First Look!

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Why were they not able to create rosters themselves?
I'm sure they could have (and probably did as they'd have needed something to develop with) - but would you really want just the staff in an Australian dev studio to decide on the stats for all the teams?
I trust you've done a professional job, If not then atleast i'll know who to point the finger at :p

How many players are in each squad? I think I read somewhere that it was 30. Do the likes of Bermuda even have 30 cricketers?
It's such a small part of the overall game, but one of importance for us lot since we're the core fans who really notice these 'attention to detail' kinda things. In a way, it's not really that much different to the public beta that BigAnt has done, they've just involved the 'general public' to contribute to the stat/data collection along with the player-creation side.

It's just a reminder what a cool place this is and kinda neat to be able to 'give back' to a website that gives everyone a place to hang out and share mods as one big ol' community. Say what you like about the fools and fun folk here, but we're all in a pretty unique club together - which hopefully gets a lot bigger with the public discussion of our small part we've played in the journey of these two titles... regardless of how good the games end up being, it's just kinda cool that PlanetCricket was invited to contribute our thoughts, ideas and in Barmy's case... Excel sheet skillz [/pickupline]

Look at me getting all sentimental.


Someone ask for screenshots to snap me out of it... Dutch, toaster please?
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With luck both games will help make people more aware of PlanetCricket.
And the advertising banners on the top and bottom of our screens. ;)

I know how it works. It explains the ingenuine support of Firth and his shabby products.
bro save u money , ashes cricket 13 will boring game becoz is made by amateur and nonsense people , game have no trailer , no screenshot :eek:

Tell us how you really feel about AC 13. Would love to get your deep insight into the game :thumbs
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The only thing amateur and nonsense is your post. Besides neither game has trailers or screenshots right now.

Word, now the game sounds pretty good to me however, we havnt got any screenshots or trailer yet but still i believe its going to be a great cricket game .
It's actually variable. Some have more than 30. We basically kept pushing for more, more, more :p

Did you create all of the teams rosters?
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