Football Thread

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Well, football needs some rule changes. Here's my ideas. Do you agree?

Wage Limits
ANY player of any nationality can earn a maximum of ?25,000 per week, as long as he participates in a match.

Transfer Limits
ANY club of any nationality can spend a maximum of ?5M on new players at the start of each League season. This is donated to them by FIFA.

ANY player of any nationality is warrant to arrest by local police officers if a criminal act is made on a match official, such as attempted imtimidation and assault, if the victim match official wishes to report the incident.
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:D that's funny skateboarder.

?5billion transfer budget?

If your lowered wages to that low the Taxman wouldn't be happy, plus on another site someone said that England can't do a wage limit politcally iirc.
SkateBoarder said:
Well, football needs some rule changes. Here's my ideas. Do you agree?

Wage Limits
ANY player of any nationality can earn a maximum of ?25,000 per week, as long as he participates in a match.

Transfer Limits
ANY club of any nationality can spend a maximum of ?5000,000,000 on new players at the start of each League season. This is donated to them by FIFA.

ANY player of any nationality is warrant to arrest by local police officers if a criminal act is made on a match official, such as attempted imtimidation and assault, if the victim match official wishes to report the incident.

These are the most stupid suggestions ive ever seen :p

1 - Wage cap would ruin the quality level of our league. All decent players would go abroad.

2- transfer budget is stupid, it limits the flexibility in the market and would not be able to help improve squads with such a low limit.

3 - the arrest thing, im not even guna start on that..
I agree with you guys,btw what was the need to start these rules anyway? Are the FA concerned about foreign player,the EPL has good quality foreign players,are they doing this to promote talent-->isnt the talent been coming in quite nicely lately and foreign inputs indirectly or directly promote talent.I dont see too many foreigners coming in the EPL with such a wage budget.
The amount of money in football these days is something I feel strongly about. There should be a wage cap, as players earn as much money in one week as many fans do in one year. Most fans play football for fun, and these players get paid for it! A disgrace.

Then there's the transfer money. Nobody on this earth is worth ?30M. Certainly not a footballer. ?5M is more than enough in my opinion.

Sureshot makes a good point with the nationals. There are too many foreign players in our leagues. At least four men from the country that the league is based in must play. Football should take a leaf out of cricket's book.

In cricket, you can only have two overseas players in your squad. A similar rule should be introduced to football. Also, all players respect the umpires. The respect shown to referees is downright disgusting. There must be changes or football will go downhill, and fast.
you made a typo as you said ?5billion before you edited it.

Footballers are overpaid but do remember they sacrifice a private life really.
Bradford vs Huddersfield in an hours time!!! The biggest derby in Yorkshire! (as well as Bradford-Leeds) We did the double over them last season and its time to turn it on for the Sky cameras tonight!!! So all you people with Sky Sports watch us kick some Huddersfield ass tonight!! :)

(if we loose dont expect me to follow up with anything lol)
Briggsey said:
Bradford vs Huddersfield in an hours time!!! The biggest derby in Yorkshire! (as well as Bradford-Leeds) We did the double over them last season and its time to turn it on for the Sky cameras tonight!!! So all you people with Sky Sports watch us kick some Huddersfield ass tonight!! :)

(if we loose dont expect me to follow up with anything lol)

I fancy Gary Taylor-Fletcher for a hatrick tonight! :)

Hes a former Northwich boy! Legend!! :)
i remember the days where football was a game for entertainment for fans but now it's turned into a big money bussiness do get excitement back into football FIFA should introduce a system for the better you play the better the pay

Man Of The Match = ?50,000
Good Match = ?30,000
Avergae Match = ?15,000
Subbed On = ?5,000
Subbed Off = ?3,500
Didn't Play = ?1,000

but they club decides how much the players get
JamesyJames3 said:
I fancy Gary Taylor-Fletcher for a hatrick tonight! :)

Hes a former Northwich boy! Legend!! :)
Ahh he sucks, Town fans at uni dont rate him much!!!

Wont be going to uni tomorrow if we loose! But i have full confidence ill be making that trip tomorrow :) :upray
Briggsey said:
Ahh he sucks, Town fans at uni dont rate him much!!!

Wont be going to uni tomorrow if we loose! But i have full confidence ill be making that trip tomorrow :) :upray

he sucks? :eek:

6 goals this year!! they dont have to rate him, the intellegence level of yorkshire is pretty low as a whole anyway :rolleyes:
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