Your Cricket Fast Bowling Thread

well 14 steps seems a bit much for a medium pacer... try 11 maybe... i would just play around with it... and see what feels the best, remember to start with smaller steps and build up to longer steps.

when you bowl are you chest on or side on?
i personally bowl medium pace, definately no more than that. i have an 8 step run up, and bowl with a front on action. i am quite an accurate bowler, and i can swing a ball a fair way.
the only thing that lets me down is my pace, with the ball not coming very fast the batsman can adjust to the swing easily and play the ball with ease
i used to bowl like that... i was called tangles lol. wierd question but how tall are you?
try putting on alot of rip on the ball so it bounces sharply
If you dont want to bowl medium then get side on and get your bowling arm next to your back leg when it lands in your bowling action. Make sure your front arm is nice and high. thats just ive you dont wont to bowl medium anymore.
There is nothing wrong with bowling medium just varry your pace a little bit everyball and try to bowl some cutters... varitation is the key to a medium pacer... unless everysingle ball you bowl is swinging and hitting the top of off stump

the reason i asked how tall you are is about for the bounce you get... if your not overly tall then you might want to get side on to get a bit more pace... even a yard of pace.

what ever you do dont go between actions... try to develop all your variations with the least amount of change to the action possible

02 Cricket Masterclass Fast Bowling

take a look at that.. its pretty basic stuff but it works
well 14 steps seems a bit much for a medium pacer... try 11 maybe... i would just play around with it... and see what feels the best, remember to start with smaller steps and build up to longer steps.

when you bowl are you chest on or side on?

a chest on bowler mate,and thanks for the help on changing to 11 steps ill try that.
im about 174cm, so not really tall, so i dont get a heap of bounce. i do try to vary the ball quite a bit, i used to bowl off spin so i have my off cutters down pat, but i find is hard to bowl leg cutters at pace, they are usually sprayed wide.

i dont vary my actions at all, i have played a fair bit of grade cricket, so i have had some coaching from the 1st graders.

i dont want to start bowling faster really, if i bowl side on i dont get the swing i desire, but on the other hand i can bowl alot faster
Well, seeing as I'm really progressing quickly, and learning a lot about fast bowling, I feel I need to sort this out as well.

I read a lot about chest drive, hip drive, and others occasionally too. Could someone please explain exactly what they are (perhaps in complicated terms and simple terms), and how I can improve mine?

I want to become the best bowler I can be, and the younger I start, the more time I have to learn it and improve.
From what i have been told by the guy that coaches me, dont worry about thinking about it like that... the only thing you need to do is get side one... get your front arm high and aiming at offstump, your bowling arm next to or behind your back leg when it lands; keeping your front arm high making an L with your arms.. its hard to do but if you get it right you will have a fast bowlers action. and natural bowl faster.
You need to run in relaxed and once your bowling arm is up high in your action then you put in effort, bring your front arm down like a pump kindof lol. and generally for an outswinger your front arm should end up to the outside of your front leg. and for an inswinger your front arm should be on the inside of your front leg (watch the boys thouh it can end really really... really badly if you do it wrong lol).

Chest drive seems a bit pointless to me, but hip drive would be the power you move through the crease with for an effort ball atleast... i wouldn't recommend doing that everyball

oh and rvd bowling chest on you will want to put alot of revs on the ball so when it lands it will bounce a bit more... i know what you mean about the leg cutter i still cant land one where i want... i have got some wickets with it... bowled... cause it lands in line but yorker length and dropped on them and went under the bat lol. can you bowl and outswinger? alot of people have told me that you cant bowl and outswinger with out being side on... this is wrong its all in the wrist position for mind. when you get the seam to come out facing towards the slips and the shiny side facing the batsman it will swing away. i wasnt even tought it, i just played around with a cricket ball while watching a test match and just figured it out.

still cant bowl spin though, it just doesnt turn lol

yea ive done my best work for apia hahaha.
the funny part of it is that i didnt look anything like maxy walker when i bowled... they just thought i looked like i was all tangled up when i was bowling. My captain used to bowl like that about 10 years ago and who would clean up bowling first change cause they just couldnt get him away and then would try to do something stupid and get them selfs out... hes gotten 10 wicket innings before
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yeah i can bowl outswingers until the cows come home, new ball or old. whoever told you that you cant bowl outswingers front on was very wrong. with a front on action it makes it so much easier to swing the ball imo
yea man its all in the wrist position... i swing it out more consitently when i mess around bowling front on lol.

main thing you will want to do is rip on the ball... so it hits the deck and boucnes more then the batsman would expect, and if you do that its going to hit the seam and therefore it will move of the deck both ways... and of course change of pace and etc, if you can bowl a ball with more effort through your shoulder. its hard to pick, my dad bowls this, its a bitch cause it just comes on to you alot quicker then you think... it doesnt always get a wicket but it makes the batsman think.

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