Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

Well there's the known unknowns and the unknown unknowns...

Good thing I know you know that I know the unknown known that you don't know that it's known to me.
Mystery spinner feature for career mode confirmed, complete with being called for throwing and having to retire.
If it wasn't for the fact it would mean people exploding in rage, I would totally make the message that pops up with a corrupted career save be that you've been caught match fixing and banned from all cricket.
maybe the unnanounced feature says that you now have a corruption mechanism? :v P.s on a serious note, BA told academy would have a lot customisable stuff and since stadium creator has been confirmed i think the announced feature might be some sort of stroke editor? *_*
If it wasn't for the fact it would mean people exploding in rage, I would totally make the message that pops up with a corrupted career save be that you've been caught match fixing and banned from all cricket.

can certainly work as variants for turning sprinklers on!
One of the most irritating feature in DBC14 is, when a fielder in deep flat throw at a stump for a run out, if there is a fielder in between he will stop/catch the ball and then throw it to stump himself, which prevents the potential run-out and it also take the realism out of the game. Why would an in ring fielder should try to stop a ball going straight to stump for a run out. Its rather frustrating. Sometime same thing happens when a ball after hitting the batsman slowly roll towards stump, the wicket keeper will come in-front of the stump to collect it and prevent the ball to hit the stump.
Lets hope these things will be taken care of in DBC17
...but how much more?
Fast food joints and especially steel brackets.....

Start your career mode as a fan and go watch cricket games and with smart purchases save up enough money to build your own station outside the stadium and carry on your path and at the end you either own the greatest stadiums or creating your own club.
Start your career mode as a fan and go watch cricket games and with smart purchases save up enough money to build your own station outside the stadium and carry on your path and at the end you either own the greatest stadiums or creating your own club.
I like it: you could collect empty tins of Tui Pisswater ("beer" in NZ) (actually they are usually still half full) at Wellington Park
and build your own steel works and take it from there...
...beer is served in plastic cups at NZ cricket events. ...but your research on Tui's quality is on point. So I'll give you a solid B-
...beer is served in plastic cups at NZ cricket events. ...but your research on Tui's quality is on point. So I'll give you a solid B-
It could be one of those places that will open a can/bottle and then pour it in a cup?

Gamecocklager is obviously the best NZ beer.

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