Football Thread

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well he does he is just overrated so even if he does play poor the comentators or whoever just say he played well
hassan1823 said:
ya Gold639 is right,, they depend too much on Gerrard and if he plays poor Liverpool play poor

That's not true at all! We do not depend on Gerrard, he is our captain so of course he is going to be influential. We've beaten West Brom & Blackburn recently when Gerrard hasn't played and I wouldn't call those poor performances!

And it's not when Gerrard plays poor we do, everyone has a poor game sometimes but just because Gerrard plays a poor game doesn't mean everyone else will!
Anderlecht 0 - 1 Liverpool in October where Gerrard was injured but it should have been 3 or 4 if chances had been taken and Real Betis 1 - 2 Liverpool in September are just two examples.
But in this thread club footballs are discussed as well. So it would be better to move it back to Sports Forum as this forum is meant for the world cup only.
No thats okay. World cup is the focus of this forum but it is the place for Football discussions. Anyway, once the world cup is over this will be converted into a general football forum, if members continue to post with the same enthusiasm as before.
Ritwik said:
No thats okay. World cup is the focus of this forum but it is the place for Football discussions. Anyway, once the world cup is over this will be converted into a general football forum, if members continue to post with the same enthusiasm as before.

It was already the general football forum..........
gold639 said:
Liverpool just don't have the squad to be consistent the whole season and win the league. That's why they can only win cups. :p

Yes, and without Roman Abromovich Chelsea would still be scrapping for 4th place.

1-0 Watford in the Championship play-off final after 30 minutes :(. Cmon Leeds!
Drewska said:
Yes, and without Roman Abromovich Chelsea would still be scrapping for 4th place.

Too true, I mean where else would you get ?200 million worth of transfers from? I heard one Chelsea fan say that it was their money not Abramovic's, they only bought Mutu and Duff with Abramovic, I hate Abramovic anyway, leave your people to starve why don't you! :mad
hondeyho said:
Too true, I mean where else would you get ?200 million worth of transfers from? I heard one Chelsea fan say that it was their money not Abramovic's, they only bought Mutu and Duff with Abramovic, I hate Abramovic anyway, leave your people to starve why don't you! :mad

It's not his money. It's Russia's.
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