Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

If I'm bowling, and I can't get a wicket, and the captain walks up to me and says this. I will be likely to bludgeon him with the ball.

Yeah that can be kept as an option...;):lol
I don't know when exactly this happened, but somewhere along the line I have become absolutely useless against spinners. It is as if now, error = faint edge....everytime single time.

Anyway, this got me thinking of things that might aid the player. A graphic showing timing and stick imputs as an after-shot-feedback would obviously be the first thing.

Another thing: how about making the coloured circle around the ball rotate in the direction the ball is rotating. I have in my mind something that would basically look like the circle that currently rotates in the bottom corner when a game is auto saving.

If one is clever, there can also be ways to show top spinners, flippers etc by having the rotating motion happening on both sides and converging either at the top or the bottom of the circle.

Some people are asking for more spin, but I think it is currently a "be carefull what you ask for" situation. The input requirement for batting is quite early,so being able to read the spin early would be cool.
I don't know when exactly this happened, but somewhere along the line I have become absolutely useless against spinners. It is as if now, error = faint edge....everytime single time.

Going through such a phase myself. Any drive in front of the wkt ends up in an edge to the wkt keeper. I can only get away sweeps and reverse sweeps at the moment, and when AI puts in point and square leg, it's curtains for me :( Can't get a handle on timing against spinners and I can't even figure out if I'm playing my shots early or late.
Don't know if it been said before but this game needs sledging and,
send offs from the bowler.

The ability to sign paid contracts and use the cash to buy equipment, cars, houses, Gifts for Girlfriend or if your that way inclined boyfriend. Sort of making the career mode a life style mode as well. With proper media intervention if you decide to go out on the beers a night before a Test match etc.
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Don't know if it been said before but this game needs sledging and,
send offs from the bowler.

The ability to sign paid contracts and use the cash to buy equipment, cars, houses, Gifts for Girlfriend or if your that way inclined boyfriend. Sort of making the career mode a life style mode as well. With proper media intervention if you decide to go out on the beers a night before a Test match etc.
lol that would be cool.
we need cash in career mode.
just playing match after match does get boring.
Yeah i agree

even though i only just noticed the 3000 ranking points i got offered to sign for middlesex etc, they should make a bigger deal of that
In the academy you can edit the start times of a particular match type BUT as soon as you start a competition those settings become locked for that competition meaning all games for that competition start and finish at the same time. It would be nice if you could change the start times of a match on the go in the match set up screen.
DBC 14 is afterall a game of cricket


I have posted this at many places and even wrote to Big Ant on their website hoping for a response but nothing so far. I hope to get somebody from the BA team to reply this time:

1 - The game is amazing and the best so far and none my of comments intend any criticism.

2 - In my first career year, I have 2 ODI 100s and 50s, 1 T20 100 and 3 50s (not playing tests) - I am not a good player but all I am doing is playing 2-3 shots. 90% on side and playing on mid-off/mid-on when there is no fielder. It gets boring but effective (certainly not what we want).

3 - I would suggest to provide some assistance on batting. I just premaditate by playing on front foot and leg side (4 times I miss, 1 goes for four and 1 may be for a single or two).

4 - I would enjoy the game more if I play a range of shots effectively - so maybe a pointer on pitch for say 2-3 secs when the bowler is running or is in the process of bowling, by this I will determine my foot placement and select the shot accordingly. This way I will enjoy batting as well as scoring runs and will not also become boring.

5 - I have said this before - please understand it's just a game and I am reading comments like a 16 year old has no skills and no batsman cannot score consistently but hey, BA, please allow us to be stars in virtual world because we are average people anyway. Why remain average in the virtual world as well and struggle?

6 - Playing DBC 14 normally (as in no premaditation, deciding on front/back foot and shot placement during the delivery) brings frustration as you get out because the margin of error is low. A game should relax you, make you feel good and lower your frustraion level and not the other way around.

Hope I make a point here.

Expect somebody from the BA team to reply.
i am a "star member" of the BBL in my career.

this is literally 17.47 gazillion times better than anything i have achieved in real life.

there shouldn't be a pitch marker, even briefly. keep us watching a ball. yeah get the length marker displayed earlier to assist in footwork, but keep us watching that ball...
i have often wondered what my life would be like if it was 17.47 gazillion times better than it is at the moment......proves how shit life can be......
It would definitely be good in future iterations to have access to options at the end of the season for player appearance, bat make, squads, match lengths.
Decent probability we can edit this for the PC version though. My kind of area...
i am a "star member" of the BBL in my career.

this is literally 17.47 gazillion times better than anything i have achieved in real life.

there shouldn't be a pitch marker, even briefly. keep us watching a ball. yeah get the length marker displayed earlier to assist in footwork, but keep us watching that ball...

Okay agreed - but at least some indication to judge the length before the bowler releases the ball and not while the ball is released. Shot placements, we will do that by keeping eyes on ball.

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