First Screenshots Released

in one of the screenshot the bat is reversed....i think some tailender is batting with good technique
Screenshots 2 and 3 seem to be angles of the same delivery at the same point, so that would be the back of the bat.

Hopefully 5/16 is an accurate score for England.
I'm glad you were the first to post that, otherwise someone being serious would've got Dutch's toaster...

HA! ...well I wasn't going to mention that (coughspartanbatcough) but hey, I'll take what I can get. That at least confirms its a POSSIBLE camera angle... unless you want to say right now it's in...

Also, for those nitpicky folk, there's DEFINITELY more than one variety of shoe in the game. You can see at least two options, with a possible third in the field (too hard to tell).

Regarding the Media Centre windows, the angle is reflecting the sky from what it looks like in the screens, so I imagine at a higher (non-ground) angle, it'll be darker. I think it's just the reflection on the windows bouncing back the bright-blue sky. Resolution seems a little high in the images too, so it could also be that as well.

It has to be the high resolution. Even on our annual sunny day, the sky doesn't reflect the Media Centre windows like that. They're tinted, for one thing, so the commentators and reporters in there don't get blinded by the sun.
...I'm confident he was being facetious. Doing a poor Naveenncc impression.

Also, have a closer look at the second image, but I think those are jerseys they're wearing? Not long-sleeves...
not much impressed...players are looking unrealistic..pitches d grasses looks awesome...
:eek: Is this the screens from the PC, PS3 and 360 versions? "It's as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced"
Think they timed the screenshot release very well actually as here in England, The Ashes buildup really is in full-swing and most adverts are about it, in most papers etc.
...I'm confident he was being facetious. Doing a poor Naveenncc impression.

Also, have a closer look at the second image, but I think those are jerseys they're wearing? Not long-sleeves...

Oh I know that. I'm just responding to the sentiment in general.
Now it's been seen, I cannot unsee it... I'm constantly giggling at Matt's avatar...

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