cook, Bell and the like. I think the selectors are trying to hard to include players that definatly shouldn't be there. It's wasted spaces in my opinion, but so long as they aren't in the final squad, I cannot complain.

The inclusion of Luke Wright is very exciting, he's earnt it so it's nice to see the selectors provide some reward for performances. Although on that point, Why has Samit Patel been left out? He has taken games away from sides by himself this 20/20 summer.

Glad to see Maddy and Snape in there. They have also earnt it and they wil be the backbone of our twenty20 side in my opinion, provided they are in the squad.

No problems with the Keepers, Prior being man in posession, and Nixon being a proven performer in this form of the game.
David Graveney did mention Samit's fitness as a a means for leaving him out. I don't agree with that being the sole purpose for leaving him out but I have to say that whenever i've seen him bat, he does look nackered after running a quick single.

If Mal Loye doesn't get into the final 15 then the selectors have officially lost the plot.
I like Luke Wright, he is a bt hitting batsmen, a fast bowler who at times bowls with a bit of pace and a useful field but I do feel its too early for him yet.
Please don't tell me Yadry's going to get into the final 15.
So as we know what the 30 to chose from is, pick your 15 squad for the 20-20 world cup.

James Anderson (Lancashire), Ravi Bopara (Essex), Stuart Broad (Leicestershire), Paul Collingwood (Durham) (captain), Andrew Flintoff (Lancashire), James Kirtley (Sussex), Mal Loye (Lancashire), Darren Maddy (Warwickshire), Monty Panesar (Northamptonshire), Kevin Pietersen (Hampshire), Matt Prior (Sussex), Owais Shah (Middlesex), Ryan Sidebottom (Nottinghamshire), Marcus Trescothick (Somerset), Luke Wright (Sussex),

I think that's 15...
1. Trescothick
2. Loye/Benning
3. Maddy
4. Kp
5. Collingwood
6. Flintoff
7. Bopara
8. Prior / Nixon
9. Broad
10. Schofield/Panesar
11. Anderson

12. Benning/Loye
13. Shah
14. Panesar/Schofield
15. Mascarenhas / Plunkett
James Anderson (Lancashire), Ravi Bopara (Essex), Stuart Broad (Leicestershire), James Kirtley (Sussex), Mal Loye (Lancashire), Darren Maddy (Warwickshire), Dimitri Mascarenhas (Hampshire), Paul Nixon (Leicestershire),Mark Pettini (Essex), Liam Plunkett (Durham), Matt Prior (Sussex), Owais Shah (Middlesex), Chris Tremlett (Hampshire), Marcus Trescothick (Somerset), , Luke Wright (Sussex),
Theres my 15.

The 11.

People who should be in the 30

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James Anderson (Lancashire), Ravi Bopara (Essex), Stuart Broad (Leicestershire), Paul Collingwood (Durham) (captain), Andrew Flintoff (Lancashire), James Kirtley (Sussex), Mal Loye (Lancashire), Darren Maddy (Warwickshire), Dimitri Mascarenhas (Hampshire), Matt Prior (Sussex), Owais Shah (Middlesex), Jeremy Snape (Leicestershire),Chris Tremlett (Hampshire), Marcus Trescothick (Somerset), Luke Wright (Sussex).

1. Markus Trescothick.
2. Darren Maddy.
3. Mal Loye.
4. Luke Wright.
5. Paul Collingwood *
6. Andrew Flintoff.
7. Matt Prior. +
8. Dimitri Mascherenhas.
9. Stuart Broad.
10. Jeremy Snape.
11. James Kirtely.
1. Ravi Bopara.
2. Owais Shah.
3. James Anderson.
4. Chris Tremlett.

Right, I'll explain why I'm leaving out KP; I'm leaving out all the England players, who don't have a lot of experience in Twenty20. We want to send the best prepared side, so I want to send players that have played it for 2 or more seasons. KP doesn't know how to play the game, he hasn't played enough to be able to work out a way in which it could work for him. So I feel taking someone like Maddy, Loye, Trescothick is much mroe valuable than taking him. It also provides him with time to rest before the Sri Lanka series, so we can hopefully see the best of KP in SL.

