Football Thread

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Briggsey said:
Ahh he sucks, Town fans at uni dont rate him much!!!

Wont be going to uni tomorrow if we loose! But i have full confidence ill be making that trip tomorrow :) :upray

i think taylor-fletcher is an excellent player fantastic goalscorer probly deserves Championship football at a club like Hull
JamesyJames3 said:
he sucks? :eek:

6 goals this year!! they dont have to rate him, the intellegence level of yorkshire is pretty low as a whole anyway :rolleyes:
Those 6 goals, i take it your couting from January ;):p

danny2502 said:
i think taylor-fletcher is an excellent player fantastic goalscorer probly deserves Championship football at a club like Hull
You wont be saying that when you see Weathers do him over tonight!!! :D
David Weatherall reminds me of a skelton, hes old and skinny!

Taylor Fletcher will skin him for pace and brag a brace!

Hey that rhymes :D
1-1 Half Time, two brilliant goals (Town's was flukey and not a free kick though!) Honstely we started too slow and didnt really recover until after they scored, seemed to give us a kick up the back side and wake us up. Probably end up finishing 1-1, can see someone being sent off too the tackles started flying in at the end of the half!!
danny2502 said:
i remember the days where football was a game for entertainment for fans but now it's turned into a big money bussiness do get excitement back into football FIFA should introduce a system for the better you play the better the pay

Man Of The Match = ?50,000
Good Match = ?30,000
Avergae Match = ?15,000
Subbed On = ?5,000
Subbed Off = ?3,500
Didn't Play = ?1,000

but they club decides how much the players get

IF that were to happen it would be the clubs that did it not FIFA.

Football will turn into a business it was always bound to.
JamesyJames3 said:
has taylor-fletcher scored yet? ;)
Hasnt even been in the game to be honest! Infront of goal Town have done nothing, just a lot of posession outside the box and wasteful crosses which have been dealt with well. Cant see them scoring again, but I cant see us scoring again either, Town are closing us down well and not letting us get anything away, probably right then that both goals have been from free kicks where there is no closing down!

The "great" Taylor-Fletcher has been substituted! lol, some legend he is Jamesy! :p

We shall speak no more on this horrible game!!! :(
Briggsey said:
Hasnt even been in the game to be honest! Infront of goal Town have done nothing, just a lot of posession outside the box and wasteful crosses which have been dealt with well. Cant see them scoring again, but I cant see us scoring again either, Town are closing us down well and not letting us get anything away, probably right then that both goals have been from free kicks where there is no closing down!

The "great" Taylor-Fletcher has been substituted! lol, some legend he is Jamesy! :p

We shall speak no more on this horrible game!!! :(

Theres only one Taylor-Fletcher! One Taylor-Fletcher!!!! Theres only one Taylor-Fletcher! One Taylor-Fletcher!! :)

Its alright, hes just had an off game, hes allowed one every so often!! ;)

Anyway, i support manchester united, i couldnt care how huddersfield or bradford do! :)
Who is this Taylor-Fletcher and where does he play?

The only Fletcher I know plays at Manchester United. And he is a Scot.
JamesyJames3 said:
Theres only one Taylor-Fletcher! One Taylor-Fletcher!!!! Theres only one Taylor-Fletcher! One Taylor-Fletcher!! :)

Its alright, hes just had an off game, hes allowed one every so often!! ;)

Anyway, i support manchester united, i couldnt care how huddersfield or bradford do! :)
I would call you a glory supporter, but we all know those days are looooong gone! :p

ZexyZahid said:
Who is this Taylor-Fletcher and where does he play?

The only Fletcher I know plays at Manchester United. And he is a Scot.
He plays for a scummy team called Huddersfield, he's a striker, or at least thats what they say :)
Briggsey said:
I would call you a glory supporter, but we all know those days are looooong gone! :p

He plays for a scummy team called Huddersfield, he's a striker, or at least thats what they say :)

cheeky bitch, my local team in the football league is manchester united, i have the right to support them! unlike many others!!

Theres only one Taylor-Fletcher! One Taylor-Fletcher!!!

hes a northwich boy zexy :)
Huddersfield? Never heard of that club. Does it play in the Second Division or less? Because normally a club of First Division or the Premier Division sounds familiar to me.

How many goals did he score so far and in how many matches?
i h8 everythings yorkshire especcaily the football teams i have a soft spot sheffield united and hull but that's about it and it really sucks that i live in the county right next to it
ZexyZahid said:
Huddersfield? Never heard of that club. Does it play in the Second Division or less? Because normally a club of First Division or the Premier Division sounds familiar to me.

How many goals did he score so far and in how many matches?

hes scored about 7 in 12 or 13 games.

He came up from the conference (the 5th league in england)

Now plays in League 1 (3rd league in england)
danny2502 said:
i h8 everythings yorkshire especcaily the football teams i have a soft spot sheffield united and hull but that's about it and it really sucks that i live in the county right next to it
Rude!! I take it you are a Lanc then! Tsh, couldnt expect much more :p
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