Lol Akshay.
TBH I don't see how you can be angry, surely you would of known that spending 80% of your budget on only half the auction would have some negative effect on you, or not?
It is a legitimate tactic to do what you did, but at the same time you're going to hit some speed bumps that you don't like because of how you've played the auction.
I wouldn't be surprised if you go on to win it, but I think you just have to think from other peoples perspective as only 1 out of 10 people done what you did, so there are some things that are going to go against you.
Yes the base prices were probably too high, and I think we've all agreed on that.
I only brought two out of nine of my players at more than base price, yet somehow I've spent over 4 million.
The only way to really keep under it was buying real junk players at $150,000 which there were only a few of, or do what Chewie did and buy no great local players.
CG123 added 5 Minutes and 10 Seconds later...
As far as I know hedger is back on the 10th, and it's the 7th now.
And since the DOM auction is yet to finish, it would be good if you could delay the INT auction by one or two days.