English Premier League VIII | Round 13

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Well by the looks of how that Finn auction is going we could be here for another year.
For four days straight the max bid raise has been 25k!

Then someone just have to agree that they lost him and drop out!!!

WestIndian added 6 Minutes and 40 Seconds later...

I agree with Callum's post. Morgan having a base price at 900k was perfectly justified, but I think that some of the randoms should have had lower ones.

I think that in the international auction, players will have base prices of 50k, which should allow Akshay and Riz to get some half decent internationals.

Just what justified Morgan's based price of 900K?? He would have been best being made an Icon player then!! And if you think his 900K was justified, which International you believe that he ranks above so you can justify a 50K base price for them? I will say it again no DOM player should have gone above 500K, but that's water under the bridge, it is done and gone!!! However I do not support throwing INT players around for 50K just so guys that was greedy in the DOM round can get players. We all knew what was involved and we played out cards, now we cannot drop the price of INT just to please a few!!!
Then someone just have to agree that they lost him and drop out!!!

You can raise by more than 25k, you don't need to raise by 25k each time...
Most of the time I raise bids by 50k-100k, as you know the other person is just going to raise you again 90% of the time if you raise by 25k.

Just what justified Morgan's based price of 900K?? He would have been best being made an Icon player then!! And if you think his 900K was justified, which International you believe that he ranks above so you can justify a 50K base price for them? I will say it again no DOM player should have gone above 500K, but that's water under the bridge, it is done and gone!!! However I do not support throwing INT players around for 50K just so guys that was greedy in the DOM round can get players. We all knew what was involved and we played out cards, now we cannot drop the price of INT just to please a few!!!

Morgan was going to go up to a million anyway even if he had a base of 500k.
There were three people bidding for him even if his base started at 900k, so what's the point in lowering that if people are still interested in him at 900k?

My issue was the random players being quite expensive, so even if you got nine random players at 300k each you had used up a third of your budget without even a decent player.
I agree, but in the same breath you cannot say that persons should not spend above 4 or 5 mil for a players that they need
I never said there was a limit of such sort.
That was just an advice to avoid spending more than 4.5 Mil on local players,not a rule or something.
Read that PM again.
^lol BCVS, but you recommended it.:D

What can I do atleast is to just wait for the auction and hope for lower prices giving me some space to buy those good players. I'll be just going for a right balance of players which would be perfect for me instead of going for those great names.:yes
Okay Akshay for the last time what where you thinking when you were bidding so high on the internationals? ;)
No,don't want any more of this :laugh

bcvstheworld added 3 Minutes and 2 Seconds later...

Okay Akshay for the last time what where you thinking when you were bidding so high on the internationals *locals? ;)

He somehow thought that when WestIndian spent 80 % of his budget in the first half of the WPL-5 auction,he got the leftovers for free in the later rounds but the fact is,he got them for their base price and not for free :p

He was expecting to do the same here.
He wanted to buy just 2 overseas players with whatever is left and get the rest (leftovers) for free. :sarcasm

Lets leave this behind now.
He wanted to buy just 2 overseas players with whatever is left and get the rest (leftovers) for free. :sarcasm

Lol!!! :laugh
And he seemed so sure when he kept on mentioning it, saying he'd sorted it out with you and stuff.
I'm bad at this moment, why those damn punks are taking that matter again and again from the grav.
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