Features you want to see in next iteration of Big Ant Cricket

I know it is hard but a bowling action creator with academy so we have different bowling actions.

I mean the run up can be broken into 3 to 4 parts and they can be assigned and blend into animation.

- Running style.
- Jump
- Throwing animation (front on,side on,slingy etc)
- Follow through

All 4 of these attributes can be merged to create a run up for bowler. I know this is too much to ask for but may be it can be simplified with blending animations.

-Also I would love to see more shots at the moment there are lack of cross batted shots, for example batsman play kind of straight drive too a short ball where a straight pull would be perfect and make things look so realistic rather then straight drive for six when the ball was as high as chest. Same with shots to be played on cover region and gully not always seems right specially with power shot trigger.
Umpires meeting halfway to discuss an un-clear decision and even using the walkie talkie to communicate for.questionable boundaries...

Different animations for different umpires,,,*crucket fingers for Bowden*...

Career player walking right through from the stairs into the crease...

A boundry line dug-out in t20 matches
I know it is hard but a bowling action creator with academy so we have different bowling actions.

I mean the run up can be broken into 3 to 4 parts and they can be assigned and blend into animation.

- Running style.
- Jump
- Throwing animation (front on,side on,slingy etc)
- Follow through

All 4 of these attributes can be merged to create a run up for bowler. I know this is too much to ask for but may be it can be simplified with blending animations.

I dont think this game will ever get to the stage of the big baseball franchises where every pitcher and batter have their unique styles animated but id be happy with maybe 3 different animations for batters and bowlers in future iterations.

ie: Bowling
-Slingy type (mitch johnson/Malinga)
- Front on (malcom marshall)
- classic side on (dennis lillee/ dale Steyn)

-Upright stance (Gooch/Amla)
- open stance (chanderpaul (maybe not that open;)))
- Classic Style
Even having those 3 simple additions would give a little bit of variety and not too hard to implement.
Originally Posted by Radders View Post
How about an academy for making stadiums as well as players? There's obviously a lot of talent out there why not give them the tools and see what happens?

Very high on the list for sure.

Just on this Ross, do you think this(making more stadiums) will be possible on PC version when modders get cracking? I know modders have made reasonable stadiums for PES soccer in the past
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I know it is hard but a bowling action creator with academy so we have different bowling actions.

I mean the run up can be broken into 3 to 4 parts and they can be assigned and blend into animation.

- Running style.
- Jump
- Throwing animation (front on,side on,slingy etc)
- Follow through

All 4 of these attributes can be merged to create a run up for bowler. I know this is too much to ask for but may be it can be simplified with blending animations.

-Also I would love to see more shots at the moment there are lack of cross batted shots, for example batsman play kind of straight drive too a short ball where a straight pull would be perfect and make things look so realistic rather then straight drive for six when the ball was as high as chest. Same with shots to be played on cover region and gully not always seems right specially with power shot trigger.

And able to see the ball's conditions and select which side of the ball to use to swing in that respective direction will do wonders :)

And a response of Ross to that idea:
Yeah, good idea on the ball - surprised I didn't think after all the effort that we've gone too with ball wear etc. that you can't see it :facepalm

So seems he'll think of it now ;) hopefully.
Would be great to have a "captain mode" with the ability to force your batting partner or your team to be more defensive or aggressive or keep the strike or rotate the strike etcetera depending on the match situation.
Would be great to have a "captain mode" with the ability to force your batting partner or your team to be more defensive or aggressive or keep the strike or rotate the strike etcetera depending on the match situation.

I have seen other sport games do this Dutch, press a button and a list comes up and pick what you want the AI partner to do while you bat or if you are in the field you could also pick from a number of options. PS Great idea.:clap
Season mode

I was really excited when Big ant announced career mode ...
however I'm actually a bit disappointed about how you can ONLY play career mode in PRO-MODE starting from a 16 year old ...

Don't get me wrong , this mode is fine and enjoyable and big step up ...

But I was hoping for an addition to this with the regular career mode ...

One similar to FIFA where you pick a club and play season after season ...

Like the one that was in EA CRICKET 2004 ... where you'd tour each country , host others , play ICC cup , WOrld Cup , T20 ... That'd be awesome ...
I Love the start that has been made by DBC14,

Would love to see the following implemented if possible down the track.

Not be able to actually pick where you bat. You can provide your preference, but you need to preform well down the order to be promoted.

Would love to see at the end of each year contract offers from different state county clubs etc for you to move.

Would love to see sponsor rewards, I.e as you play well you get sponsor offers for diff Bats etc ( dont have to be licensed). Once you take a contact you cant change till its time to renew.

If simulating it shows you actually walking out to the crease (not in first person mode) and has your stats displayed.

Starting at club level prior to state / county cricket.
Would be great to have a "captain mode" with the ability to force your batting partner or your team to be more defensive or aggressive or keep the strike or rotate the strike etcetera depending on the match situation.

I wonder how much of a control we get when our career player becomes international test captain?

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