Football Thread

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It's fairly even, despite using Crouch alot, they don't hoof it up there for him. Crouch is more used to crossing from the wings and corners for his surprisingly infrequent headed goals.
hassan1823 said:
crouch isnt good at heading strange for his height whereas Morientes Heading is pretty good

Are you off you racket! Crouch doesn't normally use his head to score, but he uses it to receive and lay off high balls which are coming towards him. But he does score with his head may I remind you.

As for you glorious comments on Morientes, he is slightly improving but still not as good as standard as we expect, to put it in the nicest way possible.
Morientes will score more with his head, but he won't when partnered with Crouch. Two big ones don't work, ask Jordan :D
Liverpool Strikers are really crap compared to other top clubs.. they should buy a decent goalscoring striker this summer... y didnt they get OWEN
Hammers 2-1 at half time.

2 cock ups by LIverpool, and a world class finish by Ciss?.
What a final!

Double save or double miss in the last minute, Reina the hero in the penalty shoot-out, and also he saved one which was similar to the one that Dudek saved against Shevchenko.

Well done Liverpool!
Well for Gretna to get a 1-1 result was amazing. You never know, next season...
Well, for the second straight year, the best team lose. This never say die attitude we kept hearing about from Mark "oh so biast" Lawrensen and John "Oh so boring" Motson was Steven Gerrard not the Liverpool team. His second goal is one of the best volleys I have ever seen, on a par with Rooney's against Newcastle last season.

Why isn't Reo-Coker in the England Squad when he is clearly better than Owen Hargreaves etc. He's only just 22 and it looks as if he will be a world class player.

One more thing - Reina dived before the penalties were taken, quite clearly. What's the point in rules on freekicks and penalties if the Ref's arn't going to uphold them?!!

Well done you Hammers! No shame at losing to a penalty shoot out.
This sucks. :mad I miscalculated the start of the match. And I was already 15 minutes to late to tune into the match, so I started to watch the match at the 60th minute. By then it was 2-2. But is was a great match from there on.

The winners of the FA final could have been either easily West Ham.

And Hearts won with some difficulty of Gretna. I thought they would win it easily.
Congrats to Liverpool, would have been awesome seeing that penalty shoot out. Bad luck for West Ham they did well to stick with Liverpool.
Great game,disappointing result.I came to the realisation while wathcing the second half that i was 'rooting' for West Ham United.I really wanted to see Nigel Reo-Coker be the youngest FA cup winning captain. They really were impressive,especially Benayoune,who for me was the best attacking player on the pitch. WHU deserved to win.Good luck to Liverpool though!
And on a sad note for all Aussies,Kewell injured,again!Bloody goose!
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