Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

I suppose you are correct in the underarms but the simplicity of your response was to great to prove your knowledge. The joke is that when cricket was played with hockey-shaped bats the ball was rolled along the ground, now what I've done, rather cleverly if I might add, is used that old fashioned bowling style and crossed it with a controversial reference to Trevor Chappells 1981 underarm bowling incident.

they don't call me the cricket Buddha for nothing. ;)
I suppose you are correct in the underarms but the simplicity of your response was to great to prove your knowledge. The joke is that when cricket was played with hockey-shaped bats the ball was rolled along the ground, now what I've done, rather cleverly if I might add, is used that old fashioned bowling style and crossed it with a controversial reference to Trevor Chappells 1981 underarm bowling incident.

they don't call me the cricket Buddha for nothing. ;)

You see that rectangular thing in the middle of the wall......it's a door.....it leads to a new world....try it sometime.:p
You see that rectangular thing in the middle of the wall......it's a door.....it leads to a new world....try it sometime.:p

Except for that rectangular thing in the wall you can see through - that's a window. You can still walk through it though :)
I suppose you are correct in the underarms but the simplicity of your response was to great to prove your knowledge. The joke is that when cricket was played with hockey-shaped bats the ball was rolled along the ground, now what I've done, rather cleverly if I might add, is used that old fashioned bowling style and crossed it with a controversial reference to Trevor Chappells 1981 underarm bowling incident.

they don't call me the cricket Buddha for nothing. ;)

actually; underarm bowling evolved in the late 18th Century to involve being pitched in the air and bouncing as modern overarms are...
actually; underarm bowling evolved in the late 18th Century to involve being pitched in the air and bouncing as modern overarms are...

They also changed the bats when they changed the rules, which was the whole point of the original joke.
Would love to randomly bowl overarm to someone expecting it to roll down the pitch. That should have been the plot of every time travel movie ever.
Post your suggestions for the next iteration here. Do not demand, only suggest :)

I don't know if it's too early for this thread, but people playing DBC 14 will surely have a few things to say about a few new aspects that could be added into the game.

The game has just come out, play it first and if big ant say they are going to make a new game then we can start making a wish list.
My wish list for DBC 15 (if there is going to be one). These are suggestions, not demands.

* A more interactive career mode. Imho the career mode in its present form is very basic. A few suggested changes to the career mode:

- Newspaper clippings to be shown in between matches.

- Mails from the coaches, managers, selectors, etc. to the player.

- Interviews for the player. I know this sounds pretty silly but it could be a fun addition to the game. Maybe once in a while, if the player stars in a match, he is asked for an interview. If he accepts, he is asked a few questions like "What was in your mind during the match". These questions can be answered by selecting one of the few given options. Once the interview's done, a newspaper article pops up based on the interview which you can read :cheers

- I don't know if these already exist, but, player rankings and awards like Wisden Cricketer of the year.

- Domestic cricket for every country in the right format.

Other suggestions:

* Better and more umpire animations.

* Special playing styles that can be attributed to players through the Cricket Academy. Right now, every off spinner has the same action, every medium pacer has the same action, every batsman has the same stance, etc. My suggestion is to introduce a list of options for each bowling style wherein you get to choose a bowling action. In these options, there should even be bowling actions similar to that of Malinga, Paul Adams, etc. There should also be a few options for a batsman's stance (eg. that of Shivnarine Chanderpaul).
In career mode, harder bowling actions and stances should yield xp slower as they are harder to master.

* A stadium creator in the Cricket Academy.

* Underarm bowling and curved bats for retro tests. I personally don't care for it, but there might be some cricket fans who might like it.

* Better crowds. Suggestions related to this:

- They hold banners relevant to the match, and some hold banners with references made to their favorite players.

- When the ball goes into the crowd, they try to catch it, and they occasionally succeed.

- Crowds that chant players' names depending on the location of the match. Also, in England the chanting could be songs by the Barmy Army.

* Celebration animations which can be attributed to players in the Cricket Academy.

* Better batting animations. Currently, the batting animations, though very good, are a bit robotic imho as the batsman is almost completely still till a shot is played. I think EA Cricket 07 did a great job at making the batting look very fluid (I could be wrong).

* Streakers :lol
just kidding
1. Would love to see money introduced, i.e. salary for playing matches, man of the match awards and than somehow using that towards purchasing kits and or other material things lol

2. Plus, if a player is on a hot streak for e.g if he has just hit a six or a four than the probability of him hitting another six should be higher and chances of getting out should be low. Something similar to NBA games i guess
2. Plus, if a player is on a hot streak for e.g if he has just hit a six or a four than the probability of him hitting another six should be higher and chances of getting out should be low. Something similar to NBA games i guess

If that goes on then the batsman will never get out. Do your math...
That's NBA Jam :)
More varied stats and attributes. For example splitting throwing accuracy to fielding and bowling accuracy. Role specific attributes like wicket keeper attributes for example against pace vs spin as some wicket keeper don't keep well against spin. Etc etc.
Things I'd like to see:

- at the end of each year, you get to choose 3 attributes your player would like to focus on improving during the off-season. You then start the next year with increased skills in those attributes.

- awards given for best young player, best player, etc.

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