Football Thread

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I cant see the FA going with an English manager, we all want them too but I dont think they will and even if they did, the english managers know as well as anyone that the media will scrutenise their every wrong doings and criticise them at every chance.

The England job is probably one of the most feared in the world due to our media and the pressure and expectancy that is put on them.

Fabio Capello for me, but on the other hand done rule out Big Sam, he could be the sort of manager we need.
Briggsey said:
The England job is probably one of the most feared in the world due to our media and the pressure and expectancy that is put on them.
Thats the problem with the tabloid press in the UK. If there is no story they create one or dig something obsure up to hound someone out of a job just because it sells papers (I'm not calling tabloids newspapers because they have no news content). I have no respect for this type of reporting, I hope Sven wins us the world cup as the ultimate "up yours" to the press. I cant believe anyone in their right mind would want the job with that kind of press attention, why they cant just leave the manager alone to do his job is beyond me. I have no doubt we would have had a more sucessful team if past managers hadn't been hounded out.
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Sureshot said:
How do you mean "i hope not"?

Sam is the man for the job imo, and unlike people think he wont play ugly hoof it football.

Bolton at times can play very attractive football.

Hmmm, I thought the term "I hope not" was pretty self-explanatory. Anyway, I hope these managers dont get it because they are simply not good enough imo to be international managers.

Yeh leading a team from the nether regions of the second tier to Europe, i mean he must be rubbish.
Sureshot said:

Yeh leading a team from the nether regions of the second tier to Europe, i mean he must be rubbish.

Where did I say any of them were rubbish? Get your facts straight son!
Sven hasnt even gone yet and already the press are coming up with lists of names for his replacement like they dont even care he is still in charge.

Kev hit the nail on the head with what he said about our media, they should just leave the manager alone to do his job instead of having a go at every chance they get. A lot of good managers have been linked with the job;

McClaren: Dont rate him really, had a couple of good seasons at Boro but now after spending all that money in the summer, isnt giving results
Allardyce: Best English manager in the game at the moment, would be one of my first picks
Pearce: Too inexperienced and has already said he doesnt want it
Curbishley: Past his peak, was potentially a successor a couple of years ago but not as good as he was then
O'Neil: Best British manager in a long time, doubt he would want a job where he's under the spotlight all of the time with the personal problems he has at the moment though
Hiddink: Rated highly in my books, very good manager, did marvels with SK in the last WC and doing it now with the Aussies and PSV
Hitzfeld: Good manager, interested in coming to England so could throw his name in the hat
Capello: My personal choice but wheather he would leave Juve to come to England is the problem

Im sure as time goes on there will be more names thrown in to the hat, I just hope we get someone who is capable of doing a job, I dont care if they are English or not, what matters is the job they do and how much they can get from the players. Experience is the key, we need a manager who has been around for a bit and knows his stuff which is where Allardyce or O'Neil would be best suited.

Lets just hope the FA know what they are doing.

:D :D :D :D :D :D
Ste said:
But perhaps not a city player for much longer which will please you in one way.

Are you suggesting he might be on his way back to Anfield?

Hmmm, I know he is't the happiest being second fiddle to Cole and Vassell but I cant see Benitez going for him. Time will tell.
JamesyJames3 said:
Are you suggesting he might be on his way back to Anfield?

Hmmm, I know he is't the happiest being second fiddle to Cole and Vassell but I cant see Benitez going for him. Time will tell.

No way. I tell you what, if he goes back to Anfield (as a Liverpool player) then I'll run round Nelson's Column naked and you can see my impressive column...... :p (sorry in advance) :D
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