FIFA Football 2006

themuel1 said:
What about Arsenal Sachin? :D Sounds good, if I do get it, it will be on PS2.
Yeah,the bloody keys are kiiling me.Optimistic rating-4.5 :(

themuel1 said:
Yeah, he may just make the bench ;) . Fifa sounds great from what you say Sachin, is the ps2 demo out?
If i could get the demo on PS2 i'd be there,but i have a good picture of it,and i really like it.The way you muscle yourself to the ball is very realistic.The bigger players are obviously alot better at getting to the ball-Ronney.
Its tough to get away from the defenders,you need alot of pace(Henry),or a really good chip,through ball.
sachin said:
Yeah,the bloody keys are kiiling me.Optimistic rating-4.5 :(

If i could get the demo on PS2 i'd be there,but i have a good picture of it,and i really like it.The way you muscle yourself to the ball is very realistic.The bigger players are obviously alot better at getting to the ball-Ronney.
Its tough to get away from the defenders,you need alot of pace(Henry),or a really good chip,through ball.

Good, hopefully it will turn some Pro Evo fans heads! :D

Of course, it won't convince Straw, he's a stubburn git! ;) :D
Originally Posted by gold639
Finally, I agree with you on something :)

Lol :p well real football fans like Pro Evo, I wouldnt really class Chelsea fans as real but what the hay!
JamesyJames3 said:
Lol :p well real football fans like Pro Evo, I wouldnt really class Chelsea fans as real but what the hay!

Lol, nore would I. Gold, don't make a habit of agreeing with this (in the Voice of Mr T) "simple minded fool!!!" :p :D
JamesyJames3 said:
Lol well real football fans like Pro Evo, I wouldnt really class Chelsea fans as real but what the hay!
I don't class Manure fans real either! I was shocked when I saw you prefer Pro Evo! :eek:
Originally Posted by gold639
I don't class Manure fans real either! I was shocked when I saw you prefer Pro Evo!

As i said...real football fans prefer it! Its more realistic in every way. Goals on Fifa are all pretty similar, I never score a goal the same as the last on Pro Evo, thats what makes it great :)
Also, I don't see why everyone goes on about Fifa's graphics. Sure, they are good, but they're not as superior to Pro Evo's as people make them out to be.
Couldnt agree with you more gold! Great game, cant wait for the 5th installment.

Wooooo 400th post! and dont **** on my pirade gold by saying ur nearly on 3,400 :p
JamesyJames3 said:
PES = Gods 2nd Greatest Gift to man kind.

2nd only to women.

Agree with women number one, but, your sad if you think PES is 2nd best!!! I would not put any video game in the top 10! :p :D
JamesyJames3 said:
Give me our top 10 then muel, im interested now :p


4-water ;) (beer) :D

Ok I am not sure!!! You got me! :D :mad:

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