Also, Kirtley over Anderson, because Kirtley is the best death bowler in England. Bar Flintoff, he also has plenty of variation and the rest so I feel he's a better pick.
James Anderson (Lancashire), Ravi Bopara (Essex), Stuart Broad (Leicestershire), Paul Collingwood (Durham) (captain), Dimitri Mascarenhas (Hampshire), James Kirtley (Sussex), Mal Loye (Lancashire), Darren Maddy (Warwickshire), Monty Panesar (Northamptonshire), Kevin Pietersen (Hampshire), Matt Prior (Sussex), Owais Shah (Middlesex), Ryan Sidebottom (Nottinghamshire), Marcus Trescothick (Somerset), Jeremy Snape (Leicestershire)

There's mine. I left out Flintoff because I believe he won't have enough cricket in his legs, and the last thing we want to be doing is rushing him back into T20s of all things. I've put Snape in because it will give the attack a bit more guile, and also add to the experience of the side dramatically in terms of T20s. Pretty much the same as SS' side above, only a couple of changes.

We desperately need to play the most attacking side possible, and Alistair Cook's inclusion in the squad is a joke in my opinion, he will not be able to score at the required rate needed in T20s, especially as he will score most of his runs from short balls, when most sides will be looking to get in the yorkers early.

Animator, I see why you would leave Pietersen out, but I think the reason behind it does not matter when he is your best batsmen. He is world-class and his style of game will suit the game of T20 perfectly, aggressive and un-orthandox, and with his talent, he will have no trouble adjusting to it.
I agree. Whilst I'm pleased they have obviously tried to make a move towards making this a 20/20 specialist squad. They have made some very curious decisions. Whilst Schofield has done a good job this summer. It's only been this summer. Doshi is a more consistant and proven 20/20 performer. I'm not pleased with the inclusions of Cook, Bell and the like. I think the selectors are trying to hard to include players that definatly shouldn't be there. It's wasted spaces in my opinion, but so long as they aren't in the final squad, I cannot complain.

I wholeheartedly agree.

The inclusion of Luke Wright is very exciting, he's earnt it so it's nice to see the selectors provide some reward for performances. Although on that point, Why has Samit Patel been left out? He has taken games away from sides by himself this 20/20 summer.

Samit Patel should be in the test team in my opinion, as well as this.
Interesting squad in my view, Schofield is purely on form, but has made a great knack of taking wickets this season, plus I don't think we can afford to have someone like Broad batting at 9 to be honest. My team would be:

1. Trescothick
2. Flintoff
3. Maddy
4. Wright
5. Pietersen
6. Collingwood
7. Nixon
8. Schofield
9. Snape
10. Broad
11. Anderson

Other squad members being: Kirtley, Loye, Bopara and Mascarenhas.

Tresco and Maddy will both score at a decent rate, but not decent enough in my opinion if they both open and bat for 20 overs, so having the likes of Flintoff and Luke Wright would give us a chance to attack.

Nixon is due to experience, Snape and Schofield are because Spin is key and there is little point in taking Panesar, plus we'd bat deep in the order. The only toss-up in the first XI was Anderson or Kirtley, so that would defend on form for me. I also wasn't sure on the reserve batsman, so Loye is in for comedy value.

I'm looking forward to final 15, fingers crossed that Tresco feels ready to go.
Welcome back Marcus Trescothick, i hope he comes back better than ever, and from his county form, what i have heard of it, he sounds just as good as he was before!
1. trescothick
2. prior
3. pietersen
4. bell
5. bopara
6. collingwood
7. flintoff
8. schofield
9. broad
10. plunkett
11. anderson
12. maddy
13. snape
14. mascarenhas
15. kirtley

to be honest i dont know enough about guys like wright, pettini, trott and the like to select them (dont see any county cricket down here). although i am struggling to understand why some have selected mal loye. im guessing he is a T20 gun, because given the (admittedly limited) times i have seen him, he was less than impressive.
james kirtly = chucker i was there when he played against surrey in that farce of a game ( the 5-5 last week)
personally mine would look something along the lines of
1.James Anderson,
2.Ian Bell
3.Ravi Bopara
4.Stuart Broad,
5.Paul Collingwood (captain),
6.Mal Loye,
7.Darren Maddy
8.Dimitri Mascarenhas,
9.Paul Nixon
10.Monty Panesar/Chris Schofield
11.Kevin Pietersen
12.Liam Plunkett
13.Jeremy Snape
14.Marcus Trescothick
15.Luke Wright

for me if two spiners go then plunkett doesnt go but that is my team

left out sidebottom beacuse - Is ok in test matches beacuse nobody attacks him but when it comes to one days its like hoggard they get mostly destroyed. hes at one of those paces where its quick enought o go to the boundary but not quick for you to worry about him takiing your head off.
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