Football Thread

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Sureshot said:
IMO= In My Opinion.

Perfect hat trick from Eto'o last night.

Yes, it was. That goal has similarities with Van Cruijff's goal.
Arsenal dont have the team to beat the bigger clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid. And they will have to do that at some stage. They might get to the semi-finals at most - something that they havent done ever!
m_vaughan said:
Arsenal dont have the team to beat the bigger clubs like Barcelona and Real Madrid. And they will have to do that at some stage. They might get to the semi-finals at most - something that they havent done ever!

Hold on.....Liverpool won the Champions League last season, deservidly, but you wouldn't have said they would have had a squad to match others!

You can't predict the champions League, though you support two of the favourites Chelsea and Real Madrid............. (Glory Hunter ;) :p )
I didn't know that match was in this weekend. I am predicting a victory for Chelsea.
JamesyJames3 said:
Is that meant to be an insault?

Show us your champions league?Not much of an insault was it!

Shouldn't you be able to spell INSULT? :p

LOL- come back from that Sachin- Where is your Champions league?
Mourinho-Wenger rivalry is heating up. I remember there was also some row between Ferguson and Wenger past year.

Wenger's quotes about Chelsea since a year:
Mourinho's quotes about Arsenal since a year:

Latest article (there are other links to the reactions of past week:
Wenger in vow not to be silenced

Great rivalry. :)
Kind of boring actually. Rivalry is part and parcel of English football. But I prefer to see it on the football pitch. Not in the news. Especially when its between two managers. Between players is far better, eg - Andy Cole/Teddy Sherringham.
JamesyJames3 said:
Kind of boring actually. Rivalry is part and parcel of English football. But I prefer to see it on the football pitch. Not in the news. Especially when its between two managers. Between players is far better, eg - Andy Cole/Teddy Sherringham.

Surely this kinda stuff will keep you in the job.... :p
themuel1 said:
Surely this kinda stuff will keep you in the job.... :p

Exactly. Journalists pick up on anything. Just because its boring doesnt mean I wont write about it. Everyone has preferences and some like this sort of rivalry.

Plus, who cares as long as it pays the bills. From my point of view.
This is pretty funny. :laugh

Paul Collingwood column

Even from 4,000 miles away in Lahore, I can tell what's been wrong with Manchester United recently. It's their new centre-forward Michael Vaughan.

Our first hotel on this tour had 50-inch-wide television screens on the bedroom walls, which was magnificent for the PlayStation.

We've started a Fifa 2005 league and you can programme in your own players.

Ashley Giles' Spanish cousin Ghi-les is up front for Arsenal and there's a bloke with bright ginger hair and a big nose playing for Chelsea called "Collywood".

The other guys have been playing quite a long time and I've been terrible but I won my first match on Thursday.

Vaughany was 2-0 up at the time when Collywood hit a hat-trick and Chelsea won 4-2. I think his manager's having a word with him at the moment.
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