Football Thread

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themuel1 said:
Well, for the second straight year, the best team lose. This never say die attitude we kept hearing about from Mark "oh so biast" Lawrensen and John "Oh so boring" Motson was Steven Gerrard not the Liverpool team. His second goal is one of the best volleys I have ever seen, on a par with Rooney's against Newcastle last season.

Why isn't Reo-Coker in the England Squad when he is clearly better than Owen Hargreaves etc. He's only just 22 and it looks as if he will be a world class player.

One more thing - Reina dived before the penalties were taken, quite clearly. What's the point in rules on freekicks and penalties if the Ref's arn't going to uphold them?!!

Well done you Hammers! No shame at losing to a penalty shoot out.

I sense a hint of jealousy.. :p
themuel1 said:
One more thing - Reina dived before the penalties were taken, quite clearly. What's the point in rules on freekicks and penalties if the Ref's arn't going to uphold them?!!

He's allowed to dive before they are taken, just not allowed to come foward in doing so. You used to not be able to move before it was taken, but now you are allowed to move from side to side, just not foward.
puddleduck said:
He's allowed to dive before they are taken, just not allowed to come foward in doing so. You used to not be able to move before it was taken, but now you are allowed to move from side to side, just not foward.

Reina only moved about half a step off his line, which is what the referee allowed him to do apparantly.
themuel1 said:
Yes, I'm jealous that Man Utd can't fluke wins in finals :p

What was this then?

Welldone Liverpool Fans, Big Liverpool Fans, No actully Biggest Liverpool Fans (ste, Drew, Kev).
The selection for the Netherlands of the World Cup is announced and Huntelaar isn't selected. :mad I guess van Basten doesn't want someone to score goals frequently, like for example one goal a match, like he did in previous season and got a low scoring one like Vennegoor of Hesselink.

Van Basten drops Huntelaar from squad

Also Davids wasn't selected.

Also Mexico and France announced their squads. From France I see some new faces. Suarez for Mexico is selected and is playing his third World Cup.

Mexico confirm squad for Germany

Uncapped Ribery and Chimbonda in France squad
Go France, said:
Zidane, who came out of retirement last year to help France win their ticket to Germany, will end his prolific career after the FIFA World Cup.

That is Real sad, he was really one of greatest Footballers, I hope he plays well.
You didn't know that about Zidane? It was well known for some month now.
usy said:
Go France,

That is Real sad, he was really one of greatest Footballers, I hope he plays well.

I don't think he would of retired if he didn't have 400 million quid in his bank.
Yes i read that,interesting.I just hope Chelseas turen into the next unsuccessful 'Galacticos'! Who are they going to shift out?Must be some pretty decent guys getting the heave-ho!
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