English T20domestic City based tournamentor current or revamped tournament.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 46200
  • Start date

Which competition would you prefer... ?

  • Current County Competition (no changes and no city based Franchise league).

  • Revamped county competition (would be interested to hear your format ideas).

  • Both running in 2020 (The proposal).

  • No county T20 but the only T20 Competition is the city Franchise league.

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Do we have any idea yet which grounds they'll play at? I assume teams would be based at 8 of the 9 Test grounds, with either Sophia Gardens, the Rose Bowl, or Chester-le-Street missing out. Can't imagine there not being 2 London-based teams.

As a Kent fan, this is obviously not ideal, but reducing the number of teams is a necessary move to improve the quality of the competition. Fortunately, I don't live in England anymore so it doesn't matter where the games are, although who am I supposed to cheer for? Not sure about whether we should keep a county T20 competition or not...
Do we have any idea yet which grounds they'll play at? I assume teams would be based at 8 of the 9 Test grounds, with either Sophia Gardens, the Rose Bowl, or Chester-le-Street missing out. Can't imagine there not being 2 London-based teams.

As a Kent fan, this is obviously not ideal, but reducing the number of teams is a necessary move to improve the quality of the competition. Fortunately, I don't live in England anymore so it doesn't matter where the games are, although who am I supposed to cheer for? Not sure about whether we should keep a county T20 competition or not...
very possibly the test grounds but until the franchises have ben put out to tenure we will not know.
I would gamble on London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Cardiff, Bristol and Southampton unless they plan on using smaller grounds in other cities.
I would gamble on London, Birmingham, Manchester, Nottingham, Cardiff, Bristol and Southampton unless they plan on using smaller grounds in other cities.

I would have thought this will almost certainly be the case. They won't want to showcase the new tournament with all its fanfare at smaller county grounds? They will want full houses with big crowds else will be deemed a failure?

it's all a foregone conclusion anyway as the (west) Midlands team will sweep all before it.....
I would have thought this will almost certainly be the case. They won't want to showcase the new tournament with all its fanfare at smaller county grounds? They will want full houses with big crowds else will be deemed a failure?

it's all a foregone conclusion anyway as the (west) Midlands team will sweep all before it.....
Wouldn't rule out Bristol???

You mean the Birmingham Bullshit... ?
Wouldn't rule out Bristol???

You mean the Birmingham Bullshit... ?

Well yes I imagine each franchise will play majority of games at test ground and occasionally move to a smaller county ground?

well probably more like Midland Marauders or Western Winners. Certainly preferable to London Losers or Capital Cretins....
Is there any chat on English cricket?
We can chat over coffee!

But when this comp starts it would be good to watch as this 'hopefully' means more games at Lords and the Oval so would like to see both comps running with no reduction i the number of games.

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