Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

Check the wins,wickets & runs of no.9 on the ranking and then check the ones above and below it.
The system in place has already worked there - note how they have significantly more wins, but are below MattW in the rankings.

People who want to cheat an online game will always find a way - but the enjoyment of the majority of users who play fairly is far more important, and it is our overwhelming feedback from people that getting a win when someone quits on them is important, and goes at least some way for making up for the time wasted.
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in online is there a way to have more people online looking for a game in game than hosting. One of the things i find why the main online hosting page always looks empty is because once you host match you cant play anything else and locked tothe screen. so people would just either wait say 20 mins for a game and then settle to offline play. what happens is now this person wont be shown in the list. now if it can be set up in a way to say looking to play like steam but in game.. while they continue to play offline game or soemthing i think it would greatly increase the random matches and online numbers!

while playing with a known subset of friends is always the best ... it wouldn't hurt to have a online match up page that doesnt come up empty!
in online is there a way to have more people online looking for a game in game than hosting. One of the things i find why the main online hosting page always looks empty is because once you host match you cant play anything else and locked tothe screen. so people would just either wait say 20 mins for a game and then settle to offline play. what happens is now this person wont be shown in the list. now if it can be set up in a way to say looking to play like steam but in game.. while they continue to play offline game or soemthing i think it would greatly increase the random matches and online numbers!
It's something that has been thought about - the main issue is seeing if it's possible to have the game go from being in progress, to saving and exiting out to an online menu in a short enough time that means the person you're matched with will hang around - so that you aren't taken out of a match, to then end up having your opponent leave the lobby and have to load back into the match.

Certainly looking at what's possible in that area.
Another idea which could be implemented for century celebration is batsman running the single which brings his century and while finishing the run itself he starts celebrating [not as a cut scene] then camera zooms on to him and there the cutscene happens followed by a graphics showing 100 from so and so balls and then on to its highlights in how he reached , this should include 4,6, chances he was given [with commentary saying something about that event], ending with that celebration animation in a different camera angle ..Also this with an option to download that highlights as a video file...

The type of celebrations should tell the mood or emotion of that batsman like hitting after a very bad phase it should be aggressive..He is mind blowing form then just a show of bat and carry on kind...If he takes up responsibility to win it for the team then he could be in his stance striker or non striker then just lift his bat and back to play...

The game should show what it means for the batsman..This is mainly for career..
Or in contrast if he's chasing a big total he does a small celebration to show that he's focused on the task at hand...
Or in contrast if he's chasing a big total he does a small celebration to show that he's focused on the task at hand...
Yeah that too but when a player is going through a bad phase he usually shows emotions on celebrating it..Thats why I have added the word responsibility as well, that includes the matured and experienced batsman he is in his career...
good god how can that bother you? who honestly gives the tiniest shit? so billybobzballsack has 25 more points than jerryseinfeldstaint despite taking 14.5 less wickets... won't somebody please think of the children!!
Why are you even trying ?
I play online alot and it bothers me. A guy won 49 FC matches by picking 2 wickets/24runs per match.
So if you can't add something related then better ignore it.

I know a cheater will find a way to cheat but can it be possible to give more points in actual wins than forfeits ?
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How about having few different celebrations that get triggered on by controls like you have different goal celebrations in fifa. Can we have celebrations that can be triggered similarly so the user can have the option of a subdued celebration or a more ecstatic one according to the match situation. This would add more realism both while bowling and batting. As the user can decide on the celebration as per the match situation.
Why are you even trying ?
I play online alot and it bothers me. A guy won 49 FC matches by picking 2 wickets/24runs per match.
So if you can't add something related then better ignore it.

I know a cheater will find a way to cheat but can it be possible to give more points in actual wins than forfeits ?

And this is the guy who says he has a life! at least I know i'm a sad case.

I think Frasier Crane said it best: "Roger, at Cornell University they have an incredible piece of scientific equipment known as the Tunneling Electron Microscope. Now, this microscope is so powerful that by firing electrons you can actually see images of the atom, the infinitesimally minute building blocks of our universe. Roger, if I were using that microscope right now, I still wouldn't be able to locate my interest in your problem."
Nobody want cheergirls!
...did you pirate that game too?

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