Football Thread

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Never knew he was arrogant! And ManU are now ready to sell van Horseface for 10 grand!(reportedly!)
I never thought that he would also be rude . I was a bit upset when i saw that he was not included in the side for the last match but now after reading what happened i am really unhappy that my favourite striker Ruud can also be rude. :crying i hope that he stays with MANU :upray
aussie1st said:
Well if someone is being called the next big thing why not pick him. I know if Brazil had a player like that they would have him in the start 11.

Whenever Brazil have had a player like this they have generally played in their domestic league, for their club, for a season or two. When they had Ronaldo, he had played for PSV, they also had Bebeto and Romario fully fit and firing.

Englands case is different, they have two strikers who are barely fit, and one who is a target man more than anything else. So that means that if Owen or Rooney broke down on the eve of a massive game, they could feasibly be playing Walcott and Crouch against someone like Italy, Germany or Brazil. Were Owen and Rooney both fully fit going into the World Cup I could perhaps understand it, or even if he had picked someone like Defoe instead of Jenas, but he hasn't.
aussie1st said:
Well if someone is being called the next big thing why not pick him. I know if Brazil had a player like that they would have him in the start 11.

Brazil do have guys like him, take Robinho, he's played alot of football for Real this season , unlike Walcott. Argentina have Messi, who has already shown his talent. Germany have Podolski, who's been brilliant in the Bundesliga and I cant wait to see him in action at the WC. :)

Walcott is an unknown quantity.
Wow 30 days to kickoff, Go Brazil Go France, All my money on you!
Lets hope Zidane does well, is he the captain If I'm right?

BTW Group H: Tunisia Can do it, :) :)
puddleduck said:
Whenever Brazil have had a player like this they have generally played in their domestic league, for their club, for a season or two. When they had Ronaldo, he had played for PSV, they also had Bebeto and Romario fully fit and firing.

Englands case is different, they have two strikers who are barely fit, and one who is a target man more than anything else. So that means that if Owen or Rooney broke down on the eve of a massive game, they could feasibly be playing Walcott and Crouch against someone like Italy, Germany or Brazil. Were Owen and Rooney both fully fit going into the World Cup I could perhaps understand it, or even if he had picked someone like Defoe instead of Jenas, but he hasn't.

Fair point but thats the risk he took. If those two aren't fit he should have just left them out. Rooney in particular has been given no hope in hell of making the Cup. But what's the coach got to lose, hes already fired after the WC so he can take a under 15 team and it wouldn't matter.
aussie1st said:
Fair point but thats the risk he took. If those two aren't fit he should have just left them out. Rooney in particular has been given no hope in hell of making the Cup. But what's the coach got to lose, hes already fired after the WC so he can take a under 15 team and it wouldn't matter.
I understand the point you are trying to make, Sylvester, but I think the media pressure would be so great that The FA themselves would step in if Sven-Goran Eriksson tried to take an U15 squad! :D

I notice that Spurs have asked to replay the West Ham match. With an FA Cup final for the opposition and the World Cup coming up I can't see this appeal being accepted. :(
SkateBoarder said:
I notice that Spurs have asked to replay the West Ham match. With an FA Cup final for the opposition and the World Cup coming up I can't see this appeal being accepted. :(

I hope the appeal actually is accepted - Spurs win the replay and then Arsenal win the Champs League meaning Spurs end up in the UEFA Cup anyway :D
SkateBoarder said:
I understand the point you are trying to make, Sylvester, but I think the media pressure would be so great that The FA themselves would step in if Sven-Goran Eriksson tried to take an U15 squad! :D

I notice that Spurs have asked to replay the West Ham match. With an FA Cup final for the opposition and the World Cup coming up I can't see this appeal being accepted. :(

Lol you would hope so, if they let him get away with that there is serious problems with FA. But would Sven had taken the punts he did if he knew his job was still on the line? I don't think so given his track records with punts previously.
Sevilla are supposed to be the 'Spanish Bolton'.

They are an aggresive team, yet disciplined and hard to break down. It will be a hard game for both teams. On paper and form Sevilla should win it, but on the day they count for nothing.


Middlesborough 3-2 Sevilla
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